
Active Member
Jun 24, 2018
Gonna be honest, I'm pretty sure that was all an attempt to shut people up and their "reports" are basically made up.
If the "reports" says the game is complete and yet the game is delayed... again... then why do the reports say its done?

Calling it now, the game won't be released, and HW will go into hiding.

Either the game isn't complete and is nowhere near completion, the game is barebones and has nowhere near the amount of content promised or HW has been sitting on his arse writing fake reports to keep the money farm milking.

They already had a release date before and stumbled right by it without a peep, then made some weird vague posts that didn't explain anything while changing the release date on Steam and banning anyone that talked about it. This was a while ago. This is likely why people are skeptical.

If the game is somehow finally done then great, I eagerly await to see what they've been doing all this time, but being a veteran of crowdfunding games, I would keep my expectations in check to see what content remains beyond the demo and its quality.

But if this truly is finally a release for them, then I will cast away my shock and disbelief and offer them congratulations, I guess.

I can't stop you guys from not believing us but HW has nothing to do with us deleting posts. Sure he spams reports or opens tickets asking us to handle things. Its a 50/50 chance that we will do something. The recent cleanup that I started was due to a discussion we had in our staff chat and about how we need to handle dumpster fire threads like this, a little heavier.

Believe what you want, but none of us are paid by devs. I really wish I could quick my day job and handle dev drama.

Anyways back on topic.
They are vicious and unprofessional on their Steam forums where they have more control and ban users who ask even actual appropriate questions, i.e. when they walked by their previous release date without a peep and people were asking if something happened, they didn't just delete the posts, but banned people from their steam forum with ridiculous things listed in the 'reasons' slot, and a Steam community moderator has said to one user I've spoken with that the developer is a real headache to work with, lmao.

So I get it, and I really don't think you're being paid by them or anything silly like that, but I mean at this point the devs' preferred behavior is hardly a secret so you really can't blame people for raising their eyebrows really really high.


Birb Skull Fuckery
Staff member
Jul 5, 2017
They are vicious and unprofessional on their Steam forums where they have more control and ban users who ask even actual appropriate questions, i.e. when they walked by their previous release date without a peep and people were asking if something happened, they didn't just delete the posts, but banned people from their steam forum with ridiculous things listed in the 'reasons' slot, and a Steam community moderator has said to one user I've spoken with that the developer is a real headache to work with, lmao.

So I get it, and I really don't think you're being paid or anything hilarious, but I mean at this point the devs' preferred behavior is hardly a secret so you really can't blame people for raising eyebrows really really high.
This is new to me. I don't follow what dev's do outside of F95 unless its brought up in our mod/staff chats. Even with cleaning up the thread, I haven't gotten to that type of discussion. But this does make more sense now.


Jan 24, 2018
I can't stop you guys from not believing us but HW has nothing to do with us deleting posts. Sure he spams reports or opens tickets asking us to handle things. Its a 50/50 chance that we will do something. The recent cleanup that I started was due to a discussion we had in our staff chat and about how we need to handle dumpster fire threads like this, a little heavier.

Believe what you want, but none of us are paid by devs. I really wish I could quick my day job and handle dev drama.

Anyways back on topic.
All due respect, While I understand that our bitching can get to a point of dumpster fire level. I do believe that we should be able to warn potential supporters of suspicious actions.

If anything, I think there needs to be a warn system. Where a Mod comes in and says "Ok, that's enough for today. 7 day ban on all [topic]" and anything after that point, people get warnings. Along with a clear understanding to Developers that they can share their content on this site but they don't have a right to control the opinion of their game and that spamming baseless reports will lead to warns.

But deleting shit then expecting people to move on isn't going to work.


Birb Skull Fuckery
Staff member
Jul 5, 2017
All due respect, While I understand that our bitching can get to a point of dumpster fire level. I do believe that we should be able to warn potential supporters of suspicious actions.

If anything, I think there needs to be a warn system. Where a Mod comes in and says "Ok, that's enough for today. 7 day ban on all [topic]" and anything after that point, people get warnings. Along with a clear understanding to Developers that they can share their content on this site but they don't have a right to control the opinion of their game and that spamming baseless reports will lead to warns.

But deleting shit then expecting people to move on isn't going to work.
We mainly delete stuff to prevent the off topic/derailing. But warnings/thread bans will be handed out going forward.


Active Member
Feb 8, 2021
I really like the game and I understand the frustrations of both the development team and supporters but I think this project might end up a commerical failure due to the near total loss of goodwill at this point. The sales might end up kinda disappointing along with many folks complaining that it doesn't live up to the hype and people just refusing to give the dev any more money due to the long development time and bad behavior. The dev also admitted they've already been burned out on this whole thing since long ago.

This is definitely one form of "development hell".
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May 14, 2020
If you want to see what the combined demos have available, check out my gallery map pack. Load it as a custom map using 0.49 for the best results (links below).
Cannot download gallery pack. Somehow it's forbidden but my home PC and browser isn't under some administrator settings.
Could you or someone upload it anywhere else please?


New Member
Feb 26, 2023
Cannot download gallery pack. Somehow it's forbidden but my home PC and browser isn't under some administrator settings.
Could you or someone upload it anywhere else please?
It's also available on the official Future Fragments Discord. Look for the map packs channel, it'll be the latest entry there.
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Aug 31, 2021
someone need to knock the door and tell the dev its past 2023 already
Oh really now. Just before they were about to "finish" the game, their scene developments went from like, 3-5 scenes a week, to 1 a week in their progress reports. Because the last scenes were obviously "bigger" and would take more time to make. Then, they would submit the game to steam, which could take a lot of time for them to approve. And then they would take 2-3 weeks to polish the game after approval.

Well, now on the discord they say that steams automated approval process failed. And steam would have to switch to doing it manually. Which will take more time, and of course, steam doesnt work over weekends, so it will take even more time. "Unfortunately".

Of course, I'm not saying they're lying about any of this. But to me at least, i find that each time they bring up anything time related. It becomes funnier each time.

The game will not release before February. (I do acknowledge that they said it would most likely go into manual review in a previous message, but I find it funny anyways that HW takes every opportunity to place blame wherever they can at any moment as to why things are so slow. Bringing up Valve not working on weekends is just too funny)
May 25, 2017
Oh really now. Just before they were about to "finish" the game, their scene developments went from like, 3-5 scenes a week, to 1 a week in their progress reports. Because the last scenes were obviously "bigger" and would take more time to make. Then, they would submit the game to steam, which could take a lot of time for them to approve. And then they would take 2-3 weeks to polish the game after approval.

Well, now on the discord they say that steams automated approval process failed. And steam would have to switch to doing it manually. Which will take more time, and of course, steam doesnt work over weekends, so it will take even more time. "Unfortunately".

Of course, I'm not saying they're lying about any of this. But to me at least, i find that each time they bring up anything time related. It becomes funnier each time.
View attachment 3238141

The game will not release before February. (I do acknowledge that they said it would most likely go into manual review in a previous message, but I find it funny anyways that HW takes every opportunity to place blame wherever they can at any moment as to why things are so slow. Bringing up Valve not working on weekends is just too funny)
At least this time it's a Valve issue. Like what do you expect HW to do, review it for them?
Aug 31, 2021
At least this time it's a Valve issue. Like what do you expect HW to do, review it for them?
No, I don't blame HW for Valve taking their time. I'm saying that the repeated pattern of HW doing the same thing time and time again was funny, and continues to grow funnier each time. It's bizarre to see it happening, the continuous slowing down of development and blame deflection is something I have never seen happen to this capacity. Nothing comes to mind that rivals it, at least not to me right now.

And it's something I see you, and the people in the DC continue to ignore. In my original message, I brought up a point that could have been, and should have been adressed but was entirely ignored, that being the slowing down of the scene implementation in the weekly reports. The "point" of my message wasn't the steam review part. It was the pattern that has been around since the game's inception, up until 9 years later, just before its release.

If something doesn't come up to push that release further away, of course...
May 25, 2017
No, I don't blame HW for Valve taking their time. I'm saying that the repeated pattern of HW doing the same thing time and time again was funny, and continues to grow funnier each time. It's bizarre to see it happening, the continuous slowing down of development and blame deflection is something I have never seen happen to this capacity. Nothing comes to mind that rivals it, at least not to me right now.

And it's something I see you, and the people in the DC continue to ignore. In my original message, I brought up a point that could have been, and should have been adressed but was entirely ignored, that being the slowing down of the scene implementation in the weekly reports. The "point" of my message wasn't the steam review part. It was the pattern that has been around since the game's inception, up until 9 years later, just before its release.

If something doesn't come up to push that release further away, of course...
If you have seen any of my posts from either earlier in this thread, in the less moderated thread, and/or in the old ULMF thread, you'd know that I am very well aware of how bad he is at release dates and delays. I've ragged on him about it in his own damn discord. I've just stopped caring because that particular point has been beat to death for years, to the point where even the mods are tired of it and are actively cleaning the thread of it.

Yes HW is bad at release dates. You've cracked the code. You've solved the riddle. Congratulations. No one actually cares anymore. I don't defend HW because of some hope that the game will come out sooner rather than later, I'm apathetic to that. I'm arguing with you because no one here will shut the fuck up about this one point, cluttering page after page of this thread with the same thing over and over again. Like yes we are well aware how he is, thank you for pointing it out for the thousandth time.
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Sep 15, 2018
This game isn’t coming out for many more months. Do people think the dev will give up $7000 a month so easily? Game’s been mostly done for years. Stretching the game extra years to add some pointless lore has made the dev hundreds of thousands. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you, fool me 999 times, this shit is almost a scam. The game’s been delayed with excuses so many times it’s comical


Apr 23, 2018
If you have seen any of my posts from either earlier in this thread, in the less moderated thread, and/or in the old ULMF thread, you'd know that I am very well aware of how bad he is at release dates and delays. I've ragged on him about it in his own damn discord. I've just stopped caring because that particular point has been beat to death for years, to the point where even the mods are tired of it and are actively cleaning the thread of it.

Yes HW is bad at release dates. You've cracked the code. You've solved the riddle. Congratulations. No one actually cares anymore. I don't defend HW because of some hope that the game will come out sooner rather than later, I'm apathetic to that. I'm arguing with you because no one here will shut the fuck up about this one point, cluttering page after page of this thread with the same thing over and over again. Like yes we are well aware how he is, thank you for pointing it out for the thousandth time.
Why keep following the thread then if you don't mind me asking? I share your frustrations a bit which is why I seldom post unless I feel I have something to add. But there's been nothing else to talk about other than the missed release dates and for the last 1.5 years now other than that brief month we spent discussing the updated fire demo. I quickly went through the last 50 pages of this thread (and the entirety of the other thread) looking to see what you wanted to talk about and I'd say about 75% of your posts are about the release date, and maybe another 10-15% are arguing with other users over some topic related to the game, you had maybe 1 post talking about the fire demo, and another post discussing gallery. And this is ignoring who knows how many your posts got deleted in the great mod thread purge.

Despite that, I find most of your posts to be pretty well spoken and thought out and I agree with most of the points you make, I'm not bashing you for what you post about, but when I walk into this thread I know what I am going to find. You mentioned you were in FF's discord (maybe you aren't anymore) and surely there is a dozen different better ways to keep track of when this game releases as opposed to page 201 of a pirate forum.

So I'd like to hear from you what do you want to talk about? Nobody is bringing up any new topics because there's nothing to discuss other than the missed release date or replying to people discussing the missed release date, so lets start a new topic.
May 25, 2017
Why keep following the thread then if you don't mind me asking? I share your frustrations a bit which is why I seldom post unless I feel I have something to add. But there's been nothing else to talk about other than the missed release dates and for the last 1.5 years now other than that brief month we spent discussing the updated fire demo. I quickly went through the last 50 pages of this thread (and the entirety of the other thread) looking to see what you wanted to talk about and I'd say about 75% of your posts are about the release date, and maybe another 10-15% are arguing with other users over some topic related to the game, you had maybe 1 post talking about the fire demo, and another post discussing gallery. And this is ignoring who knows how many your posts got deleted in the great mod thread purge.

Despite that, I find most of your posts to be pretty well spoken and thought out and I agree with most of the points you make, I'm not bashing you for what you post about, but when I walk into this thread I know what I am going to find. You mentioned you were in FF's discord (maybe you aren't anymore) and surely there is a dozen different better ways to keep track of when this game releases as opposed to page 201 of a pirate forum.

So I'd like to hear from you what do you want to talk about? Nobody is bringing up any new topics because there's nothing to discuss other than the missed release date or replying to people discussing the missed release date, so lets start a new topic.
Honestly the thread should die unless there's something actually new, like the game or a new demo coming out, in my opinion. I follow the thread for important updates, game discussion, and/or leaks, like most people on this website do. Problem is we can't discuss a game that isn't properly out yet. I just fail to understand that if there's been nothing else to talk about, why do we have people pouring in constantly to complain about the game not coming out. Is it just to complain for complaining sake? Because with how some people here have been bashing the game to hell and back, they certainly aren't going to be playing it.

Its almost as if this thread has become a place for reaction farming.
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Apr 23, 2018
Honestly the thread should die unless there's something actually new, like the game or a new demo coming out, in my opinion. I follow the thread for important updates, game discussion, and/or leaks, like most people on this website do. Problem is we can't discuss a game that isn't properly out yet. I just fail to understand that if there's been nothing else to talk about, why do we have people pouring in constantly to complain about the game not coming out. Is it just to complain for complaining sake? Because with how some people here have been bashing the game to hell and back, they certainly aren't going to be playing it.
I think its a case of people coming and going, people see "release in 2023" and go "ok I'll check back in a year from now" and then return to the thread and go "lmao it's still not out" and then someone replies to them the lore of HW and FF delays and suddenly we're back on the topic. Most of the people who keep bringing up the whole release date stuff aren't really regular thread watchers, they haven't read the last 50 pages of shitting on HW.

As far as the thread itself, I mentioned this a bit in my message on the other thread but I've always been confused by the moderation on this website.

Do the mods just intend all discussion of this game to be 10 pages of "is the fire level boss in this demo?" "no", "when is it releasing" "December supposedly". Those spam posts on every other page are more important than the posts critiquing the dev for his actions related to the games development? Why not just go the spacebattles forum route and just lock the thread a certain period of time after the latest demo and have people request unlock due to new information? Between February 2022 and August 2023 there was nothing new to discuss about this game other than a progress report png with a changing number the only thing worth discussing was the dev changing his release date multiple times. What were we suppose to discuss? The electric demo which had existed in some form since 2018? Or the 0.49 demo which had existed since 2021?
imo they should really implement a system of locking problematic threads (because this is not the only one on this website) in which problematic threads auto lock after 1 or 2 months of the OP getting updated with a new game version, and only unlock when a user submits a request for unlock either with new information (aka a demo or something relevant to the game), or they have something of quality to add to the discussion (mod, translation, patreon dev post etc...) in which the users can then discuss this new information before the thread auto locks again.

Not every thread needs this but my general experience on F95 has been every thread with more than 100 pages inevitably turns into a dumpster fire. I know locking threads will never be popular with general userbase but surely it can't be a worse solution than the mods needing to purge the thread 3 separate times in the span of 12 months because there's nothing to discuss and users keep discussing things the mods don't like. You can even see for yourself when FF got the updated fire demo the thread dwellers put down their pitchforks to actually discuss the game rather than it's development/HW for a change.

Just my 2 cents anyway, I'll have some popcorn cooked up for when this game releases in the next few weeks (SUPPOSEDLY) because I am sure it will be a fun time reading this thread.


Sep 7, 2021
As far as the thread itself, I mentioned this a bit in my message on the other thread but I've always been confused by the moderation on this website.
I disagree with the thread locking part, but when it gets this unruly there should be some way to filter out the people discussing the game (setbacks and everything included) and the shit flinging competition directed at individuals (devs, players, anyone who voices an opinion that doesn't match someone else's to a T).

Just my 2 cents anyway, I'll have some popcorn cooked up for when this game releases in the next few weeks (SUPPOSEDLY) because I am sure it will be a fun time reading this thread.
It's been a wild ride and I'm sure just about everyone is anxious for it to end. Kinda sucks that things are in Steam's hands now, but what can you do.
It was a refreshing change of pace seeing people getting involved, asking questions, and sharing what they'd seen in the latest demo.
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May 25, 2017
Oh the things we can talk about when there are things to talk about.
My point exactly.

Don't get me wrong. I was saying the exact same things everyone else here is saying years ago, point for point. My problem is that the points have been said to death and aren't helping anything anymore.

Like seriously, who are we helping by just bitching and moaning every single page? The people who planned to purchase this game? I seriously doubt f95zone users are even a drop in the bucket of the Steam market HentaiWriter can pull right now. Let's get over ourselves here.
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Dec 2, 2017
Honestly, I forgot this game existed.

There are many other options, I took the advise from some users. If you don't like the art, go somewhere else.

There always will be someone who can paint the masterpiece you want. You just gotta find them.

Guys who are complaining, waiting here isn't gonna help. Cause this ain't gonna change. Your time should be better spend and respected elsewhere.
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