The new game seems a lot better than what this pile of trash ended up being. Comparing the demo I just played to the review I wrote for this:
- Sex now = resources, however 90% of what you need can ONLY be gotten by sex, because "field" items don't respawn, unlike the last game. This is a problem, because the mechanics might delude you into thinking you could do a "virgin run" for the first 5 minutes
- There doesn't seem to be a game over anymore, but some of the CG do suffer from "same size tits", though not as badly or obvious as this game
- Resources as explained earlier are easier to get, and this time, crafting is quite key to success, but there is still a bit of a grind
- Without equipment upgrades, you're gonna suffer from the hard-to-kill enemies, again, though since it was only a demo idk how badly the grind will be by the end
- The only thing this game did right is gone in the new game, but it's forgivable because running from enemies now despawns them, and with the exeption of some large rooms, are easy enough to just run past anyway
Once a thread is made of the new game, I'll port this post over to there.