
Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
Hi Hi.

Only time for a few quick responses this morning, I'm afraid.

I like her new hair but i didn't know until now that kelly got reworked. Not a fan of the new face looks like a completely new character. But alas there are other fish in the sea
Oh Kell hasn't been re-worked. Just that hair change later.

Same pose, same lighting, just hair change. Now you see why we piss about with our hair so much :)

I don't mind the hair style, though I do have a preference for long hair over short. And, storywise, it's completely sensible. I don't like the change in hair color.

Original hair color was somewhere between Ash Blond or Platinum Blond, new hair is more Honey Blond. She's still absolutely fucking gorgeous...just more boring color, imo.
No change in hair colour :) Just the lighting change from portrait to the one in the scene, plus her new style is a little bit finer that the older one. On that generally, with a change in lighting rig expect characters hair shades to vary from scene to scene due to the lights in the room/outdoors etc. Like in RL...
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Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
Let's go back in time and appreciate Notty's work!

View attachment 421679 View attachment 421680 View attachment 421681

It's a huge improvement and apart from the new colors' design of all the station, the mood is there for an evening drink after a busy day: the lights, a darker exterior..
I really like the new first person view(a bit higher) over the table, it suits more for a friendly chat... at first.;)

A very tiny bit of clipping i may say but it is up to you to judge. I get the idea why there is still a slightly move to make for the view but Annie doesn't have to be exactly in the center. Since we see only Annie's upper body now, there is still a big empty space: the floor. A slightly left, a little more left.. stop, perfect!;)

Very interested to see your final render!:)

ps: Nice launch of Apollo 11 photo btw.
I can't take credit for NASA's work, but thanks ;)

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Remastering the shit out of the table I see!:geek:

Beer cans grouped more neatly, awesome new ashtray, cigarette pack no longer levitates and Annie's can is conveniently right at her hand!

And no I was perfectly unaware of the last two imperfections until now!

And Annie looking fabulous of course!:love:
Thanks. Also! We have ciggie smoke now! :)
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Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
Been fiddling a bit with Amanda's old hair, and (despite my much crappier lighting, not sure what Notty uses), I'm quickly running into problems similar to what she describes.

View attachment 421377

Tweaking horizontal tiles repeats on the hair texture doesn't help, since the hair is made up of thin "tubes", increasing repeats only emphasizes the design of the hairstrains more, making them look even more like tubes. It's noticable all over the hair, but especially around the roots.

I do still think the overall style, part glam / part unkept, not too short, but also not so long that it gets in the way, is perfect for her character. So yeah, I went looking for alternatives as well. :rolleyes:
No idea if Notty has any of these assets, but I do have a little list of suggestions.

Now, I certainly don't want Notty to go spending money on any of these, but I do think they'd be good candidates for testing if she does have them in her library.
*nods nods* Yeah, sadly as you've found bugger all we can do with the old hair style sadly. IF the graphics hadn't have improved we could have got away with it. But with the new set ups it looks awful. Like, really bad.

Notty is still using Gen3 for now, maybe after the upgrade she can convert them to Gen8, but more likely she would just use it to go that much faster.
All main game chars are Gen 3. Gen 8 is far too heavy for my cards processing power sadly for me to use constantly. I do occasionally use Gen 8 on things like the SP, Ch7, DdW etc but they are only for a few scenes of course.

Are you sure? I thought Amanda was based on Alexandra 8. Not entirely sure, but it's the closest match I could find.
And otherwise, there's always the RSSY converters, they have G8F to G3F versions of those too.
You won't find Amanda in the Daz store :) She might be close to Alex8 *hasn't checked* but she isn't her.

Noted all re the hairs. I might check them out later but I've spent far longer than I expected on her hair and I'm getting twitchy that the remastered One isn't out yet so I'll focus on that for the moment. But appreciate the pointers.


Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
Oh, come on! She can't be that dumb, can she? Does she lack introspection so badly that she can't realize HER ATTITUDE made her lose the fight? She's supposed to be smart, for God's sake!
There can be two explanations for her behaviour: either she is Thea (and she can rot somewhere in the deepest pits of Hell) or this is the result of the good doctor's pills, and I hope he's hungry because I owe him a large knuckle sandwich...

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Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
That being said, I do like the fact that characters change their clothes and hair during a story, unlike most games (even AAA ones) where people only have one style and that's it. It started with the delicious Annie letting her hair down :)
Yup, yup. It annoys the tits off me that some chars are -still- in the same clothes three weeks later... I mean, I understand why from the dev side of the fence. For a start it can be a bitch getting stuff to work plus there is the issue that it does make them easy to recognise from the player perspective so I'm not knocking it as a design call. I can totes understand it.

But not something I like. Besides, variety is rather fun, no?


Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
Let's go back in time and appreciate Notty's work!

View attachment 421679 View attachment 421680 View attachment 421681

It's a huge improvement and apart from the new colors' design of all the station, the mood is there for an evening drink after a busy day: the lights, a darker exterior..
I really like the new first person view(a bit higher) over the table, it suits more for a friendly chat... at first.;)

A very tiny bit of clipping i may say but it is up to you to judge. I get the idea why there is still a slightly move to make for the view but Annie doesn't have to be exactly in the center. Since we see only Annie's upper body now, there is still a big empty space: the floor. A slightly left, a little more left.. stop, perfect!;)

Very interested to see your final render!:)

ps: Nice launch of Apollo 11 photo btw.
Oh God....

The shame, the shame tho...*covers up the screen with a towel*


Game Developer
Oct 9, 2018
Oh God....

The shame, the shame tho...*covers up the screen with a towel*

Yup, yup. It annoys the tits off me that some chars are -still- in the same clothes three weeks later... I mean, I understand why from the dev side of the fence. For a start it can be a bitch getting stuff to work plus there is the issue that it does make them easy to recognise from the player perspective so I'm not knocking it as a design call. I can totes understand it.

But not something I like. Besides, variety is rather fun, no?
Variety makes it even more realistic, yup :)
Although they being military girls, you'd have the perfect excuse not to bother too much about it, except for free times, of course *winks winks*
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Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
Sorry. All I've really got time for this morning except for a couple of final points.

I'm really touched by the concept of trying to crowd source some additional funding or indeed the consideration of increasing your own contributions. Truly. But please don't.

I know that may sound counter-intuitive when all I do is bitch about my IT assets but I wouldn't want any further additional contributions from you other than what is already being given by the Patreon side of the house. Let's say I finish H5 around June 2020. Some of you have been with me from the start and, let's say and adjusting for refunds etc, at the $5 tier that would have been a contribution of $75. That is a lot of money. About the same as a AAA game on release day. Now, arguably H5 is more fun ;) (hell, it might even be better looking by the time I've finished!) but it's still a lot of cash and some of you, bless you, are on higher tiers than that. Thank you but no.

Many of you know my feelings about giving value for money. I simply have to be able to sit back at the end of this project and go "Yeah...they got their bang for their buck". It's important to me.

On the subject of the new graphics card and set up, thank you all for your input. Again, I'll settle down at some point and consider my options. The big decision is do I buy early and get some improvement in speed now, but - having spent the cash- then be stuck at that improved speed for some time, or do I wait and make a bigger leap. I'll think on.
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