4.30 star(s) 4 Votes


May 22, 2019
Here is the Latest public post by Dev on state of the game :

Huddle Up, Gang (+New Release)
Hi everyone!
New release tonight with some finishing touches, bug-fixes and added dialogue. And with that, I find myself in a bit of a weird spot!
I'm just about done with the game, and now I have to wait for a couple of artists and a couple of voice actors to wrap up some new pieces for me. I think by next Friday, the game will be pretty much 100% complete on my end of things, which is why we need to start talking about patreon tiers and the upcoming Steam release (dramatic music).
To be 100% open and transparent, I don't know what the HELL I'm gonna do just yet. The fact of the matter is, we're looking at probably one more alpha build and that's it. And once the game launches on Steam, the price tag is going up to reflect the value of a finished product versus an early access product, probably to 15-20 bucks or somewhere in that range. There's a lot of content here, and I've seen a lot of games with less up there for more, so it doesn't feel like a bad deal to me.
So that means soon(tm), I'm going to have to restructure the tiers to reflect that. There won't be alpha and weekly builds in the future obviously, because the dang game is finished! I have plenty of ideas for new projects down the line, but if DoE absolutely tanks on Steam, I reckon it's time to get back to my roots, which is not "adult" in nature. I love y'all, and you've saved my life with your support (literally), but it's hard to live on $600 a month these days. A lot hinges on whether DoE finds any success, and if we're being open and honest with each other, I'm not sure it's the sort of game built for commercial success. It asks a lot of the player, and sort of curates its own, more diligent audience, something that's gone out of fashion. It's also just the right amount of perverted to put off mainstream audiences while not necessarily perverted enough to appeal to the adult game audience.
I also don't know how I'm going to grandfather old patrons in or if that's even the best way to handle things. I reckon most of you have paid the cost of admission many times over, but I don't really want to pick favorites either.
I might look at some records soon, pick a number and say "anyone who's given me more than X dollars on Patreon over the years gets a Steam code." That seems like a nice thing to do. Don't know what X is yet.
As for Steam itself, the store is made up, I'm just waiting on some graphics before it goes live. Once the game is 100% done-done and all the assets from my artists are in, I'll probably launch the store and let it cook for a month or two just to let any last bug reports trickle in while I do all the promotion. Will have to get Audrey to help out with some of that, since I'm useless at it.
Anyway, if you're still here, thanks for reading. I don't know what the future looks like or how it's all going to go down, but if there's one thing I'm certain of, it's that I'll do right by the people who've supported me and give it my best shot to keep going.
With love,


Feb 28, 2018
Great to hear it's finished soon, sad to hear that it's most likely the end of indoor (as far as h-games go).

Not to hate, as I fully understand why they did it, but the literally non-existent "appetizer" for non-patreons might be the reason why the game is flying under the radar. A demo (current public version) works for finished games so people can see if they like the game to buy it afterwards, but for an ongoing Patreon a 1 year old public version just doesn't cut it.


May 22, 2019
Another Update from the dev:

New Release: v0.162!

Hey folks, got another new release fresh out of the oven with some cool new content and a couple of important bug fixes.
As you might have seen last week, we're coming up on total completion, and at this stage, besides addressing bug reports, I'm just adding fun bonus content and making little improvements while I wait for the artists and voice actors to wrap up.
I'm shooting for a March release, so fingers-crossed all my assets are wrapped up in time. I won't set an official date until I have it all, but it shouldn't be much longer.
Until then, I'll keep adding and improving and fixing!
- Nym


Feb 28, 2018
I think this is just marketing artwork to have them as teaser images on sites like Steam etc. But god damn, that looks hot as fuck.


Feb 9, 2020
someone needs to make a mod that disables the fishing mini-game, or if anyone knoe if thers is a way to increase the amount of time you have, whether by in game methods or using a save editor let me know


Sep 25, 2020
first impression
looks interesting so far
fishing mechanic is so bad i did not even care about the quest related to it and will not bother wasting any time on this part of the game would suggest adding a easy normal and hard mode for that part
way to short time to hit all the markers as they show up with the current time system for me it was a pure waste of my time
did enjoy the time put in to creating the town and surrounding areas and a nice work with the items hidden in random places not only in chests downside a lot more random clicking xD
one thing that would have been nice fought is a indicator on how much example strength is needed to move boxes


Jan 6, 2020
first impression
looks interesting so far
fishing mechanic is so bad i did not even care about the quest related to it and will not bother wasting any time on this part of the game would suggest adding a easy normal and hard mode for that part
way to short time to hit all the markers as they show up with the current time system for me it was a pure waste of my time
did enjoy the time put in to creating the town and surrounding areas and a nice work with the items hidden in random places not only in chests downside a lot more random clicking xD
one thing that would have been nice fought is a indicator on how much example strength is needed to move boxes
The fishing is hard for a reason. You are using a basic ass pole. You have to upgrade it which you gotta buy the upgrade. Then it becomes much easier.
4.30 star(s) 4 Votes