I just wanted to take a moment to stop in and post a couple of wallpapers of Princess Lynara that I did for my Patrons here and to ALSO THANK all of you who took the time to jump over to Patreon and pledged to support us for the work we are doing with “Wicked Choices”.
We have a DEEP APPRECIATION for those of you, like
@El bacca Del Chew , who come and pledge with us… while some other creators out there think that places like this one is just a “den of thieves”, the wife and I see it as the people that actually REALLY support us and our work… those of you that have pledged did so after already receiving the product for FREE there was no: “Hey, if you support us, you get the product”… your support of us was from the HEART and the desire to reward us for the effort we’ve put in.
What people have seemed to have forgotten through these many years of having the Internet at their fingertips, is that the Internet started out just like sites like this one as BBS and IRC areas, allowing users to share the things they are passionate about with one another as a form of saying “HEY, YOU NEED TO CHECK THIS OUT” …bringing awareness to a subject or product that people would download and support as well.
Anyhow, thank all of you that came over and pledged, even if it was $1, to me your hard-earned dollar shared with us is money provided by those that care about US and want to see us succeed, not just about our product or from curiosity.
As for “Wicked Choices: Chapter Two” we will be posting it here on the main page when it goes out to our $10 patrons… this way we feel we are being fair and balanced to those supporters on Patreon who also contribute to us and it also seems to be the financial cut point for other site owners who don’t provide a friendly atmosphere for creators, like myself, that pledge to post games for free on those sites.
But make no mistake, the game will be posted and supported here by us, as well, we will also support this website.
Anyhow, now on to the character description of Princess Lynara…
Awaken from an erotic dream and to the pleasures of the flesh, Princess Lynara may be the best hope that you, the Antichrist, might have to finding the balance that you’ve been lacking your entire life.
As innocent as she is beautiful, Lynara is forced to leave the only home that she has known and enter the strange, and sometimes terrifying, world of humans to find the Antichrist before her mother, Queen Azera does.
Aided by Carina, her best friend and loyal handmaiden, Princess Lynara will be faced with many decisions and be forced to learn new things about herself and about the world she lives in if she has any hope at all of preventing a war that could destroy the peace and security that has been established for centuries…
…but what choices she will have to make and how she goes about from being that innocent girl that she once was into the woman she can or needs to be can only be determined and shaped by you!