It still is. Read the spoilers at the OP

Though, since it's a patreon game, that needs to go out the window, hence the downloads are without the patch.
So is the one for download on this site supposed to be converted to non-family or being converted to family?
You can cheat, though, and modify said stats directly, if you want.
I'm a firm believer when playing any game or visual novel that if I can avoid doing any cheating, I will... I believe playing the original, in it's intended form, is the best way to experience the game... The only times I've ever cheated on any of these is when it is a super grind style game, where it would be hours of grinding to get the story moving... And that is because super grindy games are a waste of time if it takes that long to get to real content... This one, thank goodness, is not like that, and I always give two thumbs up for that...
As for the entrance, that needs to be modified - although those aren't closet doors

I'm working on getting that one fixed up for one of the coming releases.
The door on the right looks like a door to a closet, like you typically see in that style of homes... It may not be intended to be that, but it sorta resembles one, with the door being so small and right next to the front door... Sorta like a coat closet...
The items in inventory is mostly for modifying stat-gains and such, in different parts of the game. Most of it is not utilized at the moment. There are also some bugs with the inventory in the current release, which have been fixed in upcoming version.
I kind of figured they would eventually do stuff, I just mentioned them in the review so folks wouldn't do the same thing I did with this version, trying to determine if they currently do anything... For my play through, they appeared to not really do much for the moment, was what I was pointing out...
However, the description of the breakfast events... it's the "landlady" making breakfast... not the roommate. Or, at least, it should be. If you get random roommate decreases, you need to talk to her, to solve the situation from the introduction. If you're talking about something else, I would need some more information
There was no option to talk to the Landlady in any room I visited, her dialogue would appear during breakfast, but no options appeared to actually select anything... In fact, the only time I saw her visual character was when she spoke during breakfast, otherwise she was absent visually in all other locations... Same with the room mate, in the beginning you had some choices when interacting with her, but once the day cycles began, she would appear for breakfast only, and was nowhere to be found (not even in her room) during any other parts of the day... In fact, the room mates visual character wouldn't even show on the screen, if she was by herself during her dialogue at breakfast... At no time during any breakfast scene, would there be any options to select from, ever... The dialogue played out and at the end you would get points if the room mate was by herself, and if the landlady showed up, most of the time there was a negative result... No interaction choices available...
And yes, it's an early Alpha - I mean, the version number isn't even at 0.1 yet. So there's gonna be a lot of back and forth, and modifications probably up until around 0.1 (is the hope) to get the mechanics working properly.
I tend to be as honest and as detailed as I can during my reviews... Mentioning the fact that it was early in development is just part of my review process, not a reflection on the version numbers or it's current status on other sites... And I perfectly understand that because it is so early, there are going to be unfinished mechanics, but it was a review of the version available on this site just prior to me playing and reviewing it...
I hope you'll hang around, and take a look at coming versions, although you might wanna skip a release or two, because there might not be that many visible changes between releases (check the changelog).
Oh, i plan to eventually revisit this one once it's several heavy content versions down the line to see how it's coming along... I see some potential in what's done thus far, even with it being so early into it's creation... Best of luck, as I know these things have got to be monumental to work on... Especially when they plan to have deep and entertaining stories... I don't really play/read these things purely for the erotic stuff, as I enjoy the story and plot aspects more, with the erotic content just being a bonus (window dressing as I've said in other reviews)... That's why I gravitate more towards erotic visual novels, that balance a deep and entertaining story with the erotic scenes...