OK think I'm done with the current version. Unless I'm missing something big all playable old and new content should take up no more than 300 -400 MB's. Could be wrong but averaging , the rest seems like old inaccessible files taking up space. Secondly , remembering its just a game I'd like to see this exponential list of men Melinda has slept that make people think she's a whore, cause last time I counted Its three and of that one was blackmail/rape whatever floats your boat. She not into Lee and let's Daniel know that plus she's not stupid ether (I think about lot of folks here are wishing and looking for more than there is here) . Lastly recycled scenes are no prob but they got to fit 13:00 outdoor shower with Melinda ......how is she magically back in the sun dress when before with lee she's wearing a top and shorts or a farm dress with Daniel. 17:00 toilet scene, William is not even in the update , 18:00 Melinda's Bedroom out of sync with their current relationship. There are a few other recycled scenes that should be updated as the story progresses and not just copied and pasted .