October 22 2023
Imouto Life Fantasy
One toilet scene which goes well with this mod: FFFox Mod (Use a full save)
Piss drinking (Dreaming)/Cunnlingus Squirt Drinking (Rock, Paper, Scissor)
The Promise
To be honest, not a lot of watersport scenes.
Random guy pissdrinking/golden shower with Lisa (daughter with high slut and exhibit stat)
Watching Lisa pee in the forest (2 scenes up close).
Just insanely grindy
Dominas of the Forsaken Planet
2-3 scenes
Beauty and the Thug
Updated few days ago with 7 watersport scenes, great game honestly. Check them out.
Winter Memories
Has 2 watersport scenes and from the makers from Summer Memories. (Use a full save)
Normal Life under Feet
Female Protagonist
Some watersport
Has scat, is it avoidable? I forgot
These are the games that I have previously played within the last 2-3 months.
Me: Where did I go and why I haven't posted anything
Few months ago, I recently received an internship offer and I have been very very busy with my personal life. Keeping up with projects, trying to appeal to my employer that I am "asset" to the company, not a variable that can be replaced.
So, I didn't have time to post (and jerk). (Thanks Darlic for updating this forum)
Now, I don't know if I'll do a update post for the upcoming months or next year because I am just busy. Not that anyone cares because searching for urination games is not that hard, but some games don't really contain a lot of watersport scenes. Which is why I started doing this in the first place. To save people's time.
Okay bye, see you all in whatever I decide to post something.