Gotta love fans like this, game doesn't update for more than a year, dev doesn't even post regularly on Patreon and the game is close to an update for how many months now?
Guys, it's okay if you still like the game and the dev, but accept that it is perfectly legit to criticize a situation like this.
I wish moleman, nothing but the best, but if I was a supporter, I'd be seriously pissed at that sort of wishy-washy development.
He had Covid in December 2020, how can someone seriously use that as a defence for him now? I had Covid in January 2021, do you have any idea how I would be ridiculed if I tried to explain not getting my shit done due to that?
I don't pay for this game, it is nice, but it's not so special that I sit here waiting desperately for an update. If it gets an update at some point, fine, if it doesn't, it's no skin of my teeth, but that doesn't change that there is no real explanation or excuse for these delays. I don't think he is scamming people, he really doesn't seem to get enough for something like that, but when a game update gets delayed like that, and it's not a scam, it's either a very low priority for the dev or he has no interest at all left.
There can be legit reasons why a dev would still be interested in finishing his game and still get delays like that, but it's rare and those devs usually are better in keeping people up to date with what's happening.