4.10 star(s) 24 Votes


Jun 3, 2017
Is there a way to unlock the oracle? i got a storyline about a shaman and stuff but the oracle is still not fuckable


May 11, 2018
I always get an error when I go into "My Harem" and go over Kurumi's pic while she's preggie, dunno which week though.

Error says:
While loading <'Image' u'characters/Kurumi/char/clothed/Clothed_BB3/bored.png'>:
File "game/scripts/girlslist.rpy", line 1118, in <module>
IOError: Couldn't find file 'characters/Kurumi/char/clothed/Clothed_BB3/bored.png'.

I fixed this by simply copying "bored.png" from Clothed_BB1 and paste it into Clothed_BB3, if that helps anyone?


Game Developer
Jun 18, 2017
I always get an error when I go into "My Harem" and go over Kurumi's pic while she's preggie, dunno which week though.

Error says:
While loading <'Image' u'characters/Kurumi/char/clothed/Clothed_BB3/bored.png'>:
File "game/scripts/girlslist.rpy", line 1118, in <module>
IOError: Couldn't find file 'characters/Kurumi/char/clothed/Clothed_BB3/bored.png'.

I fixed this by simply copying "bored.png" from Clothed_BB1 and paste it into Clothed_BB3, if that helps anyone?
Bug already solved in the last version. It could be that the updater was interrupted due to bad connection. Try to download the game again from waifu.nl, that should solve it.

(Manually copying/modifying game files is not a good idea because that too could interfere with the updater when a new version is released.)

Carmen Sandiego

Active Member
Game Developer
May 17, 2017
I did reply and pointed to the file where we always listed our changelog. That people are too lazy to actually read that file or download the update is something else.

Thanks, seems some people here are lazy lmao
I don't know where you "normally list your changelog". Hell, I even looked for it on your personal site briefly. Laziness has nothing to do with it. What I do know is that there is a nice big section on the OP that says changelog and it never seems to get updated. Probably because people don't know where the fuck to find the changelog to update it. I dunno who you pointed out to where such a thing was, but it damn sure wasn't me. ;)
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Compulsive Gambler
Jun 2, 2017
changelogs are a courtesy, not a moral obligation

especially when you're literally not getting paid to do it
Unfortunately, changelog most of the time are what makes people download things, not otherwise. So yeah, it's an obligation because certainly your game can't live with people who download the same thing all over again to find what, nothing at all? If this was a game of, say, 500 MB or something like that, I wouldn't have cared less about because it's not 2GB (but still, people sometimes can't even download 500MB so), but since are 2 frickin' GB and people CAN'T download every, single, time 2GB of game, guess what? Changelog!
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Carmen Sandiego

Active Member
Game Developer
May 17, 2017
You do know that exist people who have limited amount of internet data, right (taking for example Carmen since he/she didn't want to download just for gaining nothing, internet limited or not)? Or there are people who wants to know if an update it's worth? Because not everyone can download at the speed of light, plus, so waiting an hour or two just to find.. what.. like five minutes more of content (in this case, just some sprites for just one char), sorry but it's just a waste of time.

That's why people should politely reply if someone asks something, not just "Read the changelog, duh", since it's your job providing said information and your site doesn't help at all - main one (because people go there first, not on Discord or wherever the files are. Also people probably don't even know how to use that, just saying).

And I feel like a dejavu here. Probably I even already said this.
Pretty much this right here. I won't say devs are necessarily obligated to provide changelogs, I mean I provide them but whatever... However, file size is definitely a determining factor for me when it comes to me downloading shit. I have a mega account so downloading the game in itself isn't an issue but I'm not going to download a 2+ gig game just to read the changelog when I might not even care about what was changed. That's just a waste of my damn time and download limits.
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Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
To start over in a new game without some stats carrying over you need to dump your appdata for this game and delete your save games in the game folder, with will allow you to start over new.
((((Only do this if you have stats carry over from 1 game to another that you don't want to carry over.))))

appdata is called "Game Test-1456420839"
Aug 16, 2016
Will the two girls on the phone ever be available?

The Haramase Simulator team doesn't do their own art, so they can only really use girls from h-games which have appropriate art. I know what artist those girls on the phone background are from and no, there's not enough there of them with a male character to make a set for the game, unless the MC suddenly turns into Anubis since that's who those Egyptian catgirls are grinding on.


Aug 21, 2016
Some small animation if the source material is actual animated in such a way that we can reuse it. (Most of the time that is not the case unfortunately, like (old) proprietary video formats such as bik video, yuk...)
What's an example of a source game's animated material that couldn't be reused? I'm pretty confident I could re-encode even garbage formats to something more palatable to help out, and probably simplify doing so to editing file paths in a batch file


Oct 9, 2017
Anyone know how to make Arcana not mad at you? Anytime i see her she gets mad and runs away...


Oct 8, 2017
Anyone know how to make Arcana not mad at you? Anytime i see her she gets mad and runs away...
When she is no longer pissed at you, and you get an 'encounter'... just satisfy her by giving her the D multiple times, and don't do soemthign tht she doesn't want you to do.
4.10 star(s) 24 Votes