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Once upon a time there was a wannabe dev. They had an idea for a game but no experience nor indeed any IT kit. But the more they thought about it the more they thought that this was something that other people might like. So our wannabe dev sat down and started writing...
Six months later they had their story.
And so off our wannabe dev pops and gets themselves a used PC with a 2GB 1050 graphics card and settles down and learns how to render and code. Each render takes an hour and often involves having to render the background and the character separately before slapping one on top of the other and merging together to make the final image but...a game takes shape.
At this point our wannabe dev becomes the newbie dev and, as funds start to come in, upgrades the 1050 card to a 4GB 1060 card. Renders still take a while but the slapping together of images is no longer required so...progress!
And as time passes the newbie dev becomes the tiny dev, more funds allows more upgrades until a mighty 2080 card machine is in the armoury. 15 minute renders! Sometimes even less. And as the tiny devs power levels increase so does the ambition. Animations, lighting, the whole works. Everything starts to look a lot prettier. But as the ambition grows, productions slows. The tiny dev was trying to punch well above their weight class. A plucky underdog (or an idiot of course) they kept at it and then...
...the tiny dev buys a 3090ti powered machine. Four times faster than the 2080.
Thank you. Thank you all -so- very, very much. Past and present patreons alike. Every dollar has always counted and has taken me from having nothing at all to one of the most powerful machines out there. Alrighties, it doesn't put me in the super production leagues of some who have banks of the things but I have one - and it's all down to you. I'm sorry it's been a bit of a long and sometimes wobbly journey but we've got there.
I finally feel I have the tools for the job and I'm just so bloody grateful to you all. Grateful for your interest, grateful for your faith and grateful for your support that has allowed me to get the equipment I needed.
It turns up sometime next week and I'm looking forward to seeing what it can do and so looking forward to speeding up the production.