only have run for your life option, used the other early on with kaylee so the mom never comes in a whine on me again
pizzagirl is at 69, much higher than 35

done the cuck BJ like 10 times to see if it might trigger something else, but nope.
I dont even have the option, like with amanda where it is red, pizza girl there is no such option
since no one has helped you with this yet, we can do a run to see if your game is bugged. It will take about an hour of your time if you want to do it. You'll have to start a new game and follow the actions that I took. I will put it in text on this post as well as attach a text file if you want to use notepad. We'll assume week 1 starts at school and ends on the weekend.
Talk to Chloe>Talk to Cheerleaders>Talk to Team
Go to Class
1 Attention 6 Social
*EVERYWEEK* Pick Attic lock
*EVERYWEEK* Visit Kayley
Unlock backyard
*EVERY WEEK* Work on backyard
*EVERY WEEK* search attic and diary
*EVERY WEEK* Use bikini top in Amanda's Room
Heist-Jailbreak 1
Sneak around to peek on Kayley
Talk to Chloe(optional?)
Help Otaku
*EVERYWEEK* Go mess with Pizza Girl
Go to Class
6 Social 1 Sports 4 Chloe 1 Nerds
(I was wrong about Sports, you need more clocks on it to get the Jock bonus, but just follow it since I did it)
*EVERY WEEK* Help Amanda with dinner
*EVERY WEEK* Slap Amanda butt
6 Social 6 Sports
*STOP* Visiting Kayley, Kayley at 5
Talk to Kayley to Shower>say hi>explain why she wants you
*STOP* Messing with Pizza, Pizza at 100
6 Social 6 Pizza
*EVERYWEEK* look at panties twice(just for safety)(you can only look once on day 1)
Talk to Amanda for diary date
*EVERYWEEK* read diary(for safety, don't know if needed)(I did not read it on Fridays)
*STOP* Slap Amanda Butt, Amanda at 45
*STOP* Help Amanda with dinner
Talk to pizza girl about the fire>Set fire in the can
6 Social 6 Chloe 6 Pizza
On the roof, pick a place to learn
Peek at pizza girl(and get punched)(for safety)
Use Amanda top AND talk to Amanda
Heist- Jailbreak 2 AND go to Santashop, buy plants(beware of your gas consumption)
(interestingly I still had max cash after buying plants)
Use Amanda top AND talk to Amanda
*STOP* Use Amanda top, Amanda at 50
Go to Santashop, buy books
(interestingly I still had max cash after buying books)
Class 6 pizza
Pick a place to learn
Get your phone and Leave
put in 69 shades, then sneak and peek at night(I thought maybe I needed to because I couldn't place psychology, but this is not needed, but I did it so just follow)
put the bathtub in the backyard(then skip to night and sleep)
Class 6 pizza
Ask about her boyfriend
Get your phone and Leave
Put the attic stuff in the backyard
*STOP* Reading the diary, I have read all stories, including both sides of the last one
Put the plants in the backyard, backyard is complete
Talk to Amanda>Ask if she need anything(slip)>Bath scene
*EVERY WEEK* Put in the psychology book(the bath scene and the backyard were both required iirc)
Talk to Amanda>Backyard>Go to Backyard>Unlock coffee shop
Ask her>Explain yourself(Let her finish talking is still blacked out)
Class 6 pizza
Ask about her boyfriend
Pick the last place to learn
Offer to make Matt happy>Cum Inside
Place the books and sleep
Class pizza
Ask about her boyfriend
(the anal option appears, but is blacked out)
Offer to make Matt happy>Cum Outside
*STOP* putting books, book 4 should be in today
Talk to Amanda>Ask if she need anything(slip)>Bath Scene>Bed room>Approach
Class pizza
Ask about her boyfriend
Anal is available
Amanda into the backyard
Ask her>Explain Yourself
Option is available, but I don't think this is where you're stuck, because this one brings you to 60 cap.
So continuing on...
cum Inside
Amanda into the backyard
Ask her>Explain>finish Talking, Amanda at 60
Week 11
Skip to Friday
Bedroom wait for Amanda>Convince her to suck>Inside
Use bikini top in her room>Amanda topless in the backyard
Option is available
It also let me continue. Weird, but I won't complain
So if you did not get the scenes on Week 10 and 11, then your game files are messed up somewhere.