
I'll be honest with you - I think a walkthrough is going to be near impossible due to the amount of conversational options, choices and how each one maps. Certainly it will dashed hard to be able to show it all clearly. However, I'll leave that for others to worry about if they wish to make one *isn't doing so*.
But you're right. This game is actually quite difficult. Not in a Grindy;mini-game; or be at location x at 9pm on Tuesday holding a fish sorta way but difficult because nearly every choice you make has some impact. Sometimes it's quite small, other times massive in terms of future paths.
But...It is emotionally logical. All characters have their own personalities and drives. Understand those and you've cracked it. Promise.
Scrawled on my folder where I keep my chapter notes are the words "These people are real" and that reminds me to write them like that. If you think of them like that too, you're golden.
I wish I could be more helpful as I so want you to enjoy my little game. If you have a question about a particular path please do drop me a PM.