I'm then at Mission 7 Is there a WT which Pranks/Events in which room how many XP bring? I always find it difficult to remember the combinations.
From what I've seen, generally mess events are corruption, tantrum are compliance, and prank are perversion. If you're going for the 30 of each, it's helpful to get the office upgrade, and use characters like Bloo for pranks, Eduardo for Tantrum, and Bendy for your last one (time it so you run out of energy, then pretty much anything will give the 30+)
I really like what I've played of the game so far (I"m leveling the costumes). I did notice a typo on the first Bunny Suit upgrade scene, it mentions "her ass fhelsh", should likely be "flesh".
Edit: Got another one in the lvl 5 upgrade for evening dress, it says "wraith" instead of wrath.