It got quite boring for a few hours when i started this game. Seriously man. I see that you put a lot of effort on this project, there are a tons of renders, of which i've seen a little part before uncompressing the archive out of curiousity, and your ideas where quite ambitious from the beginning.
But do you know why i had to uncompress the archive to give a check to the rest of the renders? Because your game gets you stuck on a loop quite early in the story if you did certain legit dialog choices instead of others (and as i mentioned, the later dialogs behave just like you did totally different choices).
This is no minor probelm. This is a catastrophic bug, which not only makes the game, de facto, unplayable for some, but it also completely negate your premises of a sandbox oriented game.
"Do whatever you please until it's exactly the only one route that doesn't break the game".
Don't you see a problem here?
And the "more content in next releases" dialog lines in a "completed" game really makes your work not only seem hasted and unfinished, but it also seem that you really didn't give the smallest fuck after a certain point.
That's in no way good, i'm sorry. Bugs happens, i understand that. And this ambitious project must have proven overwelming at a certain point, and i perfectly understant that you might have wanted to wrap it up.
But to keep it presentable, you should have, at least, removed the "more content next" messages and done something about the killer bug midgame.
Am i being unreasonable?