Man I really despise the direction DS is taking the Kate story. The Karen thing has always left a bad taste with me but the latest questline that includes her having Andrew rape her is total BS. Makes me want to quit this VN and also reach into my monitor and choke the life out of Karen.
It's borderline, Extremely close but not over the line.
In extra lessons and punishments,
She knew what Karen was like yet she still asked for extra lessons and/or Karen's involvement during punishment'
(Note Karen
warned her that there would consequences if she asked) <<Very Important !
That is consent.
When Karen order Andrew to have physical (Sexual) contact with her, she did NOT object !
i.e. She did not
Withdraw her consent
Therefore Karen
still had consent to do, or order Andrew to do what she wanted until:-
A) The end of the lesson/punishment ,
B) Until Kate withdrew her consent ,or
C) Until either Andrew or Karen suspected that Kate
may wish to withdraw consent,
(If there is any doubt, there is NO consent)
Whichever came first.
Therefore through very close, a "Rape" tag would not be justified in this instance.
NB also remember that Kate did not protest to Julia, Karen or Andrew after these instances.
(For if she did, It would mean that in the future she would not be able to give consent, C) would automatically kick in )