it will be cool if there was 1 post with a walkthrough how to unlock ALL the galerry images and events plz.
You can use this link to get a mod of all those gallery scenes found from a member here...
If any one starts and click on all those modded gallery scenes, you will see that some of them are lost in the game.... AGAIN!
If I remember well 2 versions ago the Dev, mention about the lost scene of Mel and Dan at the Barn shower.
This thing is back.
The mod of this fellow and thanks to him, showed more lost scenes!
At least to me!
The Dev and always by my opinion, started a game with a scenario, that fucked up on the Patreon pay wall.
Everyone gives no shit about the game play and every one wants more sex with Melida's character!
Some people even ask to remove Ronda which in the game play was the 1st and best friend of MC (Daniel)
Some of you here, complain about the grinding of this game.
Most of it is logic errors of programing and not just grinding.
Have always this in mind when you what to rate this game.