I've progressed far enough with the dynamic FreeRoamGuide to populate 14 scenes in SanchoGallery so far (well, technically 15 since it will only take me about 10mins to put Chanel's in there).
Some of the free roam events are a bit complicated so it's taking me time to code them all dynamically so it doesn't matter what order you do any particular event or where you are within that event. Ain't gonna like, Eleanor's perfect Sancho scene took me a bit to sort out... half due to Moolah and half to my own whacky coding style. The key to get it working flawlessly in the gallery is this bit of code that took me almost an hour to mastermind:
Now I've got a lock on these LI's so the gallery is a no-brainer. The FreeRoamGuide coding is a bitch though... as was to be expected (hence why I'm doing it... the challenge).
One thing to expect though... once you get to Mia's "Preggo Lab" event I have it coded for the dynamic FreeRoam mostly... but since it doesn't have a conclusion yet by the developer I'm leaving the loose ends so as not to confuse the shit out of me when the VN updates later. In other words if I tell the player they are doing redundant shit I likely forget about that special-purpose code later and bork things up. Y'all know by now if you've played the VN that once she's in the Lab you're basically done with that particular "event" for the time being... don't go wasting fucking hours buying vitamins, milk, etc. It simply won't matter.
Anyway, enough of me yammering on. Time for an adult beverage refill and get back to it. Regards.
Edit: FYI - I'm taking care of the "little things" as well such as when GUI icons might be in the way of something within the mod. This way you can keep the MiniStat open for the FreeRoam info and not have to keep closing it to access certain buttons. Note the below as an example:
Consolidated list of older posts with SanchoMod updates/teasers (this is so I can log them):
Post 4122
Post 4158
Post 4168
Post 4179
Post 4377
Post 4385
Post 4396