Feb 29, 2020
I have noticed a lot of people complaining bout how long it takes BrainDrop to release chapters, and how he often misses his own deadlines. I can see why some of you would find that annoying. If I was told I was getting content at a said date, and then, boom, it doest' happen over and over, yeah I'd be annoyed too.

However , I always keep one thing in mind.....I ain't paying for it. I come here to get the downloads for free. So really, can you complain really at all fo something you are not putting any money into? I wish there was a new update weekly, but since I'm not paying for it, I'll just download the update on here when ever.

(On a unrealted note, if I can get Jasime and Bailey in a threesome, that would be fucking awesome. I dunno the chances of that ever happening, but I think that would be a fun scene!)
Your argument is valid, however Braindrop used the forum to promote his game, just look at the initial pages of the thread and how he interacted here with users, the moment he started with these lame excuses, he simply stopped to have contact with forum users and started banning people who criticized him on the Discord of the game he created and on the Patreon of his game, many who criticize Braindrop here were former supporters of his game. The moment a developer starts not keeping his word and starts being an asshole at the same time, he will be harshly criticized and rightly so.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2017
I have noticed a lot of people complaining bout how long it takes BrainDrop to release chapters, and how he often misses his own deadlines. I can see why some of you would find that annoying. If I was told I was getting content at a said date, and then, boom, it doest' happen over and over, yeah I'd be annoyed too.

However , I always keep one thing in mind.....I ain't paying for it. I come here to get the downloads for free. So really, can you complain really at all fo something you are not putting any money into? I wish there was a new update weekly, but since I'm not paying for it, I'll just download the update on here when ever.

(On a unrealted note, if I can get Jasime and Bailey in a threesome, that would be fucking awesome. I dunno the chances of that ever happening, but I think that would be a fun scene!)
Except, I was a patreon of BD for the first year and a half of his game and he constantly took my money and then missed deadlines and made excuses. So why do you care if I point out that he hasn't learned from his mistakes and is still doing the same thing? I purchased that right.


Engaged Member
Oct 19, 2022
Except, I was a patreon of BD for the first year and a half of his game and he constantly took my money and then missed deadlines and made excuses. So why do you care if I point out that he hasn't learned from his mistakes and is still doing the same thing? I purchased that right.
Did you purchase the right to constantly annoy the people who are following the thread and patiently waiting for an update? Seems like you've got beef with him and instead you're annoying a lot of other people... Maybe let it go, see a therapist.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2017
Did you purchase the right to constantly annoy the people who are following the thread and patiently waiting for an update? Seems like you've got beef with him and instead you're annoying a lot of other people... Maybe let it go, see a therapist.
Did you purchase the right to personally attack me on here? Seems like you've got beef with me because you get annoyed easily by other people... Maybe let it go, or see a therapist.
See, it works both ways...


Engaged Member
Oct 19, 2022
Did you purchase the right to personally attack me on here? Seems like you've got beef with me because you get annoyed easily by other people... Maybe let it go, or see a therapist.
See, it works both ways...
What part of what I said was a personal attack? Pointing out that you're still just lingering around cause you feel you got bilked out of money? It fucking happens, the first and only kickstarter I ever backed cost me about 350 bucks and the dude pissed it all away, I don't lurk in dude's project threads bemoaning how he took my money years after the fact.

This is why we need to have 2 fucking sets of threads so y'all who can't move on can have your group therapy sessions in one thread and those of us who just wanna know when an update drops or see the occasional render can do so without constantly having to be notified while y'all re-air your grievances for the 900th time.

I don't have any actual beef with you at all, but if this is what you feel is a productive use of your time, I feel bad for you.


Jan 20, 2023
Did you purchase the right to constantly annoy the people who are following the thread and patiently waiting for an update? Seems like you've got beef with him and instead you're annoying a lot of other people... Maybe let it go, see a therapist.
"did you purchase the right" lmao its the fucking internet, that right is inherent. idgaf if i dont pay him. there are plenty people that produce products that i never buy that i criticize, and i know you do too. if you dont like to encounter opinions contrary to yours, maybe get the fuck off the internet.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2017
What part of what I said was a personal attack? Pointing out that you're still just lingering around cause you feel you got bilked out of money? It fucking happens, the first and only kickstarter I ever backed cost me about 350 bucks and the dude pissed it all away, I don't lurk in dude's project threads bemoaning how he took my money years after the fact.

This is why we need to have 2 fucking sets of threads so y'all who can't move on can have your group therapy sessions in one thread and those of us who just wanna know when an update drops or see the occasional render can do so without constantly having to be notified while y'all re-air your grievances for the 900th time.

I don't have any actual beef with you at all, but if this is what you feel is a productive use of your time, I feel bad for you.
Congratulations! You're a winner! Your prize? You're ignored!


Engaged Member
Oct 19, 2022
"did you purchase the right" lmao its the fucking internet, that right is inherent. idgaf if i dont pay him. there are plenty people that produce products that i never buy that i criticize, and i know you do too. if you dont like to encounter opinions contrary to yours, maybe get the fuck off the internet.
I don't mind people being upset with the dev... I mind constantly being notified of it, the horse has been atomized at this point.

You're entitled to have your opinion, and if you exercise your freedom of speech to spout it off, I can tell you I think you're being annoying... Just like everyone face-palming me for having the audacity to say that maybe some of us watch a thread for reasons besides continually shitting on the dev.

Everyone gets it Braindrop is unreliable and never keeps his promises and no sane person should ever give him money if they expect a timely product, whoopty fuckin doo, that's like half of all creatives who have ever done a create, let's fucking talk about something else instead. Some of y'all have practically made bemoaning a game not launching on time your entire personality, touch grass or get laid.
Jun 26, 2023
This is why I hardly comment (this is my 3rd ever post). I thought I made a logical, reasonable statement with the gist of "If it aint' costing you time and/or money, when ever it's out it 's out" kinda thing, and that somehow lead to people arguing.

I do understand the feeling of "I supported this guy and he didnt' deliver on his promises". It's shitty that happened and I assume continues to happen. Not trying to be a white knight or defend his shitty behaviour, but he's far from the only one who has ,does or will do this. People like money, and if he's pretty much gonna make the same about of money if he updates weekly vs monthly, then why would he have any incentive to post weekly. More work for the same pay? I may not morally agree with that, but I do see why it would make businesss sense. Shitty business sense and I wish he wouldnt do it, but I still see the "logic" behind it.

I just make the habit of checking the pateron site once a week or so. If he posted an update, I come here to see it. If he don't post an update, I just go do something else. As I mean, what else can you do? Write on here and complain about the game? I mean, who would ever do that, right?.......Right?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2017
This is why I hardly comment (this is my 3rd ever post). I thought I made a logical, reasonable statement with the gist of "If it aint' costing you time and/or money, when ever it's out it 's out" kinda thing, and that somehow lead to people arguing.

I do understand the feeling of "I supported this guy and he didnt' deliver on his promises". It's shitty that happened and I assume continues to happen. Not trying to be a white knight or defend his shitty behaviour, but he's far from the only one who has ,does or will do this. People like money, and if he's pretty much gonna make the same about of money if he updates weekly vs monthly, then why would he have any incentive to post weekly. More work for the same pay? I may not morally agree with that, but I do see why it would make businesss sense. Shitty business sense and I wish he wouldnt do it, but I still see the "logic" behind it.

I just make the habit of checking the pateron site once a week or so. If he posted an update, I come here to see it. If he don't post an update, I just go do something else. As I mean, what else can you do? Write on here and complain about the game? I mean, who would ever do that, right?.......Right?
I understand what you are saying, and normally, I agree. In truth, BD is the only Dev that I get frustrated with concerning his update release schedule. There are plenty of devs that take much longer to put out updates (they ballance that by making massive updates) but they dont promise a delivery date until they are in the beta testing stage and once they announce a date, for the most part, they stick to it with in a couple of days.
BD makes whild promises up front and then fails on his delivery and provides massive excuses for not keeping his word. By doing this, he himself has generated a culture of complaint. the only thing he can be counted on is to miss his own deadline. Most of us would actully complain less if he just stopped announcing delivery dates all together.

This doesn't mean that you should stop posting or commenting on threads. Be part of the conversation. if you dont want to causes and disagreements with what you say then stick to things that are less of a hot topic, like who your favorite girl is and why. or what you enjoied about a specific scene. these can also get some cross talk, but your view may cause someone else to think differently about a thing, and theirs may also enlighten your view as well. Even when we disagree, it's still a comunity. be part of it. If worst comes to worst, you can always put someone on ignore. ;)
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Jun 26, 2023
Wasn't trying to be a white knight, or defend him. Just trying to offer a balanced approch to this whole thing. I mean, it's a game after all. A game where we as players can live out a fantasy of banging a bunch of chicks and all them are cool with it.

I did mention that it was a shitty thing for him to do , to say things and never deliver of them. I agreed he was unreliable. But again....it's a game that we download off here for free....I don't know really how much you can be rightfully upset. It's like being mad at a TV network or Streaming Service, for not putting out content at the rate you want it, when you'd just download the show off Pirate Bay anyways and not pay for it.

That's my main point that I was trying to make.

I fail to see how that would make me a A- White Knight or B- A Harem Girl. (If that comment was even directed at me)

I'll just pop back in a week or so, see if the update is posted. If it is cool, if not, I got other games I can play.

Have a good one everybody!
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