
Active Member
Sep 10, 2020
It's pretty hilarious, but also quite sad. The guy who replied to me doesn't really get how games are made and even more so in the case of renpy games and that's okay but it's sad how delusional one can be to defend something but if you don't know any better then it is what it is I suppose.

Quite funny bluecat posted in there a while after but never acknowledged what I said, or maybe he never saw it. /shrug

I would imagine they must have some private channels cause if that's all that happens in general chat.... it's not really a chatting place, is it?

I'm sure I would get banned if I dropped a link in there or even suggested people msg me personally about it lol. Not surprised Skummy is still around in there, wonder if his still paying one the top premiums for some extra character.
What's even more funny is that guy you were talking with said to someone else about BC reaching out to you "if you feel this is needed you can try message the "team" directly but I do not think you will get anything out of it". So I assume that they know BC isn't doing shit and they just don't care.


Active Member
Sep 10, 2020
Can i get some info, or at least wich state is it? from the Patreon
Probably a dead game. No updates on patreon since Oct. On discord they said the merge would be done no later then Jan. Since then nothing has been said or done it would seem. Only thing that goes on in discord is a cult that sends hugging gifs to each other. I wouldn't expect anything to come out of this game.
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Dec 19, 2020
What's even more funny is that guy you were talking with said to someone else about BC reaching out to you "if you feel this is needed you can try message the "team" directly but I do not think you will get anything out of it". So I assume that they know BC isn't doing shit and they just don't care.
Yeah I dunno. It's weird, I guess Skummy wasn't the only loyalist among them that goes above and beyond to downplay their actions (or lack thereof). I replied to that team message since I thought it was funny, not sure if I'll reply to anything else they say afterwards though since I can only imagine the same guy replying to me which at that point I may as well talk to a brick wall. Ah well.

Last I checked, he was paying for two characters even. One was his own character, who I think got ported over to a second game, and one was the spoil sport who kept accusing MC of being a pervert. That one he seemingly did for her fans, which I have to admit, was pretty cool of him. I doubt he's paying for her still though.

Anyway, that Discord is like a bloody cult, man.
Do you know what that second game is? would love to take a look into it. Same with which character it is if you know.

I've had a suspicion for a while that maybe Bluecat has another game, cause surely he has to be doing something right (though it could just be IRL stuff) but it's not exactly uncommon for devs here to make games under new names.

Definitely a cult.
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New Member
Feb 1, 2019
Yeah I dunno. It's weird, I guess Skummy wasn't the only loyalist among them that goes above and beyond to downplay their actions (or lack thereof). I replied to that team message since I thought it was funny, not sure if I'll reply to anything else they say afterwards though since I can only imagine the same guy replying to me which at that point I may as well talk to a brick wall. Ah well.

Do you know what that second game is? would love to take a look into it. Same with which character it is if you know.

I've had a suspicion for a while that maybe Bluecat has another game, cause surely he has to be doing something right (though it could just be IRL stuff) but it's not exactly uncommon for devs here to make games under new names.

Definitely a cult.
I saw a character used from this game in another recently but I believe the game I know of is banned on here so don't know if I can say the name of it at all


Dec 19, 2020
I saw a character used from this game in another recently but I believe the game I know of is banned on here so don't know if I can say the name of it at all
Fair enough, I think I know which one it is now since I felt like a character looked pretty familiar so it had to of been that game. Interesting none the less :)


New Member
Feb 1, 2019
Fair enough, I think I know which one it is now since I felt like a character looked pretty familiar so it had to of been that game. Interesting none the less :)
If it is the same I laughed pretty hard, at least for now they will actually get used in a game
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Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2019
Do you know what that second game is? would love to take a look into it. Same with which character it is if you know.

I've had a suspicion for a while that maybe Bluecat has another game, cause surely he has to be doing something right (though it could just be IRL stuff) but it's not exactly uncommon for devs here to make games under new names.

Definitely a cult.
All I know is that it's the home of any Patreon characters that never made it into Ecchi Sensei yet. I vaguely recall it being an Isekai with Matsu in a fantasy world, but don't quote me on that. Beyond that, I don't think anything has been reveal, and I don't think they intend to work on it until after the merge is complete. So, no, I don't think that's why they've not worked on ES.

Maybe they're just all close friends, but the constant "Blue-Sama" gives me culty vibes, yeah.


Feb 28, 2018
All I know is that it's the home of any Patreon characters that never made it into Ecchi Sensei yet. I vaguely recall it being an Isekai with Matsu in a fantasy world, but don't quote me on that. Beyond that, I don't think anything has been reveal, and I don't think they intend to work on it until after the merge is complete. So, no, I don't think that's why they've not worked on ES.

Maybe they're just all close friends, but the constant "Blue-Sama" gives me culty vibes, yeah.
Haha perhaps it looks like that but I only do it because BlueCat asked me to after He moved to Japan :LOL:
In the end it became a joke between me and BlueCat. and others like Marche do it to mess with him :KEK:

Hey there Dukez Felt it was only fair to meet you on your "home turf" :ROFLMAO:
if you have any more questions feel free to ask :LOL:


Dec 19, 2020
Hey there Dukez Felt it was only fair to meet you on your "home turf" :ROFLMAO:
if you have any more questions feel free to ask :LOL:
If I had more questions to ask you I would in the discord, alas I do not and rather my questions were always intended for BlueCat and his team, not his unrelated to the game itself discord mods, no offense lol.

Never got any satisfying answers though in the end from BlueCat, just more words repeating what his already said in the past and confirmation yet again that he doesn't understand programming so even in a best case scenario world where he is doing work (in his case would be script writing + images), it is entirely possible latecomer is stringing lies to him and making out his work is bigger than it is.

It was pretty funny though that my fan merge was a big "nono" in BlueCat's words :KEK:. I mean I get it, you want your own version but if you can't get something out after 2 years it's time to look in the mirror and re-evaluate your decisions but his been told this before I'm sure so it doesn't need repeating again.

It's a shame BlueCat is fumbling the game, but hey that's the new in-thing for a lot of games these days it seems, none really know how to stay on track and not screw things up sadly.


Feb 28, 2018
If I had more questions to ask you I would in the discord, alas I do not and rather my questions were always intended for BlueCat and his team, not his unrelated to the game itself discord mods, no offense lol.

Never got any satisfying answers though in the end from BlueCat, just more words repeating what his already said in the past and confirmation yet again that he doesn't understand programming so even in a best case scenario world where he is doing work (in his case would be script writing + images), it is entirely possible latecomer is stringing lies to him and making out his work is bigger than it is.

It was pretty funny though that my fan merge was a big "nono" in BlueCat's words :KEK:. I mean I get it, you want your own version but if you can't get something out after 2 years it's time to look in the mirror and re-evaluate your decisions but his been told this before I'm sure so it doesn't need repeating again.

It's a shame BlueCat is fumbling the game, but hey that's the new in-thing for a lot of games these days it seems, none really know how to stay on track and not screw things up sadly.
no offense taken do not worry about that :ROFLMAO:

As for being the discord mod I only became one because Blue-cat asked me to... I never wanted it in the first place :LOL:
and i will freely admit that Marche ,Tsu and Dv does a better job then me :HideThePain:

I think he lost a lot of focus when he got the new job and moved to Japan, its no excuse though just what happens some times.
As well as Latecomers sickness and leave of absents to deal with IRL issues
When it comes to Latecomer I can really not say much as I have little interaction with him :)
He might be lying and say the problems are bigger then they are but I do not know :cautious:
In the end its why i lost interest in the game in the first place (y)

Even more so when I was diagnosed with terminal cancer a few years ago :) I know I will properly never see the finished game even if BlueCat was a competent programmer so for me the only thing left is to try to support the team and do the job i was asked for :)

When news of the merged completion was finished I tried to get BlueCat to take a look at it but I think it is a pride thing (y)

as I said Renpy never ... held any interest for me to learn it :)
my area of compentence is ... old as I said take the 8 years it took to become a programmer here in Denmark, I lost a lot of ... will to learn new languanges without any reasons to do so like small private projects :)

C turbo and C+, MySQL , HTML 4 and PHP, Python, Delphine , Pascal, Assembler x386 and x486 and a few I lucky forgotten all about :rolleyes:
Only "New" one I learned was Lua and Ruby scripting ( for RPGmaker VX) to help out other games I had an interest in or to mod like ToME :whistle:

either way Sorry for the long reply :)
and hope it can be read well since my translator is not to be trusted :LOL:
Last edited:


Dec 19, 2020
I think he lost a lot of focus when he got the new job and moved to Japan, its no excuse though just what happens some times.
As well as Latecomers sickness and leave of absents to deal with IRL issues
its why i lost interest in the game in the first place (y)

When news of the merged completion was finished I tried to get BlueCat to take a look at it but I think it is a pride thing (y)

as I said Renpy never ... held any interest for me to learn it :)
my area of compentence is ... old as I said take the 8 years it took to become a programmer here in Denmark, I lost a lot of ... will to learn new languanges without any reasons to do so like small private projects :)

C turbo and C+, MySQL , HTML 4 and PHP, Python, Delphine , Pascal Assembler x386 and x486 and a few I lucky forgotten all about :rolleyes:
Only "New" one I learned was Lua and Ruby scripting ( for RPGmaker VX) to help out other games I had an interest in or to mod like ToME :whistle:
Wasn't moving to Japan one his high-cost patreon goals and that it would allow him to be more inspired and work more on the game? Well I know he never hit that money goal but it sure as hell doesn't seem to have inspired him to work harder either has it. I'm curious how he even lives in Japan then since AFAIK it's a hard country to get a long term stay in let alone dual citizenship, I wonder what his real job is then?

Wouldn't surprise me if he never looked at my merge, though since he doesn't know programming he wouldn't even understand the extent to which it has been changed & fixed up anyway.

As for latecomer's sickness etc though.. yeah I'm sorry but I'll never believe this again. Why? He works on other games that release here for example, and they all seem to come out just fine. It's only this game that doesn't. :unsure:

As for your programming skills... Renpy isn't hard. It's just Python since that's what the SDK is written from so renpy's language is extremely similar to that of Python and Python is one of the easiest programming languages to learn from what I know. I can attest to that much, having not known it before I looked at merging this game myself.

I guess it's truly doomed after all though since he moved to Japan, must have gotten sucked into Japan's work culture that leaves you little free time so now it's just guaranteed to never get finished. (Except for mine, of course :ROFLMAO:)


Feb 28, 2018
Wasn't moving to Japan one his high-cost patreon goals and that it would allow him to be more inspired and work more on the game? Well I know he never hit that money goal but it sure as hell doesn't seem to have inspired him to work harder either has it. I'm curious how he even lives in Japan then since AFAIK it's a hard country to get a long term stay in let alone dual citizenship, I wonder what his real job is then?

Wouldn't surprise me if he never looked at my merge, though since he doesn't know programming he wouldn't even understand the extent to which it has been changed & fixed up anyway.
He never told me what his real job is and I ... never asked to be honest All I know is that it takes alot of his time or perhaps he is just more passionate about it :eek:
How he came to live in Japan. A Japanese dual citizen from the server helped him setting it all up and gave him the job if my memories have not failed me (y)

When people dm me if they should stop their donation on Patreon or I say it is up to them if the feel they get their money's worth to them or not. if not then they should stop their donation (y)

and yes I am 99% certain that Bluecat never looked at your merger which is a darn shame but I what can I do :HideThePain:

""As for latecomer's sickness etc though.. yeah I'm sorry but I'll never believe this again. Why? He works on other games that release here for example, and they all seem to come out just fine. It's only this game that doesn't. :unsure: ""
That always struck me as odd :cautious: I have seen him active on other servers before though i did not know that he actively worked on those games. seems likely now that perhaps one of the main problems is motivation on Latecomers part which is very sad...
I can ask BlueCat what he knows but he never discussed other team members with me and I respect that :unsure:

As for your programming skills... Renpy isn't hard. It's just Python since that's what the SDK is written from so renpy's language is extremely similar to that of Python and Python is one of the easiest programming languages to learn from what I know. I can attest to that much, having not known it before I looked at merging this game myself.

Its not about the hardness of Renpy though I can not say anything about it :ROFLMAO:
my primary problem is the motivation to learn it and I simply never had a project were Renpy were an option :whistle:
perhaps if I one day find something interesting to do with Renpy I will look into it but ... the time I have left i prefer to just ... enjoy my medical retirement :giggle:

""I guess it's truly doomed after all though since he moved to Japan, must have gotten sucked into Japan's work culture that leaves you little free time so now it's just guaranteed to never get finished. (Except for mine, of course :ROFLMAO:) ""

sadly if that is the case there is nothing that can be done :( I already made my peace with it that I may never see it so .... its not a big lose for me at least. But I feel sorry for the many others who wants it to be finished.
tried to make it more readable and sorry once again for the long reply and the many errors there is in it :LOL:
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Dec 19, 2017
I guess it's truly doomed after all though since he moved to Japan, must have gotten sucked into Japan's work culture that leaves you little free time so now it's just guaranteed to never get finished. (Except for mine, of course :ROFLMAO:)
That's the overall feeling I get as well.
Although you raised a very good point on that discord; Where are the new renders? Where is the new script? You definitely don't need the app or game for that to at least show work was done in the background and is just waiting for merge.

We've seen nothing of new scenes or anything of that ilk.
Even the ones that came out in the last release were done around the same time as the start of the Month 1 merger as I do remember seeing them when I was a Tier 5 patron.

So we've basically had 3 years' worth of redirects.
Sure as fuck if someone had shown me that they had done a project of mine in a better way or had fixed glaring bugs, I would have swallowed my pride and accepted it. Would have used it as well after learning what the fixes were and that there were no breaks.

Anyways it is what it is. If people keep paying for nothing then that is their fault. :)


Jul 12, 2020
Looking at the in game calendar, it certainly suggests it, being that there was dates marked off going into a year.


Jul 12, 2020
Dang hope the dev comesback, game looks so good the genre is perfect, goodluck to dev,
It's a shame, there were some interesting story lines, like it's possible that the only girls in school that MC has screwed were his daughters including another one that he didn't know about. Remember the guy was banging girls from his school when he was a teenager and the only one we know for sure he kept contact with was his sister. I think there were at least 4 other girls he was screwing back then so any of them he might have left pregnant. Wouldn't it be something if it turned out that all of them were left pregnant and had daughters in his present day class. Heck the guy's aleady knocked up the school princple and maybe some of the other adult woman, like the 7 connected to his school, and his wifes friends.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
I think he lost a lot of focus when he got the new job and moved to Japan, its no excuse though just what happens some times.
Oh, he finally moved to Japan? Financing said trip was a big motivator for him, so that may explain so much.
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