Again. Some help?hi all. I've tried everything and i've searched in the forum (found something -saves as well-) but nothinf has worked
I don't know how to ha this event "12:00, go to ann, [green text] pool?!, stay with ann, "
I don't know how to figure it out
Some help?
to have this event u have to go with all the girls and when they kiss you decide to stay with annAgain. Some help?
This has been fixed a few days ago or last weekThere's something wrong in the v.7 walkthorugh; in the last wednesday, this is the schedule:
8:00, do you want we spend the day together?, so? what are your plans?
10:00, go to rhonda, help her, try to seduce her, [green text] up the ante!, either option
11:00, go to the living room, go with melinda alone, yes, compliment her, yes, yes
12:00, go to ann, [green text] do you want to go to angie's pool?, swimming with ann, can you help?
13:00, go to work for barbara, yes, click on the guy, ask him if he has something for urine control, buy it, get back, either option, visit linda if you need pills
But if you spend the day with Cynthia, you can't go at 10:00 with Rhonda, not at all, since you are back home much later... I followed v7 walkthrough both with my 100% save from v6.9 and the save provided by Chemmy and it's the same in both cases... How shoud I proceed?
i think it's from an older version of the game and it got removed, i have also seen these images and tried a lot of things to get it to trigger, no luckis there alternative walkthrough for alternative scene?? I see some when I use UnRen apps
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no there isn't anything to let you know that you have finish v7 finalHow the end story of 7 . Is there notifications if the has been completed ?
Showing some text "you reached...... V7" ??
Thank there isn't anything to let you know that you have finish v7 final
at the bottom right corner, click on the gear looking icon, click next page, click check your progressplease?
new teaserStill no news and teasers!