No, it gets exhausting people constantly bitching wanting NTR tag put on everything that has a female character bang more than one person. NTR is for a specific thing and shouldn't be applied when it's not actually there.
There's a reason the Dlsite page doesn't have this in the NTR category. People on this forum need to stop crying about this crap. Putting NTR tags on games that don't have NTR just pisses off people looking for that.
Well I am more or less new to reading and posting comments so I had no clue what I could be playing into with my semi shitpost...

(One thing to note is that I have yet to actually play this game so I am more or less going by the comments here plus having a sneak peek at the beginning)
I do agree on this not counting as NTR really since as far as I know this didn't start with a relationship in the first place.
The MC and Rurua is perfectly fine with the conditions from the get go (from what I've read). Plus even if you try to skip
the big seks the dialogue still empathizes on her doing the
special services like her getting a lot of
milkies. (No clue about the other girls yet)
It is a shame that you are forced though

I like my hentai girls like I like my coffee, without "someone else's" dick in them
And just how the joke implies I guess there is one thing to keep in mind (which is going into a much more deep rooted conversation...) is the fact that some people, well... like to
put themselves in the shoes of the MC,
so to speak.
Now I have no clue how normal this is, as I said earlier I don't really read comments that often so no clue how people feel about certain narratives and whatnot. So this could very well just come from a small minority of creeps online but as mentioned in my shitpost I do also enjoy games more when, ya know.. you have the monopoly over the girl(s) when you play as a male protag.
So this polyamory from the MC's perspective can be at clash with the player's own, therefore they feel conflicted since the player is ""forced"" to see the girl they are interested in getting the
pizza with extra salami.
Now to argue from which perspective, which tags should be given is something that I am too low IQ to argue for or against, so I leave that up to the
professional hentai philosophers.
And as for "if you don't like it just leave it" before perhaps it gets mentioned.
Well, to that I also have to say that like one of the review pointed out the game looks and sounds
STELLLAR, but for the kind of people I mentioned above it is like:
Having brownies with raisins, let's say you LOVE brownies but hate raisins so now you are just left there lamenting on how nice it would be if it were suited for your taste. (Which is very greedy but again it's just another sin of ours)
Anyway I should stop, I am putting
waaaay to much thought and effort into this...
Btw don't take my comments too seriously or as 1 truth, I understand well that there are people with different kinks, tastes, mindsets etc.
Now with that out of the way, I think there is a more glaring issue here.
I have yet to see someone mention if there is a definite harem ending.
Because if I have to choose on top of my girls getting more than a
tip, I have to speak to the manager.