Take showers with Julia and if her bedroom door in closed in the morning, go and "wake" her up.Im stuck on "next level" its all green but nothing new is happening, is it bugged or am i missing something?
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Спасибо бро)
around 1.00pm alice available near swimpollAlice isn't Sunbathing anymore to complete the BigBrother Quest!
I've done all the others objectives but there is no more time where Alice Sunbath!
Plz help ^^
thanks after trying a couple of times i got there in the end i had to wake up on the couch aswell for it to advance.Take showers with Julia and if her bedroom door in closed in the morning, go and "wake" her up.
The doc seems to like Max.
There is also "Ann and Max in Ann's room") When Ann is cleaning house just skip time by 10 minutes until she starts cleaning her own room (as I remember, her room is the last of three rooms she cleans) and go there, take what is yoursCan't complete the New World Order quest since Ann being a maid replacing Kate didn't seems to validate. I've made a lot of event with Alice and Ann in Alice's room and event with Ann cleaning the MC room. Is there an other event to validate ?
Thanks! Is it the end of content ?There is also "Ann and Max in Ann's room") When Ann is cleaning house just skip time by 10 minutes until she starts cleaning her own room (as I remember, her room is the last of three rooms she cleans) and go there, take what is yours![]()
Here I don't know. I completed Consequences in previous version, when there were forbidden things. May be the situation that people can't now complete this quest is a bug and developer will fix it in the next version..Thanks! Is it the end of content ?
I can't complete Consequences since there is no more forbiden things to do ... Is there a way to finish it ?
you haven't finished yet Big Brother Main story.the "New World Order" task doesn't start for me even though I've done everything! Can someone please help me what I have to do to start the task?