And I was just trying to be polite and let him know that there was an error.
The correct, polite and courteous thing to have done, is to hit the report button for the OP, select Other, and give a reason.
Your post, like mine, is but one in hundreds that you can't expect devs or mods to read all, if any of. Especially when you haven't tagged someone for their attention, either by quoting/replying to their post, or tagging them by username - "@" followed by their username like I'm doing here with yours.
That results in two notifications for you.
1 - That I quoted/replied to your post directly
2 - That I directly mentioned you in a post.
Don't pay any attention to that other person who replied to you. Just hover over the username and click Ignore. I did that a long while ago.
Still working that salt mine because I pointed out your "verbosity" as going off on unnecessary tangents, I see.