0) He really don't have any power before it's too late. And rape under AI everwatching eye isn't seems as good idea.
1) IMHO that it's truly vile to revenge to someone who
don't remember doing any evil to you. Because it's one step beside from do "revenge" to incapable or dying person.
2) But you can bang
her daughters (and keep sleeping with them for almost year if you remember how naturally MH accepted breasts contest and double blowjob from them). It's up to you to count this as revenge or not
P.S. But yean, plot is overfilled with holes and non-sense (even more stupid that "standart" erotic games all-females-want-you-and-blind-to-cheating):
- Lexi & Ruby are obviously lying and story about drug testing is a lie too (it isn't helpful even a bit if spy will forget about his family and loved ones).
- Horseman punching MH through combat armor. Seriously?! Try to punch someone wearing even just modern plate carrier vest into chest, lol. And it isn't top tier tech as we have special assault combat armor too.
- Hivemind soliders easily beat that horseman, but their descendants are hold by human amazon girl even after being enraged by death of it's mother. >_<
- Whole non-sense with cybernetic translator that survive crash (lol) and keep working when you're in girl body (LOOL).
- Soldiers in fantasy realm wear very late tech plate armor. Carry shields inside castle (lol). Killed by naked girl with dagger (mega-lol as she don't have any chances against even one soldier - this actually
why we invented&crafted plate suits).
- Alien girl on board. Why? Try to damage your CPU and answer me here after that

(Ruby IS ship itself, at least as software).
P.S. Seriously why games with cool graphic often are stupid or boring? I'm hoped to support dev (don't want to do it earlier as game had too little content and seems to be slow in development), only to find it turn from rare science-fiction genre into annoyingly abundant fantasy GoT parody. Meh. I'm feeling betrayed =/