Ey, question, how do I edit it? Or what program to I use to find it? I lack the basic console knowledge T_T
No prob, can explain.
First off, all ren'py games have a console by default, and enabling it is the same for all games in the engine. From the main folder, go into renpy/common, then find the console.rpy file, open it in Notepad and scroll down until you find config.console = False
Or just plug it into search. Change False to True, and you can now open the console using Shift + O at any time.
From there, type in the variable you want to change, then make it equal whatever amount you need. mc_inv.money = 5000, or something like that.
Extra advice - if you want to find out the entire list of variables, type in "long", and then "dir()" to get a list of all variables the game uses. If it uses few, this will help you identify what you're looking for is called within the code. Most of the time it won't help, so instead go into the "game" folder and open up the script.rpy or whatever other file is responsible for the actual script of the game in Notepad. Scroll through until you find an event that changes the variable, like giving you money, so you know what exactly the name of the variable is.
You can also have a look at the URM:
This is basically a plugin that allows you to view what variables change as you play, and adjust them on the fly. You can use it instead of the console.