Good morning and thank for your messages here, on my discord channel and on patreon. I'm creating this game always hearing people suggestion or critics (well... helpful ones eheheh.)
saves for all 3 paths ???
I was thinking a save at the end of day 2 to be ready to start next one (Following the "true" path; check my walkthrough.)
Hey very nice game and I am liking where it is going, are you going to make her thicc again on the future?
If you mean more "thicc" as she is right now... mmh... no, I mean... I think she's perfectly thicc in the right part.... eheheh <3
I love this girl!!!
The bad/good girl system has an inherent flaw in that you can never change paths once you accrue too many points on either one. So if you have 11 good girl points then you will never have the bad girl option because they all have high point requirements. There needs to be more opportunities to earn bad girl points without said requirements.
I think it's normal. If in 3 days you always choose to be good, reaching 20 good gorl point (for example...), then do you want to find 20 bad girl "extra" points to have a bad option avaliable?
Ok I can add more random options, maybe with npcs (There are already side quests, optional dialogues and minor choices to have extra points...) but if you are playing to be always good then you are definitely playing to have the good ending...
The player can choose to let Angelica be totally good (Angelica will do her best to avoid lust tempations, corruption, cheating...) and stay loyalty to her boyfriend Simone the best she can. Or you can choose to be totally bad and go more towards other man/woman characters (Angelica will try to enjoy her sex life in every occasions and with the person she wants, ...mmh

If you don't want to miss a single thing and you always want to have all options always avaliable then there is a way.:
choose to have the right mix of bad and good girl points. The walkthrough I'm writing it's for this path.
So, this episode will have 3 endings and I think the player have to choose from the start wich ending want more. The ending will be:
1- "Good" (or "normal") ending.
2- "Bad" ending.
3- "True" (or "perfect") ending.
So keep in mind this if you are playing Angelica Origins. Thanks for your suggestions.