
Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
It's not about boring man it's about how stupid people are.

Let me be clear "Dev is trying to slap every simp, How ? A entire game dedicated to an LI, Yet she(Zoey) didn't fuck anybody( mc only for adding a scene ). In the city where most handsome hunks arrives for play times and holiday but for zoey they didn't exists.":WaitWhat:

It's Maya situation all over( Feminist sharing a men :cautious: :FacePalm: - The biggest bullshit concept to please a player and most fall for that), to keep her(Zoey) as an LI. Zoey meet with man which have heart on different girl and other man is fucking gay.

Pleasing the player by making everything about mc in the story of zoey. It's a classic move of any great story teller. It's same as Sage or maya ect. problem becomes mc's problem so the story of mc and character can develop.

The basic concept dev is telling : LOOK YOU STUPID FUCKER(PLAYER), she is yours even if it's not possible . DON'T GET ME WRONG I LOVED THE GAME BUT I TRY TO SEE WHAT IS BEHIND THE IDEOLOGY AND NARRATION(best in any vn games).

I agree that the Zoey story in Interlude is quite ridiculous, a horny and sexually active girl goes to live among surf dudes and becomes suddenly a nun while dating a gay. That's going too low in the story credibility, it's not really pleasing (I found it very boring actually).

I don't think DPC has done this narrative choice for generically pleasing the player (many of us don't mind seeing normal sexual behaviour in a fictional story), but instead protect the most sensible and emotional players, because many would be hurt emotionally if an attractive girl has sexual interactions outside the MC. And they are very vocal about that, when it happens.
So DPC lowers the bar of the narration, avoiding problematic content to accommodate as many customers as possible. It's a safe marketing choice at the expense of narrative quality. He wants to maximize his audience (and earnings) and I cannot really blame him for that, he knows that repeating the success of BaD will be very difficult with the next game, because the VN market now is much more crowded then when he started BaD.


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2020

Are you trying to argue that zoey's hope that mc would drop everything to reach her made any sense at all? That it is therefore fundamentally mc who has failed zoey's expectations?

What the hell was mc doing in San Diego? The king of simp?
To be fair Fuckface does tell Zoey that the only reason he's not going to San Diego with her was that he had to finish school. Based on that it's not unreasonable for Zoey to expect Fuckface to come out, at least during the break between school and college. Instead he took a summer job at a convenience store (which he could have done in San Diego) and got a huge crush on a different girl.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
To be fair Fuckface does tell Zoey that the only reason he's not going to San Diego with her was that he had to finish school. Based on that it's not unreasonable for Zoey to expect Fuckface to come out, at least during the break between school and college. Instead he took a summer job at a convenience store (which he could have done in San Diego) and got a huge crush on a different girl.
Come on... Mc is presented to us as the poorest of the poor, between working to get some extra money fot college and going to San Diego to squander the money he doesn't have there's really no dilemma...

And even keeping himself a virgin for zoey doesn't seem like an acceptable choice


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2020
Come on... Mc is presented to us as the poorest of the poor, between working to get some extra money fot college and going to San Diego to squander the money he doesn't have there's really no dilemma...

And even keeping himself a virgin for zoey doesn't seem like an acceptable choice
Zoey's an immature teenager, is she going to be considering Fuckface's financial situation when he tells her that he would have gone with her if it wasn't for school? Unlikely, much more likely that Zoey doesn't think about Fuckface being poor, and thought he'd get a job in San Diego likeshe did.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Zoey's an immature teenager, is she going to be considering Fuckface's financial situation when he tells her that he would have gone with her if it wasn't for school? Unlikely, much more likely that Zoey doesn't think about Fuckface being poor, and thought he'd get a job in San Diego likeshe did.
Zoey pays for her holidays with her grandmother's money, the job only serves to prolong them.

Zoey's request is immature and selfish, and she doesn't seem to realise it yet, and thank God Mc doesn't follow her.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020

Are you trying to argue that zoey's hope that mc would drop everything to reach her made any sense at all? That it is therefore fundamentally mc who has failed zoey's expectations?

What the hell was mc doing in San Diego? The king of simp?
Nope. I'm just saying it was a misunderstanding.

Zoey wasn't angry that the mc didn't go with her. But the mc felt hurt when she left because he realised he had feelings for her.

The mc was then a little distant to her on social media (because he felt hurt), she didn't understand why, and then found out it was because he had feelings for her, so she thought to help him get over her (because she didn't think she had the same feelings for she him) she would also distance herself from him on social media.

It's what you call a misunderstanding.

And I'm not arguing the point, that is exactly what happened.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Nope. I'm just saying it was a misunderstanding.

Zoey wasn't angry that the mc didn't go with her. But the mc felt hurt when she left because he realised he had feelings for her.

The mc was then a little distant to her on social media (because he felt hurt), she didn't understand why, and then found out it was because he had feelings for her, so she thought to help him get over her (because she didn't think she had the same feelings for she him) she would also distance herself from him on social media.

It's what you call a misunderstanding.

And I'm not arguing the point, that is exactly what happened.
That mc contacted zoey less because she was hurt, however, is your assumption. In long-distance relationships over time it happens more and more rarely.


New Member
May 7, 2022
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Joking aside, I hope you enjoy the game. I worked my ass off to create this and boy this is expensive.

I need funding to complete this project.

If you can't afford to donate on Patreon, you can still show support by liking or reviewing the game.

i actually wanted season 4 which continous as season 1 and 2 were so good


Nov 30, 2017
I'm listing all the possible choices during the crossroads calculation in episode 8 (when the player has to select a path) but I'm lost in the intricacies of DrPinkCake's code.

Theoretically, there is a line for the outcome "Sage" + "Jill" + "Others"; but in practice it never executes because another set of conditions takes precedence and results in "Sage" + "Others".

I would be grateful to those who are familiar with the code to confirm this point. It could be a bug because the outcomes "Jill" + "Others" and "Jill" exist independently of each other. Thanks!


May 1, 2022
tring top play the game but the only options are import continue options gallery i am unable to actually begin the game anyone know what to do?
Dec 29, 2018
Quinn hasn’t been “terribly written”, it’s clear she has a lot of fans, we all have different interests in this game, and she appeals to a lot of people, and she repels a lot of people. That’s by design.
Popularity isn't always a sign of quality. There's tons of popular movies, shows, games, and songs that are garbage.

And my dislike of Quinn is not by design, or at least not all of it. I hate Tybalt, Dawe, and other characters for the reasons that you are meant to hate them. But I hate Quinn for two reasons. First is for the intended reasons, which is that she treats you and your friends like shit. But the second is because she's unnaturally protected by the writer from any type of attempts at retaliation or obstruction.

If you’re looking for the criminal mastermind
I'm not. I'm totally fine with people being flawed. I am not here complaining about Tybalt being an ineffectual buffoon because the game treats him as an ineffectual buffoon. It's the inconsistency of the characters in the story that I hate.

I've recently been re-watching the TV series The Wire, and it's a very good show that is packed full of deeply flawed characters. Borderline alcoholics, womanizers, sycophantic ladder climbers, guys who bend the rules to take short cuts that backfire. All of them are all sorts of messed up. But the story works because their actions make sense and fit well into the overall story. Both sides give the other a run for their money, and that makes for compelling viewing.

Quinn's closest analogue would probably be Ziggy from season two. He gets special treatment for being the union president's son, and Quinn gets special treatment for being the sorority president's daughter (so to speak). He is a constant screw up who, on the rare occasion when he does something well, gets screwed over by someone else (a bit like Quinn getting jumped when she finds a way to pay down her debts). They are both deeply insecure characters who act out in order to feel like big shots, and that generally backfires on them. But the big difference for me is that people treat Ziggy in a believable manner, and but we don't get that with Quinn. And by that I mean that we as the player character are unreasonably (and inexplicably) restricted with how we can respond to her.

When you're making a game that allows the players to choose how the player character acts to different situations, you have to make reasonable allowances for the future implications of those scenes. We have no reason not to tell Maya the full truth about Quinn, and every reason to do so, yet are forced into that awkward scene where he says she's evil but won't explain why. We see how much Sage hates being lied to and deceived by Chad, so we know how much it's going to hurt when she eventually learns about Quinn, but we are forced to just let her blindly walk into that one. We know that Maya is desperate to get into the HOTs, and we know that Quinn is opposing her and tormenting her at every possibility, but we are severely limited in what we can do to help.

When we see that jerk from the store crying in the closet, we can walk away. When we see Quinn with a bloody nose, we have to rush to her aid (and only walk away once she demands it). The things that Tybalt does to Jill pale in comparison to the things that Quinn does to Maya, and yet we can do unreasonably horrible things to Tybalt and nothing at all to Quinn. Simply telling Maya and Sage about what little you know about Quinn is the absolute bare minimum you could do as a friend, but you can't do it because she's the writer's pet. There's no logical in game reason for your character to keep quiet on a path where you've rejected Quinn at every opportunity and also been nice to Maya and Sage at every opportunity. That makes Quinn horribly written. It's a consistent ongoing problem, and not some one off oddity where the writer accidentally painted himself into a corner.

The only thing DPC needs to do is throw an occasional bone to players who hate Quinn, but he can't seem to bring himself to do that. The most recent example is the scene where you are party planning with Sage and Quinn. What's the worst thing you can say there? You can say "no I don't want that" when Quinn asks if you want a threesome with her and Sage, and you can very lightly tease Quinn about her having competition for your affections (which seems to be flirting with her rather than any sort of mean-spirited teasing). It's super lame. You're never allowed to give her even the slightest taste of her own medicine. Instead, you have to then agree to wear a blindfold and agree to let them do things to you.

All that needed to happen in that scene was to give us the chance to refuse to play with Quinn and mention something she's done as a reason why. Then you could've had Sage make a short speech about how she wants the two of you to get along and play nice. But we don't get that, and it's so strange. I don't even know if Sage knows about the taser incident or not. We see her chastise Quinn about her treatment of Maya, where she says that there is a difference between hazing and bullying, but we don't see her mention any specifics. The taser would be a pretty good example to use there wouldn't it? Which leaves me wondering if this is another white-washing of Quinn to give her more mass appeal (like the absence of needles since the opening scene of Ep2).

Sage had previously asked me if I liked Quinn, and I had replied with a very hard no. So why is my latest no an even weaker no when I have more reasons to hate Quinn than I did before? If it's to keep Sage happy, then you have to set that up. Have her give us an ultimatum that she won't bang us if we're mean to her friends or something like that. She didn't like us telling Quinn to eat shit, so build on that a bit. Follow through with the foundation you've already set. Don't just have them all act buddy buddy for no reason. It's like when the MC suddenly demands that Sage treat him like a boyfriend and not a fuck buddy like they previously agreed. That was probably meant to be a result of how the situation reminded him of how he lost Zoey because he didn't tell her how he felt, but it's not set up properly because Zoey was hardly mentioned outside of the time we told Bella about her, which ended with us saying that we were never truly in love with Zoey.


Conversation Conqueror
May 29, 2020
I saw it a little differently.

The common misconception that Zoey walked away from the mc to chase her dreams often clouds a lot of impressions of her.

If anything, Zoey took the mc for granted, and while she hoped he would travel with her to San Diego, when he decided to stay Zoey believed it was only temporary, she totally believed he was going to come and join her later on. She definitely saw the mc as part of her life long term, even if she wasn’t thinking romantically.

From her perspective, they were best friends but he started distancing himself from her. From his perspective, when she left he realised they were more than best friends, and it hurt that she left. The mc started to sulk a bit, sending terse, uninterested messages, Zoey doesn't get it why he was acting that way.

Then Bret helps her realise the mc thought of their relationship as more than just best friends, and then he gave her the shit advice of distancing herself from him. So they kinda drifted apart. Him sulking, and her thinking that avoiding him would be for the best.

It's only been several months, so it's not like irreparable damage has been done, and when they meet up, they can talk it out and understand how each other feel. They'll fuck, and then we can start making decisions, just be friends with Zoey, be fuck buddies with Zoey, or ditch all the other LIs and ride the blue-haired babe off into the sunset. :love:

DPC has set this up that the mc is hurt by Zoey's actions and Zoey didn't mean to hurt him. It won't take long before they patch things up. But what he's done with the Interlude is put Zoey front and centre in people's minds. We know Zoey's
I read it all :cool:


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
I'm listing all the possible choices during the crossroads calculation in episode 8 (when the player has to select a path) but I'm lost in the intricacies of DrPinkCake's code.

Theoretically, there is a line for the outcome "Sage" + "Jill" + "Others"; but in practice it never executes because another set of conditions takes precedence and results in "Sage" + "Others".

I would be grateful to those who are familiar with the code to confirm this point. It could be a bug because the outcomes "Jill" + "Others" and "Jill" exist independently of each other. Thanks!
Yes, the Jill or Sage or Others choice is unattainable, you'd always get the Sage or Others choice first. Checked 0.8.2 & 0.8.3 (the choice logic is the same).

I've also confirmed this in game via console-fu, when meeting the conditions for the Jill or Sage or Others choice you get the Sage or Others choice instead.
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Nov 30, 2017
Yes, the Jill or Sage or Others choice is unattainable, you'd always get the Sage or Others choice first. Checked 0.8.2 & 0.8.3 (the choice logic is the same).

I've also confirmed this via console-fu, when meeting the conditions for the Jill or Sage or Others choice you get the Sage or Others choice instead.
Thanks for having double-checked; I'm sure it's a bug, given the way the code uses a specific condition. If it doesn't change anything about the possible relationship with Jill (since she would have declined the main character's proposal at the restaurant), it deprives the player of that extra scene.
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