
Formerly 'Hans Flammenwerfer'
Jun 9, 2017
Fall off your high horse, you didn't just call the game "bad", you've been writing wall of texts saying that the game is horrible, a scam, that the developers are greedy, all while actively antagonizing people who are supporting it. You are entitled to your opinion, but don't act like you don't care because it's obviously not true
You're saying huh? Let's check this out then!

Honestly? This game is horrible. Could be good, but you know -> greed.
... after all those years you still have some bare bones product, barely a game. Still, it's just a nice animation viewer on huge empty ugly map with horrible performance after another "big change". It is nowhere near something that was advertised many years ago

...It's just a porno game...
Wildlife is not a game after 6 years and it probably won't be in the next 6 years.

I've played this game when the first playable version was released. Let's say I checked on this game one time per year.

After all those years this game it's not even standing in place - it's gradually worse, update after an update.

That's all I was saying about game state directly. It doesn't look like a wall of text to me, considering that it's from my combined three messages.
The whole rest was about certain practices that Devs are used to milk their supporters.

Now I see my one mistake. I shouldn't use word "greed". I should use the words "smart" "clever" and " financially resourceful". It is much closer to the truth.

And I somewhat care to defend my opinion, but this game is still indifferent to me no matter what you still believe.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Wildlife is not a game after 6 years and it probably won't be in the next 6 years. You say that it's better situation when Devs release updates instead of running away with money. In my opinion - yes it is better, but for them, not for the supporters.

Why? Because if you grab some money and run away with them - that's a clear situation. Everybody knows that they get cheated on, everybody knows that was just a big fraud. And that's it. There is no financial support anymore. No more victims of such a practice.

But if someone is "smart" or "clever" enough, and see "the big picture" then dragging out development instead of running away with money it's much more profitable. If you are doing it right, then nobody can call it a fraud, but still you receive a shitload of money barely doing anything. You're just acting accordingly and getting payed for that.

As I said before - quantity of updates means nothing, quality means everything. And I always look at the final product - that alone will tell you more, than 1000 of updates or "devs being transparent with this or that".

I've played this game when the first playable version was released. Let's say I checked on this game one time per year.

When I posted my actual opinion about the game being "horrible" it was just because of this last April version.

After all those years this game it's not even standing in place - it's gradually worse, update after an update.

There is one thing that I actually agree with you on though. "It's not that deep". That's a correct statement. It's pretty clear what is happening here. But some of the "dudes" refuse to see that. Maybe it's just a denial. Nobody likes to admit their mistakes.

In the end, I don't care about this game at all. I'm just losing my time to write this shit just because I was called to the chalkboard because of my previous (totally deserved) opinion.

Damn all that text and you still didn't mention who the hell asked
These porn game reviewers on this forum are always funny when they write gigantic-ass posts about how the game sucks, and every time it's either a case of everyone already knowing that or they're just going on some wild oddly-specific tangent that they're particularly interested in and therefore ignoring every other good thing in the current product.


Formerly 'Hans Flammenwerfer'
Jun 9, 2017


New Member
Jan 11, 2019
Is there a way to make a custom sex scene list in sandbox mode and actually SAVE it?
I have no interest in going through creating the same list every time I play a scene. did see any save playlist button.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Fall off your high horse, you didn't just call the game "bad", you've been writing wall of texts saying that the game is horrible, a scam, that the developers are greedy, all while actively antagonizing people who are supporting it. You are entitled to your opinion, but don't act like you don't care because it's obviously not true
He is right though. This game is a scam.
6 years of development with the promises of an open world adult rpg(screenshot taken from patreon page):
Untitled (2).PNG

Where is the open world rpg? Where are the other promised features, such as crafting and survival? How is a game that
has been in development for 6 fucking years that still lacks basic game features not a scam?



New Member
Aug 19, 2019
Its not a scam, because donation through patreon gives you access to development builds.
That's a main problem with todays patreon and people who feel scammed. Do not be naive.


New Member
Mar 24, 2018
Am I the only one having a FPS issue ?
It's going down to less than 3 fps on my custom map, and I don't have much things to load.
It was pretty ugly, but now it's ugly AND unplayable
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May 17, 2020
He is right though. This game is a scam.
6 years of development with the promises of an open world adult rpg(screenshot taken from patreon page):
View attachment 2584897

Where is the open world rpg? Where are the other promised features, such as crafting and survival? How is a game that
has been in development for 6 fucking years that still lacks basic game features not a scam?

View attachment 2584891
I don't think it's a scam per se, but the dev is being an autistic idiot focusing on just sandbox animations and not adding actual content and things to do. Right now it's just an outfit and animation selector with almost nothing else going on. Because it's on the Unreal Engine everything looks great but you can't even really give him credit for that.

Maybe he's bad at programming and doesn't know how to make systems work outside of animations/clothing and building a basic world to run around (which I'm sure there's a million tutorials on how to do)? IDK something just doesn't seem right. You'd think by now there would be some basic systems in place to give you at least _some_ things to do even if it was just basic questing 'go here pick up this item, bring it back to some npc, get sex from them, repeat'.


Feb 26, 2019
He is right though. This game is a scam.
6 years of development with the promises of an open world adult rpg(screenshot taken from patreon page):
View attachment 2584897

Where is the open world rpg? Where are the other promised features, such as crafting and survival? How is a game that
has been in development for 6 fucking years that still lacks basic game features not a scam?

View attachment 2584891
I get the sentiment of being disappointed with the state of the game, but some of you really throw words around carelessly, even when you have the definitions available. If you scroll down the Patreon page you'd also see this:


And if you've played the game you'd know some of those features are in place, so it's not like they're lying about features being implemented, it's that development isn't going at the pace some of you wish it did. I don't see how you could have a changelog available where you can scroll through the update history and see what has been implemented then turn around and claim this game is a scam. I'm not try to defend WL devs in particular, there are some things I find disappointing too, but far too many people like to claim games as scams these days when they clearly aren't. I've seen people use your same argument when claiming Baldur's Gate 3 is a scam, because it has been in early access for a while and only the first act is available. It's kinda stupid ngl.

Personally what I find disappointing about Wild Life atm is the performance and quality of some of the models. I get performance is something that's usually looked at later on in development so I try not to complain too much about it, but when visuals are something that's boasted you'd expect to at least be able to run good settings to actually enjoy the visuals while getting decent frames on a rig that doesn't cost multiple organs. And while they are working on improving some of the models now, I question why they were even so bad in the first place when again, visuals are something being boasted. I'm no dev though so maybe there's good explanations for that, but those are my frustrations with the state of things, but even with those frustrations I still can't see WL as a scam.
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Dec 14, 2022
personally i hope this game stays as a pure sex animation simulator. the only things id really like to see added is to be able to create custom poses, resize characters etc. i dont want to see some annoying plot getting in the way.
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Oct 16, 2022
personally i hope this game stays as a pure sex animation simulator. the only things id really like to see added is to be able to create custom poses, resize characters etc. i dont want to see some annoying plot getting in the way.
If you want to make custom animations, why insist on turning what was supposed to be a satisfying Action RPG game with decent sex scenes into a sandbox scene maker? VAM is better for that, in fact when VAM 2.0 comes out it will blow this out of the water in terms of custom content, the only thing beating VAM/VAM 2.0 is just doing it properly in Blender or some other 3D graphics software.
3.80 star(s) 176 Votes