Unity Abandoned William- Sins and Nightmares [v0.02.5] [DarkSnailGames]


Game Developer
Aug 3, 2017
Ty for the feed back~ I've made a list of all the bugs and reports sent to me and will start on the patch now. UI scaling for the intro letter isn't enabled it seems so can only continue on max resolution which I will be fixing first. Seems to be a few issues with the save system also. The old controls were C to lock and V to enable so if loading back in it loads the old script(Fixing). Last any cutscenes that fade to black you are able to hit enter key to proceed past that. it was meant to hide changes in the envirement but I can smooth it out more.
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Game Developer
Aug 3, 2017
Hmm, you're using some assets from Horny As(s)ylum. Let's just hope this project doesn't go the same way. So much wasted potential in that game.
Ive had a few people mention that I'll have to check it out. The models were all made in Vroid by myself so there custom, along with the textures, and then finally put through blender before importing it into Unity.


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017
Guess this goes into the garbage as I can't play it in full screen or windowed as the highest setting I can set the screen to is 1152x864.


Game Developer
Aug 3, 2017
Guess this goes into the garbage as I can't play it in full screen or windowed as the highest setting I can set the screen to is 1152x864.
Main bug I'm working on right now . I'll update the link when I'm finished.


Game Developer
Aug 3, 2017
i cant go out after talkin Alice in demonworld - black door
If you went into the bedroom with Braham and your locked in there you can save and exit and reload the save. It should fix it so you can get to the next scene.

Cyril Kain

Jun 21, 2019
Dev, try putting the continue button on the bottom of the letter. If you cannot make the buttons adjust to the resolution, then move the buttons to more sensible locations, not halfway across the screen. Or, better yet, just make it so that a click on the screen gets us past the letter.
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Summer Love

Active Member
Jul 5, 2017
hmm i'' give 'er a tri. We'll see if this fills the void Horny As(s)ylum left in me when the dev went MIA


Game Developer
Aug 3, 2017
Letter Intro has been fixed along with mesh problems and some spelling errors. Once Im finished compiling the build I'll update and post the link in here.


Game Developer
Aug 3, 2017
Updated the link on main page but in case any trouble also one in here. Also regarding some of the other bugs or issues I'll be crushing them in today and the next few days.

Summer Love

Active Member
Jul 5, 2017
Updated the link on main page but in case any trouble also one in here. Also regarding some of the other bugs or issues I'll be crushing them in today and the next few days.
Any chance you can increase the FOV? The game is giving me massive motion sickness
EDIT: Sorry, I can't do this. After 10 minutes I has to close it and lie down.


Game Developer
Aug 3, 2017
Any chance you can increase the FOV? The game is giving me massive motion sickness
It shouldn't be a problem. I can add the option to adjust it in the escape menu if it only effects a few. If we have a lot more people experiencing it I'll change it for the version or in the next patch


Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2018
WilliamSins&Nightmares V0.02 IntroPatched
Well now that I was able to play it hmm...

Esc > Save&Exit - When I was on the quest for the attic key and panties decided to save and come back however it seems to have reset the house so the girl returned to the bathroom with no way to interact with her but on the bright side I can see her titties again. So Save System seems to need work and some people might want to save or load without exiting.

Controls/Camera - Not going to lie I'm not a fan of Unity's de facto controller setup and would rather this be integrated into an actual in game menu. Having the option to get real controller support would have improved my experience greatly and while there are ways to frankenweenie it I'm more of pick up the controller and go type of player. But I used the *hurk* keyboard & mouse in a 3D environment. Turning around was a bit awkward as my mouse pointer was flailing around wildly. Seen the Continue button so instinctively rolled my mouse to click it and that made the Camera go right along for the ride.. Soon found pressing Enter worked better however using the arrow keys to select options moved my player slightly in the process so I can see if you want the second option enough times it's going to show you backing away slowly like you know she is crazy lol.

Not sure if this was intended but I got by mostly by ramming into things. Though when I was at the stairs this caused a few accidental loading between the upper and lower floors.

Dark Rooms (Cellar/Attic) - A Flashlight/Lantern would be great as I got lost in a dank dark place...

T&A seemed alright though they lacked the jiggle physics but the scenes didn't have the girls jumping up and down so eh perhaps the more fun scenes to come will improve that.

Well it's an interesting start. Good Luck!