Yah .. I do miss me some
Nottravis banter from time to time ...
I would appreciate it if
Avaron1974 woulld be so kind as to spoil us about her
feelings when Chris just tells evryone on the bridge to undress,
talks about the naughty bits with both women,
then actually puts her hands on a crying gurl and almost kissing her,
that is the scene right there, convinces her to undress and be bare bosoms.
Because 4 me it was disrespectful and a sleazeball move.
Chris talks a lot in this game about getting in gurls pants, literally the whole start of episode 2,
in that respect, even MC is wondering what kinky time chris spent all day with his sis.
MC never confronts her, when he does he automatically looses because chris is the dom ...
If chris was believable and did not suck the life out of everybody,
she was the engineer, or the medic, or the ensing,
not the deux ex makina plot armored boss that hoggs everyones lives.
There is no life left for Mc or any other gurl to actually spend together.
the thing about the complaints (well i call them that for lack of better term, it's late here) is, what we call "the quickshot wants his quick shot"; people come to a porn site for the porn, lesser for gameplay. some just leave, some complain, some come for the porn and stay for the story.
Thank you for explaining your view on why you dislike a certain aspect of the game. I'm not being sarcastic, it actually made me understand things from your point of view and others that may think the same. Before I talk about how I see things, I just want to make it clear that I'm not looking to start any fights or hot debates. If I may sound harsh at any point, I apologize in advance.
Now, regarding Chris (the dom), I believe you are being immensely unfair towards her and quite frankly, didn't take the time to play the game all that attentively. She is openly bisexual with all her crew members and while she may try to get in their pants, at no point is it shown that this is done in a rapey, abusive way. Hell, if you reject her domme route, she doesn't hold a grudge over it nor do you face any negative consequences regarding it.
Also, compared to other games, the other women are not some brain dead bimbos, just waiting to be fucked by anyone who looks their way. Annie rejects Chris's advances and even a female MC has to flirt with Annie a ton before she agrees to spend any intimate time together and all that will unlock is a pool game. While Sarah will be more receptive to the advances, it still comes down to her accepting them because she chooses to, not because Chris is forcing her.
Regarding the part where your intimate session is interrupted by Chris, you are given fair warning that this may happen and it's even explicitly stated in the intermission at the end of Chapter 2 why that happens so if people are frustrated by the interruption, that is their fault and their fault only.
And lastly, about this point - "most gamers are put off at the thought of romancing / falling in love
with those gurls, they are already treated like meat by some sleazeball, who wants spoiled meat?" - Are you kidding me? This is like the ultimate plot line for the wife/mother/landlady character, where the player is able to seduce her BECAUSE the husband/father/whatever is a negligent or abusive asshole. Thus the player can feel like a hero for rescuing the damsel and giving her the life she should have (filled with lots and lots of sex, of course.). I believe that for this game, some players are more put off because they have competition when it comes to seducing the other women and prefer to blame Chris because she is an obstacle in the glorious search for the naughty bits.
In any case, this is how I view things. I hope that I was able to explain things in a proper manner.
Canto, did you forget your medication again?
MCs thoughts just fuel the anger, he has no will left, seems to be looking 4 scraps,
whatever bits of human kindness left after chris being a married bi flirt/banter automaton
makes everyone uneasy and seemingly just looking 4 a quick score,
anything to forget tomorrow will have to expect another round of chris.
I still feel like escaping into the callisto / tales of the unending void where gurls that care show it.