
Dec 11, 2018
I am so happy this is yet another patreon cash grab that is intentionally stuck in a development hell just to milk horny people. I am especially happy with knowing that there are people who actually shamelessly defend this.
I'm usually cynical enough to say the same thing but I don't think it started out this way. But the whole thing started as a vague idea anyway as some kind of survival rpg game but with sex. That was the thing to make it exceptional in that it was actually a game, unlike the other junk thats on the market.

Look at it this way; take away the nudity and sex and tell me what you're actually left with? Ideas and intention are great and all but eventually those have to translate into something that exists when you launch wildlife. Having numerous different iterations of the same thing but never sticking to something and building off of it is as close to the definition of development hell I can think of. Looking at the patreon alone tells me heaps is getting done but the end user still has to play a game, and not just be sustained off hopes and dreams from patch notes. I sure hope the procedural generation tools for the map maker is exceptionally good...

And I don't say these things with malice or bad intent. I always root for the underdog, so Wild life failing is a bad thing for the adult game genre. But it is my personal opinion that there isn't going to be a "release" of a game before 2030, not at this rate. The team is small, I get it, but this is what happens when things go slowly. Vision and original scope of design slowly change and you're always playing catch up with the new vision.


Active Member
Apr 17, 2021
Breaking news, haters gonna hate, more at 12.
Ah yes, the hate

Everyone who dares criticize what you like is obviously a hater, because you couldn't be wrong about anything and know better than everyone else on the fcking planet.

Again, because you don't seem to get it : criticizing =/= hating
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Game Developer
Jun 9, 2017
Ah yes, the hate

Everyone who dares criticize what you like is obviously a hater, because you couldn't be wrong about anything and know better than everyone else on the fcking planet.

Again, because you seem to don't get it : criticizing =/= hating
All good man, nobody here has something against criticism but you have to admit there is certain posts here that do stretch the definition of "criticism". I have a hard time getting anything out of "this is no game", "this game will never finish", "dev is a scammer who milks patrons", and things like that, they hardly qualify as criticism.
I really value constructive criticism, heck I even find it acceptable if people say "the game runs like shit" or "the game looks like shit". At least thats something I can understand and relate to and know how to adress.
Well I guess the former is also something I know how to adress, but I cant relate to it. I cant just snap my fingers and have a finished game on the table, I just hope that with further progress in the story mode and graphical development those types of voices gradually quiet down.


Active Member
Apr 17, 2021
All good man, nobody here has something against criticism but you have to admit there is certain posts here that do stretch the definition of "criticism". I have a hard time getting anything out of "this is no game", "this game will never finish", "dev is a scammer who milks patrons", and things like that, they hardly qualify as criticism.
I really value constructive criticism, heck I even find it acceptable if people say "the game runs like shit" or "the game looks like shit". At least thats something I can understand and relate to and know how to adress.
Well I guess the former is also something I know how to adress, but I cant relate to it. I cant just snap my fingers and have a finished game on the table, I just hope that with further progress in the story mode and graphical development those types of voices gradually quiet down.
Don't get me wrong, when I refer to criticism, I refer to actual criticism, not rants or undeserved shitting.

But I know the dude I replied to classes critics and random people shitting on the game in the same category.
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Dec 11, 2018
All good man, nobody here has something against criticism but you have to admit there is certain posts here that do stretch the definition of "criticism". I have a hard time getting anything out of "this is no game", "this game will never finish", "dev is a scammer who milks patrons", and things like that, they hardly qualify as criticism.
I really value constructive criticism, heck I even find it acceptable if people say "the game runs like shit" or "the game looks like shit". At least thats something I can understand and relate to and know how to adress.
Well I guess the former is also something I know how to adress, but I cant relate to it. I cant just snap my fingers and have a finished game on the table, I just hope that with further progress in the story mode and graphical development those types of voices gradually quiet down.
Hello Steve. Here is an olive branch. To be concise, I've posted very very few times on these forums, and not all of the posts are on this thread. I'm relatively quiet, respective to a thread over eleven hundred pages long.

At least after today it will "quiet" down anyhow since I've said what I and others perceive, which don't need repeating. If you're disregarding that some folk might perceive things in a seriously bad light, then that is perfectly fine. Everyone has to manage their energy to focus on so many given things in any given day.

But these point of views didn't fall from the sky out of nowhere. As you say that you're having a hard time getting anything out of the harsh words, and I completely understand not taking the "no disrespect but..[insert disrespectful thing]" seriously, most people don't. Dismissing it as unhelpful might not serve you if/when in a month/year or so from now a new set of people start saying the same thing. I've been on the other end of that interaction a few times and while I very much don't like it, I do reflect about what does get said because when it happens in person, the person saying something can be doing it in good faith, even if it doesn't seem like it. Just food for thought.

I'll cut as directly to the point I can to the criticism that you would be looking for so as to at least maybe provide, at a minimum, something useful for you in this unpleasant interaction.

Animations/Human modeling; A+ work. I've told privately to someone here that the person in charge of these things are the heroes in this production. I don't have many bad things to say because in this department, I have full confidence that the person/team behind this part will be making steady improvements, as they have been reliably, and pointing out tiny flaws at this time feels like nit picking. Lets take the hair for example; there was a build where the hairs went form normal to looking real bad, but I hadn't cared much as I understood there was some change that messed with how they were rendering and that given time, they'll get around to fixing it. And they did. I don't have to tell a chef that their toast is on fire, they'll take care of it, its pretty obvious.

Bravo, well done. I know for a fact they'll continue the good work.

Maps; Would criticism of this part of the game even be valid? I can't really give fault or give praise here because thus far, the main map looks like a prototype and to give critique on what is obviously very far from completion doesn't tell the mapper what he doesn't already know, ie, numerous reworks, odd topography, placeholders, and actor/static mesh assets that don't seem to fit together artistically. Unlike the hair problem mentioned earlier, nitpicking visuals here is the only area I think is valid because a map is one part style, and one part substance. Every great map has both parts, because it has to be easy to look at, and fun to move in.

I'm not a 10+ year world builder on UE engine but I do have a considerable amount of time on building island biomes in UE5, I find it enjoyable. Lots of iterations with working out how the topography should look, trying to respect how a river will flow and show converging tributary streams merging into a cozy river, and cliffs that make are interesting but believable to the terrain. It isn't an easy task but that said, I don't particularly like the way the cliffs are laid in the middle of some really strange topography. I could go into very fine detail but again, I don't know if its even helpful because given the numerous map reworks, I don't know what is here to stay and what is getting removed/redone.

Combat/Inventory; I'm afraid I cannot provide any meaningful feedback here. There isn't enough combat to judge what is lacking and what is suiting the needs of the game. Same goes for an inventory. I'm unsure what style will be the final decision, but a tarkov style tetris method inventory is good for providing/creating logistic challenges to the player, and a minecraft style grid inventory is good for providing ease and facilitating faster organizing - I'll make a judgement when things start to fall into place.

RPG/Story; So I know there have been a handful of test beds for missions as well as fail conditions on some interactions in the past. Walking up to an NPC and hitting 'interact' and having it playout like its Fallout4 is fine. Its just fine. I'd be much happier with a free flowing interaction where the camera doesn't change instead of where the camera cuts back and forth like its KOTOR1/2. This part of a game will take a surprising amount of time to actually put out, so I have to reserve judgement on the substance once more is out, but so far the structure of how the story gets presented isn't something to be alarmed about, I don't think. As for the main player, I'm unsure which way its going to go, whether or not max is your man, or if maya will be making the lead character. I don't mind either way but I'd probably prefer max even if there are some who'd abandon the game if that were the case (and you probably would have figured that I, LG123, is the unreasonable person in this thread lol)

AI/NPCs; This is another area which I don't know where I could be helpful as I'm unsure how far the extend the actors will be coded with ai. I don't know what level of autonomy your team is looking to give the npcs and whether or not they're mostly there to either perform just one or two functions (kill, trade, etc) before the player moves on to a new area, or if some will have varying levels of interactivity that unlocks as the player progresses through the game. The more I see, the more I could comment on. As of now, they're happily existing and will follow when they're told.

UI; This will be a hot take because I'll be just going on what I think should be done and less on what's currently in - now hear me out on this, i'm serious.

I would like the least amount of UI elements in-game as possible, because I think it becomes something really special when you let the raw sensory deliver information to the player. Ex, instead of a stamina bar, have it so that sprinting will begin to very slightly slow down after 20 seconds and the player character will begin to breath audibly, at first quietly, and then very noticeably after sprinting for 2-3 minutes and continuing to slightly slow down. Perhaps also tie the low stamina to skin wetness, showing the player that the character is perspiring heavily. This would be a lot more interesting than a simple green bar that runs out and the player instantly goes back to normal speed.

Don't have "E" hover at an interactable, maybe make the object get a glow outline or something subtle but impossible to miss. Things like that. This would be the perfect game to try and pull this off.

You can take that principle and apply it in many areas of a game and that opens up a style of game where the visuals are front and center and lets the player get immersed a bit better than if there was text/status bars baked on to the screen with floating contextual menus that show up when moving around within the game world.

Overall; In this wall of text, I hope that you'll find something of value. I was more subtle in saying what I have said before but I was more direct as to what I think is a very long ways away from being in a state where an opinion even matters; I can't give an opinion on a pie when I don't even know what ingredients are going to be in it. Once I can actually launch the .exe and see the "ingredients" only then do opinions actually matter, mine or any one else's.

I wish you the best of luck in the production, and whether or not you think I'm hostile, I can only emphasis that I am rooting for this to be successful. I always root for the underdog, and small teams are underdogs in an industry run by near billion dollar budgets. But whether or not its fair to you or the team, the path behind us is littered with endless cases of failures, let downs, and outright scams - that isn't saying you're doing any of those but that is the backdrop in which patreon projects live in because that is the norm.

I will check back in a year or so, as has been tradition for many years now, and maybe I'll make another whine post, or maybe I'll eat a giant plate for crow?

God speed.
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Oct 8, 2019
All good man, nobody here has something against criticism but you have to admit there is certain posts here that do stretch the definition of "criticism". I have a hard time getting anything out of "this is no game", "this game will never finish", "dev is a scammer who milks patrons", and things like that, they hardly qualify as criticism.
I really value constructive criticism, heck I even find it acceptable if people say "the game runs like shit" or "the game looks like shit". At least thats something I can understand and relate to and know how to adress.
Well I guess the former is also something I know how to adress, but I cant relate to it. I cant just snap my fingers and have a finished game on the table, I just hope that with further progress in the story mode and graphical development those types of voices gradually quiet down.
Great points, people do stretch criticism beyond. I fucking do it myself, definitely try to be more mindful of it of myself than before. Another great point is the example of criticism you made - if someone says the game runs like shit or the graphics are shit, hell if someone thinks something specific is boring; you at least know where you can look to start as you said.

You can't do that if someone just says "the game is shit" and/or "a scam" because there is no context... no elaboration. No explanation as to why they think this or that. So either between legitimate good intentions criticism but conveyed with poor communication and the actual undeniable trolling, there's definitely a difference between good and bad criticism.
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Jul 18, 2020
I know the dude I replied to classes critics and random people shitting on the game in the same category.
Actually, I didn't specify the exact messages I was referring to in my post so there's no way you can know that. Please don't jump to conclusions too quickly.

To clarify, I do see a difference between genuine critics, those who are simply frustrated fappers, and then the actual haters. Hate, in this context, implies a level of hostility, an intention to slander, and to spread negative sentiments.


Active Member
Apr 17, 2021
Actually, I didn't specify the exact messages I was referring to in my post so there's no way you can know that. Please don't jump to conclusions too quickly.
Jokes on you, 'cause I'm actually a mindreader.

For instance, right now, you're thinking about cheese.
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Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2021
if someone says the game runs like shit or the graphics are shit, hell if someone thinks something specific is boring; you at least know where you can look to start as you said.

You can't do that if someone just says "the game is shit" and/or "a scam" because there is no context... no elaboration. No explanation as to why they think this or that.
I've elaborated this so much I don't know how can I make this more clear. I've seen and played games that are deemed impossible by wild life fans. Here, this is just one example among many:

This game came out in 2016. It had great graphics for its time. It had an unique gameplay. It has ground battles. It has space battles. It is a strategy game. It is a third person shooter game. It's gameplay is certainly enjoyable. It has lots of animations. It has lots of AI controlled characters. AI is not dumb. It has gameplay. It's gameplay has depth beyond rock paper scissors mechanics of traditional strategy games. But most importantly, it was made by a single man and yet it didn't need decades of patreon money.

Games like that one example exist. They are not impossible to do. They were done before:

They are still being done even today:

There is no legit excuse that porn game developers can use. Yet here we are.

None of these games took 7+ years to develop. None of these games needed patreon. I'm adding this just incase someone still cannot see my point whether they don't want to or they are not smart enough.

Edit: Added yet another example:

This is a sequel. Dev made the first game in his spare time all by himself. Game was successfull enough he hired people while working on the sequel. Both games are very similar: they are fully 3d, animated, have good graphics, have enjoyable gameplay. They only have one drawback, they are short.
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New Member
Jan 1, 2018
That was our Apoc demo from back in 2018/19. Man a lot changed since then. But I really want to get that type of feeling back for Mayas part of the main game, so you can "fly around as the cute Girl with wings, doing Quests and having Sex. "
Damn i didn't know you're actually reading this.^^ Sorry if i were rude at some point. Just wanted to express my feelings about the actual version. But for me, it was awesome to be able to play as "The cute girl with wings" (Sorry i forgot her name at that time xD)

But to give you some good feedback: I love the animations and the graphics so far. The overall style is beautiful and i think, if you maybe go with two campaigns, one for Maya and one for the Explorers, then i think, the game could give a deep story to the player, while still being a porn game. Maybe an option to choose one of them, while they both meet at the trees? Or a change in the middle of the campaign could also be an awesome choice (Maybe with an picture of her being played, so people don't think they have to stick with the dude^^). Well, these options are just simple suggestions, but "maybe" they could fit in whatever you have planned so far.

Anyway, i will keep an eye on that. Have a nice day. ♥
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New Member
Nov 30, 2021
Is anyone else having trouble with the downloads? None of them seem to work. Either removed or every time I download the file it appears corrupted.
Oct 8, 2019
I've elaborated this so much I don't know how can I make this more clear. I've seen and played games that are deemed impossible by wild life fans. Here, this is just one example among many:

This game came out in 2016. It had great graphics for its time. It had an unique gameplay. It has ground battles. It has space battles. It is a strategy game. It is a third person shooter game. It's gameplay is certainly enjoyable. It has lots of animations. It has lots of AI controlled characters. AI is not dumb. It has gameplay. It's gameplay has depth beyond rock paper scissors mechanics of traditional strategy games. But most importantly, it was made by a single man and yet it didn't need decades of patreon money.

Games like that one example exist. They are not impossible to do. They were done before:

They are still being done even today:

There is no legit excuse that porn game developers can use. Yet here we are.

None of these games took 7+ years to develop. None of these games needed patreon. I'm adding this just incase someone still cannot see my point whether they don't want to or they are not smart enough.

Edit: Added yet another example:

This is a sequel. Dev made the first game in his spare time all by himself. Game was successfull enough he hired people while working on the sequel. Both games are very similar: they are fully 3d, animated, have good graphics, have enjoyable gameplay. They only have one drawback, they are short.
I think I can see where you're coming from, and I'm not trying to say that criticism isn't valid. I personally think it's crucial for improvement. But it's the difference of being descriptive and providing examples along with the criticism to give it merit. Criticism without that is then just a personal opinion with no context.

More specifically onto your point, I'd have to say that it's pretty much comparing apples to oranges to compare adult games to conventional games. What will always apply to any genre of any skill based medium (meaning this applies to music, movies etc) is that every creator is going to have their own list of what they're good and bad at. Some people can effortlessly do what might be a 3 person job for another.

Now for comparing adult games to conventional - adult games get more criticism than conventional for 2 main reasons.

1. Personal taste (people want SPECIFIC kinks, content)

Conventional games can typically get away with going the route they originally set out to go from the start. If people dislike something about this game or that game, there's 10 more they could try and might possibly be better in that area. Adult games are very niche and far fewer. Which on its own brings MORE criticism because people have much less options to find better substitutes. If the game never improves for whatever reason, there isn't likely to be a similar game to exist let alone "get it right" the first time... So critics will be more vocal about the adult games they're passionate about.

Basically - adult games have more demand than supply whereas conventional has more supply than demand - in most genres.

2. Second branches from that in the sense that adult games get that more nuanced criticism so you get to a point where some of that feedback may be radically different than the original vision that the developer ever even intended their game to be.

Then you have a dilemma as developer... do you sacrifice your vision to try to please as many people as you can? Or do you stick to your guns and double down? You can never please everybody; and when it comes to adult games, people will want very personal things so then the people who don't get what they want are more disappointed than some COD bro mad they didn't add their favorite gun...
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2019
1. Personal taste (people want SPECIFIC kinks, content)

Conventional games can typically get away with going the route they originally set out to go from the start. If people dislike something about this game or that game, there's 10 more they could try and might possibly be better in that area. Adult games are very niche and far fewer. Which on its own brings MORE criticism because people have much less options to find better substitutes. If the game never improves for whatever reason, there isn't likely to be a similar game to exist let alone "get it right" the first time... So critics will be more vocal about the adult games they're passionate about.
Uhm, quite the opposite. Operating in a niche field with very little competition allows for tons of mistakes, because people have to use your product if they want to have the experience. Don't like Counter Strike? Play one of the other 10.000+ shooters out there.

Don't like Wild Life? Well, good luck finding anything even remotely close. You better spend a few days learning the sandbox tools, otherwise you won't have this experience at all.

Also, adult games are much easier to milk, because people (men) think with their dicks. It's way easier to make someone pay who's horny for porn content than casual games, porn is WAY more addicting.

2. Second branches from that in the sense that adult games get that more nuanced criticism so you get to a point where some of that feedback may be radically different than the original vision that the developer ever even intended their game to be.

Then you have a dilemma as developer... do you sacrifice your vision to try to please as many people as you can? Or do you stick to your guns and double down? You can never please everybody; and when it comes to adult games, people will want very personal things so then the people who don't get what they want are more disappointed than some COD bro mad they didn't add their favorite gun...
CoD is one of the hardest criticized games out there. Last titles had terrible ratings on Steam and a lot of business decisions that upset the fanbase. Still it sells like nothing good. The CoD devs dont want to please people as much as they can, they just do what they think works best and then the audience finds them - not the other way round.
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Oct 8, 2019
Uhm, quite the opposite. Operating in a niche field with very little competition allows for tons of mistakes, because people have to use your product if they want to have the experience. Don't like Counter Strike? Play one of the other 10.000+ shooters out there.

Don't like Wild Life? Well, good luck finding anything even remotely close. You better spend a few days learning the sandbox tools, otherwise you won't have this experience at all.
That's literally what I'm saying. Yet with adult games you're going to get more brutal criticisms from hormone horny dudes who have no dev experience to make a better game themselves.

Also, adult games are much easier to milk, because people (men) think with their dicks. It's way easier to make someone pay who's horny for porn content than casual games, porn is WAY more addicting.
Yes, that's a good example of my point - adult games get a degree of criticism that non-adult games don't. And yes, at the same time adult games are easy to milk... but so are conventional games. Look at GTA V, COD, anything with season/battle passes...

CoD is one of the hardest criticized games out there. Last titles had terrible ratings on Steam and a lot of business decisions that upset the fanbase. Still it sells like nothing good. The CoD devs dont want to please people as much as they can, they just do what they think works best and then the audience finds them - not the other way round.
And there's another good point which is going to differ between every developer... each has their own strengths/weaknesses and each have their own good/bad intentions. There absolutely are some devs in both adult and conventional gaming who set out from the get-go to milk a cashcow and scam. Look at The Day Before clownshow.

I'm just saying that's it's unfair to jump to conclusions especially if criticism doesn't give support to back up WHY someone feels that way about it. Like I said before, then it's just a context-less personal opinion. At the same time I'm NOT saying people can't have their own opinion on whatever, but those people can't give CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, then they're better off moving on without the worthless complaints.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2019
I'm just saying that's it's unfair to jump to conclusions especially if criticism doesn't give support to back up WHY someone feels that way about it. Like I said before, then it's just a context-less personal opinion. At the same time I'm NOT saying people can't have their own opinion on whatever, but those people can't give CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, then they're better off moving on without the worthless complaints.
Well, the OP you replied to wasn't about criticism or how loud it is. It was about the speed of development, how much can be done in what time with what budget.

Your post make it look like the Wildlife devs would have it harder because they're making a porn game and had to switch directions 30 times because fans wanted something different every 2 months, which led to a slow development.

But this isn't the case. The game is and was what it is right now from the very beginning. It was mainly a sandbox, and a singleplayer with story exists as an idea for later. It's slow because the devs don't set priorities and don't organize their project well enough. They were recording Fortnite'y like emotes with motion capture in a stage where that's one of the least things the game needed. They try to do two things in the same time: Offering casual porn and that beast stuff. The problem is, that many people don't want that beast stuff, so for a lot of fans over half of the game is literally unusable. It doesn't help that many scenes on the "casual" side are with that extra fat and disgusting man.

The devs also can't decide whether this is supposed to be a sandbox game or not. They're constantly distracted by trying to build an innovative next-gen sandbox while creating a full open world experience as if they were Ubisoft with 200 people in two different studios each. Of COURSE this will take ages with this approach. Instead of having a very good and polished story game or sandbox first, you only get alpha prototypes of both. New animations and assets are coming in too slow, but the story part also develops way too slow. As they saying goes: If you chase two rabbits at once, you won't catch either one.

Also they don't seem to hire more staff to speed up the creation of animations or assets, and everytime someone mentions it here, Steve jumps in and comes up with "you have no idea blablabla". I haven't seen their team scale up proportionally to the increased revenue.

The problem is how this project is being managed, not that there are "more critics". Good project managment is everything.

But anyways, we've discussed this many times here already. Repeating it all over and over again won't change anything.
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Aug 6, 2020
3.80 star(s) 182 Votes