Well, I understand why Skummy can't say anything, since he is part of the dev team, but it sounds to me, reading between the lines of Blucat's post, is that if the merge doesn't happen by the end of the year, so he can start releasing updates again starting in 2022, he will either learn to do a straight Renpy VN himself, or more likely, find someone else to just take his images and dialog and put it into a standard Renpy game format, and start to release everything regularly again.
The mechanics are still up in the air I am sure, but it will probably be released episodically, without being integrated into the past episodes, as Ecchi Sensei Part 2, or similar. Hopefully, the new dev will just keep building on that so at least part 2 will be a single download, that just builds upon itself each release (like every other Renpy game).
Also, and this is just my guess, but from Bluecat's statement, I expect that all the added features, such as the profiles, and user toolbar at the top of the screen, will all be removed, and Ecchi Sensei will go straight RenPy, with stock features.
Sure, the other features could be nice, if they were every actually working, but content is what matters, and 95%+ of the players' gameplay is not looking at the profiles or toolbar.
I know some people think this is all a bad sign, but so far we have gotten a whole lot of nothing, so a change is long overdue.
But, we will see. The dev (forgot his name), still has 2 months to prove he has done something in the last year.