
Active Member
Dec 26, 2018
"Trust me, she's worth the wait. This is the price we pay for the game. (You know she doesn't accept money.) "

The first statement inspires no confidence. The final statement, not accepting money, is the only reason I do not put her in the same category as two other devs I can name who claim to be 'perfectionists', who are always revamping the game, dragging things out forever, who never proceed to finish their project and who DO keep taking the money, a process I call fraudulent.

Meanwhile great dev's complete first rate games and start more, struggle to make enough weekly to pay the bills. I think that's unfair. But that is the way it is.

I fear you fanboys are enamored with this dev largely because she promotes herself as an attractive woman. ...and because what little she's completed was of good quality.
But now that she's going to 'revamp' the whole game, after a mere 3 chapters, pardon me if I don't 'smell a 'cat' but a rat. This will go on forever.
"Rots a Ruck, Charlie"
This comment has become rather immature.
The first statement inspires no confidence.
I'll manage somehow without your trust.
I can name who claim to be 'perfectionists', who are always revamping the game, dragging things out forever, who never proceed to finish their project and who DO keep taking the money, a process I call fraudulent.
True. But the fact is, she hasn't accepted money for months.
Meanwhile great dev's complete first rate games and start more, struggle to make enough weekly to pay the bills. I think that's unfair. But that is the way it is.
Are they so great that they have no support? Sad. Maybe set a good example and support them.
I fear you fanboys are enamored with this dev largely because she promotes herself as an attractive woman.
I've never seen it, I don't know if it's attractive. This is not OnlyFans.
...and because what little she's completed was of good quality.
Very true. She is talented and decent, as you have acknowledged. I therefore support it.
But now that she's going to 'revamp' the whole game, after a mere 3 chapters, pardon me if I don't 'smell a 'cat' but a rat. This will go on forever.
OK, I forgive you. (I almost replied to your comment that if you smell rats, you should clean more often, but that would be too childish for a site for adults.)
"It is better to be a dissatisfied man than a satisfied pig."
I hope you find your peace, buster.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 22, 2018
Oh, Mr Advertising.
Do I have to remind you that you openly made the promotion of another game here on this thread three times in the past?! Each of your posts were moderated.
Your opinion has no value here any more, so.. [GET OUT]
"Mr Advertising" ?? hahaha...

I mentioned no games in my post. ...and I don't recall "promoting" any other game unless it was only to mention one in comparison, but if I did that has been some time. No, that is not the source of your ire.

I do apologize for the 'tone' of my post's complaint. I was a little cynical in making my point that the next update will be a long time coming and that wasn't necessary. But that is not the source of your ire, either I believe.

It's that I merely had the temerity to question this dev's production methods of her game and the inability of any of her followers to see it for themselves based on their own bias. How dare I! Angry posts responded immediately with no consideration of what might be true. Well, I have it that this dev started on this game in 2015 (the time stamp on the executable). Hearing about a complete rebuild after 4 chapters in how many years ?? Seven?? Now how long do you think it will take this dev to complete this game? ...or will you even care to consider that?

I see by the emotional response that my point should be obvious.

And that, sir, has value to anyone using the right head to think.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
"Mr Advertising" ?? hahaha...

I mentioned no games in my post. ...and I don't recall "promoting" any other game unless it was only to mention one in comparison, but if I did that has been some time. No, that is not the source of your ire.

I do apologize for the 'tone' of my post's complaint. I was a little cynical in making my point that the next update will be a long time coming and that wasn't necessary. But that is not the source of your ire, either I believe.

It's that I merely had the temerity to question this dev's production methods of her game and the inability of any of her followers to see it for themselves based on their own bias. How dare I! Angry posts responded immediately with no consideration of what might be true. Well, I have it that this dev started on this game in 2015 (the time stamp on the executable). Hearing about a complete rebuild after 4 chapters in how many years ?? Seven?? Now how long do you think it will take this dev to complete this game? ...or will you even care to consider that?

I see by the emotional response that my point should be obvious.

And that, sir, has value to anyone using the right head to think.
Give it a rest already. You are just sour this game has more following than other ones you like. Maybe having a dev who actually listen to players criticism (for instance, this revamping project adresses every single one of the flaws I mentioned in my review) and try to improve the old content because it improves the overall product, while being transparent about the process and not charging a dime in the meantime, has something to do with this. Maybe we want this game to be as perfect as possible instead of having a completed but hurried (and average at best) one and having the dev starting yet another mediocre project just for the sake of 'completion'. As with any other dev, those who support them are well-aware of their practices, quirks and shortcomings and have consciously decided to keep supporting them. It's totally Ok if others think otherwise, but we sure don't need people telling us to open up our eyes when it just happens that we like what we see. Live and let live, and good luck in your search of a project that actually accepts you as a writer.


Mar 2, 2018
This game has a weirdly cult-like following for something that only updates like...once every two years lmao. With a release schedule like that, I'm expecting Elden Ring: Porn Edition.
There's a few donators here who are delusional about their money going to someone who literally milks them for all they've got while endlessly reworking pointless things and putting in endless amounts of pointless additions to the game that results in an endless cycle of development and thus an endless amount of revenue for no real progress on the actual game. Four years ago the dev was confident they could get four updates out in a year, now it's a miracle if they can get it out in one. (They can't. Or don't want to, rather.)

And naturally said people always run to the moderators and have them remove any criticism of the game, probably because one or some of them are also paying for it. Because they stopped payments for a few months at a time despite wasting years of development effort on pretty much nothing of value.

Jaun Karr

Mar 2, 2019
There's a few donators here who are delusional about their money going to someone who literally milks them for all they've got while endlessly reworking pointless things and putting in endless amounts of pointless additions to the game that results in an endless cycle of development and thus an endless amount of revenue for no real progress on the actual game.
Is it really milking if there's not been any charges to supporters for the last 9 months?


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
There's a few donators here who are delusional about their money going to someone who literally milks them for all they've got while endlessly reworking pointless things and putting in endless amounts of pointless additions to the game that results in an endless cycle of development and thus an endless amount of revenue for no real progress on the actual game. Four years ago the dev was confident they could get four updates out in a year, now it's a miracle if they can get it out in one. (They can't. Or don't want to, rather.)

And naturally said people always run to the moderators and have them remove any criticism of the game, probably because one or some of them are also paying for it. Because they stopped payments for a few months at a time despite wasting years of development effort on pretty much nothing of value.
Glad to see so many people concerned about our finances. I'm very ashamed to announce that in the last 10 months, she has milked us exactly the same amount she's taken from you. The 'endless amount of revenue' generated by all of those who decided to become a new patron in the meantime is disgustingly, almost sinfully high (she had 212 patrons the last time we were charged, back in April 2021, and she had skyrocketed to 231 this February 1st -that's getting like, I don't know, 50? 60? actual pledges). I won't mention again the months she spent half-paralyzed (both physically and in terms of game development) after a car crash because she was lying about it, most probably. Plus the minigames we got for free during this fiasco weren't that memorable, so yeah, we got pretty much nothing of value for our no-money. Thanks again for your sincere interest, you changed my life for the best with your wise words.


Active Member
Dec 26, 2018
And naturally said people always run to the moderators and have them remove any criticism of the game, probably because one or some of them are also paying for it. Because they stopped payments for a few months at a time despite wasting years of development effort on pretty much nothing of value.
Oh, goddamn it! We've been exposed! Burn the documents and eat the radio! I hope this sly fellow hasn't figured out that we pushed Humpty Dumpty off the wall...

Leo Humilis

Active Member
May 4, 2020
There's a few donators here who are delusional about their money going to someone who literally milks them for all they've got while endlessly reworking pointless things and putting in endless amounts of pointless additions to the game that results in an endless cycle of development and thus an endless amount of revenue for no real progress on the actual game. Four years ago the dev was confident they could get four updates out in a year, now it's a miracle if they can get it out in one. (They can't. Or don't want to, rather.)
If a person feels they are being taken an unfair financial advantage of, and yet, keeps donating, I cannot help suspecting a closeted findom fetish :p

And naturally said people always run to the moderators and have them remove any criticism of the game, probably because one or some of them are also paying for it. Because they stopped payments for a few months at a time despite wasting years of development effort on pretty much nothing of value.
Constructive criticism is ok. But when an outsider comes outright telling the creator and the fans they are doing everything wrong, what reaction should one expect?
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