Preface this with: Love the game. See my only review to see how much.
Now; STOP, Just stop with the massively moving camera while fucking. It. Is. NOT. Erotic.
Also: Stop the telescoping dick. It's not necessary, as evidenced by scenes that don't use it, and it's completely destructive to willful immersiveness. Collapsing 'telescopes' don't penetrate anything.
As well: Galleries don't work. At all. Replaying scenes bugged out. Not a big deal to me, since this was the first time I bothered with them. Hell, even noticed them. Oddly, music isn't working either. Ya ya, who cares. Except the music in this game always matched the mood/scene. It's been odd hearing nothing. Yes. I tried to play music manually. It stops when I leave the options screen.
Really. For me, these are minor issues. This remains my top waited for update on the site.
Cannae wait for week 3 o/