By default you can only see the heart icon slowly(or not so slowly) filling up. That's all. If you wanna see the exact stat point you need to use the cheat.
By default there is no quests, and I just made up the quest names, lol. Anyway, you need the mod to see the quest list in your room (in apartment and mansion too).
The developer stated that he hired a new guy to solve this problem. Also someone from this forum also working on improved texts. Wait patiently...
That some weird shit. I mean, can you give me a save? I'll take a look on the variables to solve the problem.
She appears in the mansion too in plain game. Also if you use the mod you can return the apartment.
If you use the mod, there is a map for the apartment and mansion, and if you use the cheat the map became a teleporter with which you can go to different rooms immediately. The moving around can't possibly be easier than that.
Use the cheat to set the points, as 500 is more than enough. Other than that, the correct variable name is Elena.
Yeeeep... Or it's not working for you? If you encounter any problem with that please report it on the mod's topic.