Awesome game. The story was great, really immersive, but i haven't seen the music receive the praise it deserves, normally I just mute all, but in this game it really sets the mood.
The only critique I have is perhaps the models for Naomi (especially with her mouth open) and Zoe... but that might just be me.
digi.B I foud some typos and wrong words used:
MC: Awesome, DK! Let's
hear) it.
Dr. Karahadian: I'm sorry to cut us short, MC. I've got a
client (
patient seems more appropriate for her line of work) coming in right now so i have to go. Will you be okey?
MC: Jesus! Who sweats this much?? Get
her off!!
Kindra: Need to beef up my
programmun (programming, probably intentional mispell for how she speaks, but pointing it out just in case) skills.
Kindra: Because this thing has been at attention since 7 this morn(ing? probably intentional mispell for how she speaks, but pointing it out just in case), haha!
Nicholas: And I get he's flustered. The McCreed Expo is nearing soon and he wants to
ensure. To ensure something is to make sure it happens—to guarantee it. To insure something or someone is to cover it with an insurance policy.) we secure Kandice McCreed's endorsement.
Options Hug her /
Assure her (Reassure her?)
MC: (Toss it for Paige? ")" missing at the end
Nicholas: At this point, I'm starting to have no
effect) on swaying my dad's opinion.
MC: The CEO said she was
informed (made aware) of some
information that disqualified me... (informed information sounds a little repetitive)
My computer is a potato, but i was surprised by how many times the game crashed for me, did anyone else had that problem? Or my computer was just having a bad day?
I think after some of those crashes the renders in the phone disappeared, but not sure how to replicate that bug.