Wow, after my disapointment about "Deadlocked in Time" yesterday, i found this and Jep that is what people can call a nice made VirtualNovel.
Got a not all day Plot and Story, fun to follow. Some Sexy scene but not to much, lots of humor ( i needed some time for
" fuck the police "

Graphic mostly well done too, oki the textbox was a little confusing in the beginnig, but later, jep why not.
So jeah DEV made my day for shure, will now check his/her/whatever games
EDIT: didn't read
wiwem71072 post before, about the ground/sky thing jep thats true but ment while walking around. On my Monitor are losts of impotant things all up and down lined so i dont think that argument will fit here.
But yes seems to be more comfort to have the textbox on down line, but i think its because people are 1. used to it and 2. our eyes still get more from the pics whisout realy focus on 'em while reading. But still i can live well whis it as it is atm.