3.40 star(s) 10 Votes


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2020
The only NTR scene in the previous update was the blowjob scene in the kitchen. In this update, there is a choice of three options, two of which are labeled NTR, one of them is not.
But the game is a bit mysterious, maybe the non-NTR option means that NTR happens but the player doesn't see the scene
In the next update it will be very clear I hope it will be avoidable not skippable
Then I will wait for the next update to check if the ntr is avoidable


Devoted Member
Jun 26, 2018
It gives you the option to not watch it happen.
Personally, I'd rather know for sure if they can actually be avoided or if they can just be skipped. Because if they keep happening and we just don't see them, then I'm still not interested in the game. Anyway, according to what the Dev said, they would be optional, the kind that don't happen unless you choose for them to happen.

In any case, being able to turn off NTR right at the start of the game is still my preferred way of dealing with it: It doesn't happen and you don't even know when it could have happened.
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Sep 8, 2019
Is it hard-core ntr or does the mc grow not to be a dumbass?
MC is a loser simp, he is in love with x girl for a long time and do nothing about it + she doesn't give a shit about him.
She and MC's friend have a past(they fucked once). On ntr route she missed his friend cock and give him BJ like a good girl when they talk to each other :cool::ROFLMAO:

I wouldn't consider it as "ntr" - they never were together
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Combat Wombat

Apr 13, 2022
So you are given 3 choices....2 are labelled as ntr and the other is just skippable ntr....:ROFLMAO:

What is the point in giving you a choice if the ntr happens regardless? You may argue that you don't get to see it but if it still happens in the background then it is still there, it is still ntr.

(How many cucks does it take to change a lightbulb? None, they watch another man do it for them while they quietly sit in the corner.)

I've been following this thread since the beginning and the dev really needs to be upfront about what he's making because giving us a "fake" choice isn't a choice at all. It either needs to be avoidable or not. Seriously just be honest about it instead of trying to get both the ntr haters and lovers to try it because you'll just piss off even more people on both sides.

If you want it to be an ntr game then make it an ntr game. If you want ntr haters to play it too then make ntr avoidable not skippable.

Most of this thread is filled with the usual ntr argument crap. If you were honest in the first place then that wouldn't have happened and people would be talking more about the the other more important aspects of the game. Pick a crowd and stick with it. Be honest and upfront. It's a simple as that.

Toodles. (y)


Jul 12, 2018
to be fair- why would you say something you don't like/agree with? I think liking your own tweets/yt comments/other comments is perfectly within reason. maybe a little odd, but within reason!
No its not, never was and never will. People who do it have serious self esteem issues and highly dependable on support/appreciation from strangers through social media. Its not even a mater of discussion, but common sense.


Nov 7, 2019
I know some people just hate NTR and some people love it and that's fine.

From a narrative perspective... the best thing to have been done, in my opinion and just for the sake of the story, would be to make the NTR scene cannon... but not show it at that time. It would still happen and the MC would still not know about it. The only difference would be that the Player wouldn't know about it either. Reveal the events of the scene later (retain the option to skip it)

It wouldn't change anything from the MC's perspective...but it would allow the player to share that perspective better. It would just make for better storytelling.


Nov 12, 2019
So you are given 3 choices....2 are labelled as ntr and the other is just skippable ntr....:ROFLMAO:

What is the point in giving you a choice if the ntr happens regardless? You may argue that you don't get to see it but if it still happens in the background then it is still there, it is still ntr.

(How many cucks does it take to change a lightbulb? None, they watch another man do it for them while they quietly sit in the corner.)

I've been following this thread since the beginning and the dev really needs to be upfront about what he's making because giving us a "fake" choice isn't a choice at all. It either needs to be avoidable or not. Seriously just be honest about it instead of trying to get both the ntr haters and lovers to try it because you'll just piss off even more people on both sides.

If you want it to be an ntr game then make it an ntr game. If you want ntr haters to play it too then make ntr avoidable not skippable.

Most of this thread is filled with the usual ntr argument crap. If you were honest in the first place then that wouldn't have happened and people would be talking more about the the other more important aspects of the game. Pick a crowd and stick with it. Be honest and upfront. It's a simple as that.

Toodles. (y)
hahaha I agree with you, they should define well what genre the game is going to be, but many developers don't even come with a clear idea from the beginning and what happens is that it attracts different or opposite communities, as in this case it is the ntr and the non-ntr and when they make the decision about which genre they are going to do the only thing that generally occurs is conflict because their followers are mixed between different genres and what causes, as we can see, is that the discussions are full more of fights about not ntr or ntr and not of opinions regarding the development of this game.


Nov 12, 2019
I know some people just hate NTR and some people love it and that's fine.

From a narrative perspective... the best thing to have been done, in my opinion and just for the sake of the story, would be to make the NTR scene cannon... but not show it at that time. It would still happen and the MC would still not know about it. The only difference would be that the Player wouldn't know about it either. Reveal the events of the scene later (retain the option to skip it)

It wouldn't change anything from the MC's perspective...but it would allow the player to share that perspective better. It would just make for better storytelling.
It is true that for the narrative point it would be fine, but imagine what would happen if they hid the ntr thing and out of nowhere they threw the surprise in future updates when the people who follow them are fans of the no ntr, a disaster would be generated worse than this Now that the game is starting.


Active Member
Jan 4, 2019
I wasn't sure what to expect when I played this, but I thought the characters looked really good and I decided to give it a shot. It's a really entertaining drama with a lot of comedy bits. I also think it works with or without the sex scenes.

I recommend this.
3.40 star(s) 10 Votes