
Aug 9, 2021
Everything Tess shows is by design. For me (and the fact nothing you have said so far actually 'proves' anything...just more supposition or we wouldn't be having this conversation right now)...the conversations, way they speak are two different people. To me. Also, masks to hide an identity are not the same as a change of clothes. as for the Queen..well, she the queen...not just someone reporting in.

I can see no logical reason why the same person would switch and change masks. Makes no sense. it does however make sense for the GQ to have them similar (in case ever spotted leaving the facility) but slightly different so Callista knows who is approaching (assuming it's not a pre-arranged 'appointment' and also assuming the two don't disclose to each other they are meeting Callista and swap, but why would they disclose that info to each other) but even in that unlikely eventuality, Callista would know from the way the walk (remember Kiyomi makes mention of this to Otto), the way they talk and if nothing else, their voice alone.

If Veronica is both, why was Kiyomi not at the temple meeting? Why would Veronica give Kane the encrypted bracelet? I have my assumptions why Alessa might, but Veronica? So you see, saying she is both just throws up more inconsistencies that can't really be logically accounted for (in my mind).

There is a very specific way to get to SubK6/7 I believe. Never done it's complicated as hell though. Start at K4, make sure you stay at K4, NEVER drop down....and follow the pdf walkthrough very...very carefully.
Which is more likely: 1 person buying the same mask/dress/hat/shirt/outfit type but in 2 different colors, because they like both, or 2 different people, unbeknownst to each other, buying near identical masks at completely different times, and the only difference between the 2 is the coloring? Outfit changes are one thing, but a lot of women like a "signature" jewelry set, yet count how often any of the sisters change their jewelry throughout the game, so if we both agree that everything Tess shows/changes is by design, then she's showing us that the Karlsson sisters never wear the same thing twice. If Tess wanted to show that these women are two separate people, and make it obviously so, then she wouldn't have used the exact same mask with shifted coloration (both use red, black, and white), whereas C's masks are also the same with different colors, and she obviously IS the same person.

Black and Red's dialogue styles aren't really different, yet V's vocal style also doesn't match Black, but Tess has revealed V = Black, so that piece of evidence is moot (I tried to use it in my 20-page thesis, but then Ep. 8 was released). At the temple, C belittles Red's costume, so 1) the costume was Red's idea, not C, so she didn't give Red/Black anything to wear and 2) C is NOT a fan of the disguise. C knows exactly who Red/Black is/are, and therefore she/they aren't hiding from her. Even if "the walk" would be different, Kiyomi also points out that there are only 2 people in the Joy Facility who would notice, so C might be like most and not catch the walk discrepancy, but again that point is moot regardless if Red/Black are the same or different people.

At the boat, C's comment about "I wasn't sure if it was you who was coming" was referring to Kiyomi, who does show up to that meeting, and we know is working with Otto/the revolution, and since C is the one who directs Nadia to read the bracelet she gives her, using Otto as her voice, we know that Kiyomi is working with C. Kiyomi isn't an associate of Red/Black, and therefore doesn't follows her around, she's another of C's agents, so she goes where C wants her. C obviously sent out a "general message" to find out about "the leak" that happened that morning, and was waiting for any of her agents to show up with information, but she was not expecting the one who actually did the leaking to come meet her (like the kid who messed up being the one to come and actually confess to mommy, rather than one of the siblings coming to tattle).

We actually don't know that Red/Grym gave K the bracelet. What we do know is that Nadia knows that the bracelet is there, and explains it to K, so whoever planted it is working with Nadia, and considering she is later given one either a) it's DeKock tech, or b) it's Callista tech... who of course she's working for. We have no evidence that anyone at KG (besides Delilah) even knows the bracelet tech even exists. While Red/Grym does seem like the strongest suspect planter, don't forget that Nadia and Delilah are working together, and Nadia is able to thwart the Joy Facility's security, as is constantly aware of where Delilah is in the facility, so the stronger case is actually that Delilah planted it after Nadia unlocked the door, snuck back out, met Chanel, and then the pair greet K a good morning. IF Red/Grym planted the bracelet, then she got it from C, who ordered Red/Grym to plant it, and then C informed Nadia that K had it.

Play again and closely follow scenes with 'Patricia conversation with grym in the vault about kane', scene with patricia veronica and alessa near the pool, temple scene conversation, scene with alessa and patricia in Ep7 !!
Anyway, we don't know anything for sure .. that is what we thinking !
I did, where do you think I got the evidence that Pat DISOBEYS Grym who explicitly orders her to do things "by the book", whereas Pat says TO HERSELF that she followed all of Alessandra's orders. She CANNOT both be disobeying Grym's orders to "be fair" aka "don't cheat" AND say that she did everything Alessandra wanted, UNLESS Grym and Alessandra are SEPARATE people. Therefore, the orders were different, OR Alessandra told her to disobey Grym, and Pat chose to obey Alessandra instead of obeying Grym. Plus, sororicidal Alessandra is thereby cheating, and thus gives not a hoot about playing the Gambit fair (though she claims to not be playing at all) so she is DEFINITELY not taking orders from Callista to "ensure the Gambit is played fairly"... of course neither is Veronica, but considering Callista wants the same thing and doesn't punish Veronica when she meets her, it apparently doesn't matter so long as Callista gets what she wants in the end: Olivia as the Gambit Winner.


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
Which is more likely: 1 person buying the same mask/dress/hat/shirt/outfit type but in 2 different colors, because they like both, or 2 different people, unbeknownst to each other, buying near identical masks at completely different times, and the only difference between the 2 is the coloring?
Why do you assume they bought their own masks? Surely much more likely for Callista to 'leave' them in their possession and/or otherwise send them. That is actually far more likely to me and more in line with how Callista acts than the other. You see, now you're just coming up with baseless theories to fit your narrative with no evidence (much like saying Olivia doesn't know anything when it's stated quite clearly, in dialogue, that she does by her thoughts).

You seem to be getting more excitable (and rather fantastical, so now you think Nadia or Deliliah was wearing Veronica's mask and left the bracelet? Jeesh man, whatever you're smoking, lay off it a while), if proof (screenshot, whatever) behind a spoiler tag. Otherwise, you're assumptions are just that, as are mine and others. Otherwise, please stop stating opinions and assumptions as facts.
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Aug 9, 2021
Better use spoilers... some people here are waiting for final to play.
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Why do you assume they bought their own masks? Surely much more likely for Callista to 'leave' them in their possession and/or otherwise send them. That is actually far more likely to me and more in line with how Callista acts than the other. You see, now you're just coming up with baseless theories to fit your narrative with no evidence (much like saying Olivia doesn't know anything when it's stated quite clearly, in dialogue, that she does by her thoughts).

You seem to be getting more excitable (and rather fantastical, so now you think Nadia or Deliliah was wearing Veronica's mask and left the bracelet? Jeesh man, whatever you're smoking, lay off it a while), if proof (screenshot, whatever) behind a spoiler tag. Otherwise, you're assumptions are just that, as are mine and others. Otherwise, please stop stating opinions and assumptions as facts.
Ep. 3: The Temple - Grym created the costume
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Hacker, Viper, and Bracelet Holder
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Analysis of Ep. 3-4 events
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Olivia doesn't know anything when it's stated quite clearly, in dialogue, that she does by her thoughts
Where? Please share the screenshots.
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Engaged Member
Oct 18, 2019
The definition of evil is subjective though. For some, the sex scene with Phoebe is evil, while others have no problem with it. Same goes for torture/murder scenes. It can even feel right, not evil, if we think the victim deserved such harsh treatment. So such polls are very inaccurate by their nature, unless specific examples of what Tess considers 'evil' are presented clearly.
“Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degree is arbitary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all.”

The Witcher Heralt of Rivia.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2021
NO SPOILERS (Ep. 1-7 info only): Why Alessandra CANNOT be Grym
Ep. 2 opens with Grym ordering Patricia to oversee K's training, but to "do things by the book," but Pat disobeys this order by first offering K the option to cheat (deal), and later following through by eliminating/mitigating the punishment, and offering sex. In Ep. 7, Pat says that she did everything A told her to do with K in the prison, but the deal/cheating was AGAINST Grym's orders, so if she did those things under A's orders, while disobeying Grym, then A cannot be Grym. Furthermore, her loyalty to A is actually no secret, as A brags to V about Pat's loyalty to her, and that Pat is "under control".

As for Pat listening to V, she's already doing that: she reports to V (while laying prostrate under V's heels) in Ep. 3, right in front of A, immediately before A confesses that Pat is under control, and following the airplane scene. Like all staff at KG, Pat has multiple (and often conflicting) loyalties: E, A, V, Kiyomi, and Grym. E rescued/raised her, A has "whipped" her, V was her boss in the prisons, and now again at the Joy Facility, with Kiyomi as her supervisor, so Grym is either just an additional loyalty on the pile, or one that's already there (A OR V).

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Tess herself, in this thread, said that the two masked figures were two different people, so unless you're saying Tess is wrong, they're not both Veronica. I'll post the quote when I find it.
Ok she didn't say it, but she implied it when asking this when we were debating who the masked figure was a couple years ago

So many smart people on this thread! Wow! Only thing I will add (I did before) is are the ninja outfits different during the game scenes? Do the conversations feel the same in how the Gambit Queen speaks?

Veronica met her twice in the story, with or without the two masked meetings [/Spoiler]
Pat obviously lied because she had a secret deal with Kane. That's not a point for or against anybody
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Jul 12, 2020
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Ep. 3: The Temple - Grym created the costume
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Hacker, Viper, and Bracelet Holder
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Analysis of Ep. 3-4 events
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None of which proves anything you're saying...
Where? Please share the screenshots.
As for Olivia, next time I get to it again I'll take one for you (unless someone has it to hand, I don't as don't keep random saves or screenshots but will add it to this post later)..but it is literally outside the lift to the zoo with Kane, Veronica and Dominique. Really not sure how you have missed this...and not the only time she has inner thoughts revealing herself.

Edit: Added the images:

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Aug 9, 2021
Pat obviously lied because she had a secret deal with Kane. That's not a point for or against anybody[/Ispoiler]
That's what I'm saying: Pat lied to Grym, her statement about following Alessandra's orders in the prison was to herself, so is she lying to herself AND Grym, or honest with her own thoughts, and chose to follow Alessandra instead of Grym. Alessandra knows what happened in the prison, and later applauds Pat for carrying out her orders. Outside of the deal, Pat doesn't do anything special with Kane that she doesn't do to Zach and the other prisoners, so the deal was Alessandra's orders.

None of which proves anything you're saying...

As for Olivia, next time I get to it again I'll take one for you (unless someone has it to hand, I don't as don't keep random saves or screenshots but will add it to this post later)..but it is literally outside the lift to the zoo with Kane, Veronica and Dominique. Really not sure how you have missed this...and not the only time she has inner thoughts revealing herself.
Evil Olivia. She doesn't get to see the zoo. The only other time she comments on her training in hindsight is AFTER she self-reflects following her discovery that she is a Karlsson, whereas the flashbacks she is ignorantly frustrated with how much Callista is pushing her.
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Engaged Member
Oct 18, 2019
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Ep. 3: The Temple - Grym created the costume
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Hacker, Viper, and Bracelet Holder
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Analysis of Ep. 3-4 events
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Where? Please share the screenshots.
Just read this (attentively) and everything will fall into place. The game has already been taken apart, analyzed and put back together. Don't thank me.


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
Evil Olivia. She doesn't get to see the zoo.
You only play one path that's your issue. All very obvious on the good path. However, even then, there are so many points that show/allude to Olivia knowing pretty much everything.

Just read this (attentively) and everything will fall into place. The game has already been taken apart, analyzed and put back together. Don't thank me.
To reiterate another important part of that excellent post (which he did not mention surprisingly enough). deathbed:

Alexander: "Fooled even me, much more brilliant than even I, though you keep it hidden."

So look at this logically (not fuelled with halucinigens). Not Astrid (she will despise him, plus shortly after ashe went into cryo for her health, plus, she is brilliant). His words neither resonate with either Dominique...nor Veronica, who we all know (and Alexander certainly knew) are both brilliant. That leaves Olivia, Alessa and Jules. Jules hates him, with a passion. That leaves 2. Do we really think Alessa is that brilliant and if so, capable of disguising it? Smart undoubtedly...but more brilliant than even Alexander himself? I'd be surprised...

That leaves one person...who also has to have spent time with him....
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Aug 9, 2021
Just read this (attentively) and everything will fall into place. The game has already been taken apart, analyzed and put back together. Don't thank me.
Most of what he said was either already obvious in Ep. 7, or wrong with Ep. 8 (like he an I predicting that the two masked-robed "servants" were Alexander's sisters, but now we know that's not true).

If you're talking about Agent Olivia? Bullshit. Veronica and Yvette BOTH see through Olivia's Ep. 7 bluffs. My 4 siblings and I all have natural acting talent, but while that can be brought into a prepared scene very easily, it's not something you can live every moment of your life on, otherwise we wouldn't be such introverted unpopulars and people wouldn't be so stunned every time someone new discovers our acting abilities. Plus if Olivia knows about the Gambit before walking in the door, then she would have been laying the groundwork with Kane at least as much, if not more so, than what Elena has been doing. And why wait over a day (Olivia's parentage is public on Day 6, Olivia doesn't proposition Kane until Day 8), risking one of her competitors to sink their hooks into him and stealing her victory away? No, she's clearly neither motivated, nor vicious, enough to already know what's at stake, especially a Good Olivia who is always saying how unsure of herself she is. ... Either that or she does know but doesn't actually want to win.

Callista's curriculum for both Kane and Olivia is extensive, and Alexander Karlsson is Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Charles Schwab all wrapped up into one entity, so of course their studies would involve him. Furthermore, Olivia states that her training included analyzing those around her, and using them to her advantage, so her applying her indoctrinated skills to THE most powerful/famous man in the world is merely second-nature.

EDIT: Another thing just hit me: How many times does Olivia say TO HERSELF "Wow, this is so much more money than I could have imagined/this is so far removed from my motel" Meaning: She was NOT expecting all of this.

Not Astrid (she will despise him, plus shortly after ashe went into cryo for her health, plus, she is brilliant). His words neither resonate with either Dominique...nor Veronica, who we all know (and Alexander certainly knew) are both brilliant. That leaves Olivia, Alessa and Jules. Jules hates him, with a passion. That leaves 2. Do we really think Alessa is that brilliant and if so, capable of disguising it?
WHO says Dominique is brilliant? Cole likes her, but Alexander doesn't listen to him, and considering how he treats "good" people, Alexander would certainly overlook her, especially since everyone but Veronica ostracizes her, and calls her plant project foolish. Veronica, and Alessandra are known geniuses (Ep. 1, Kane's research, first thing we learn about them), and Astrid's genius is known within KG. Juliette is very easily hoodwinked and has no intuition of her own, so clearly she's your typical blonde bimbo.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2021
To reiterate another important part of that excellent post (which he did not mention surprisingly enough). deathbed:

Alexander: "Fooled even me, much more brilliant than even I, though you keep it hidden."

So look at this logically (not fuelled with halucinigens). Not Astrid (she will despise him, plus shortly after ashe went into cryo for her health, plus, she is brilliant). His words neither resonate with either Dominique...nor Veronica, who we all know (and Alexander certainly knew) are both brilliant. That leaves Olivia, Alessa and Jules. Jules hates him, with a passion. That leaves 2. Do we really think Alessa is that brilliant and if so, capable of disguising it? Smart undoubtedly...but more brilliant than even Alexander himself? I'd be surprised...

That leaves one person...who also has to have spent time with him....
The problem with Olivia as the secret sister is that in seven chapters there's not one piece of evidence that puts her on the island when he died. Hell there's not any evidence she was on the island prior to the events of this story. Most we got is that she knew she was going to the island prior to being taken there.
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Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
The problem with Olivia as the secret sister is that in seven chapters there's not one piece of evidence that puts her on the island when he died. Hell there's not any evidence she was on the island prior to the events of this story. Most we got is that she knew she was going to the island prior to being taken there.
And who is saying Alexander was even on the Island himself?... :sneaky:

I'll put this another way: Temple hike scene. A lot of people mistake it...but it's 'Kane who visits' Olivia...not the other way around. Pretty sure Callista would never allow either to go to the island (which as far as I'm aware, the entire island is private property and Karlsson owned.. They were on the mainland...and Olivia was on the mainland when she presumably spent time with Alexander. He'd never keep her hidden for so long if they were literally right under Veronica's noses. I think was close to Callista's hill (because Alexander built that's less than 20 years old...not ancient at all).

Would it be so unusual for Alexander to be on the mainland when he died? Or more importantly perhaps, somewhere named after his beloved Callista? We also know Kane was nowhere near the island...because he had a 6+ hour plane trip to get there....
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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2021
Tip… for Kiyomi to open the door to Cole Freely, you must have the flag, “Kiyomidoor” activated… you will see the ramifications of your choices with Kiyomi/Otto/Cole early in part2… Side Note- *This won’t affect Delilah’s route for both Sub and Dom* (for those who are interested in her character) Important note - this might matter how Kiyomi views Olivia a little just a tad etc (Spoilers for episode 8 part2)


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2021
And who is saying Alexander was even on the Island himself?... :sneaky:

I'll put this another way: Temple hike scene. A lot of people mistake it...but it's 'Kane who visits' Olivia...not the other way around. Pretty sure Callista would never allow either to go to the island (which as far as I'm aware, the entire island is private property and Karlsson owned.. They were on the mainland...and Olivia was on the mainland when she presumably spent time with Alexander. He'd never keep her hidden for so long if they were literally right under Veronica's noses. I think was close to Callista's hill (because Alexander built that's less than 20 years old...not ancient at all).

Would it be so unusual for Alexander to be on the mainland when he died? Or more importantly perhaps, somewhere named after his beloved Callista? We also know Kane was nowhere near the island...because he had a 6+ hour plane trip to get there....
If the owner of the island went to the mainland to die, feels like a bigger deal would've been made of it or that somebody would've mentioned it. I cant eliminate the possibility, but it still feels unlikely.


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
If the owner of the island went to the mainland to die, feels like a bigger deal would've been made of it or that somebody would've mentioned it. I cant eliminate the possibility, but it still feels unlikely.
He may not have gone there 'to die'...could have had a heart attack...anything. Wild speculation yes, but nothing in the story we have been told so far suggested he was 'ill'...

Unless he was hiding his condition, which from what we do know about him, is probably the kind of shit he'd likely do just to send his daughters into a frantic spin lol. Seems like his kinda vibe.

Tip… for Kiyomi to open the door to Cole Freely, you must have the flag, “Kiyomidoor” activated… you will see the ramifications of your choices with Kiyomi/Otto/Cole early in part2… Side Note- *This won’t affect Delilah’s route for both Sub and Dom* (for those who are interested in her character) Important note - this might matter how Kiyomi views Olivia a little just a tad etc (Spoilers for episode 8 part2)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that flags sets a potential relationship with Olivia (need to fuckseth and be subkane). Nothing to do with Cole, unless it also triggers a scene in v.08?


Engaged Member
Oct 18, 2019
Most of what he said was either already obvious in Ep. 7, or wrong with Ep. 8 (like he an I predicting that the two masked-robed "servants" were Alexander's sisters, but now we know that's not true).

If you're talking about Agent Olivia? Bullshit. Veronica and Yvette BOTH see through Olivia's Ep. 7 bluffs. My 4 siblings and I all have natural acting talent, but while that can be brought into a prepared scene very easily, it's not something you can live every moment of your life on, otherwise we wouldn't be such introverted unpopulars and people wouldn't be so stunned every time someone new discovers our acting abilities. Plus if Olivia knows about the Gambit before walking in the door, then she would have been laying the groundwork with Kane at least as much, if not more so, than what Elena has been doing. And why wait over a day (Olivia's parentage is public on Day 6, Olivia doesn't proposition Kane until Day 8), risking one of her competitors to sink their hooks into him and stealing her victory away? No, she's clearly neither motivated, nor vicious, enough to already know what's at stake, especially a Good Olivia who is always saying how unsure of herself she is. ... Either that or she does know but doesn't actually want to win.

Callista's curriculum for both Kane and Olivia is extensive, and Alexander Karlsson is Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Charles Schwab all wrapped up into one entity, so of course their studies would involve him. Furthermore, Olivia states that her training included analyzing those around her, and using them to her advantage, so her applying her indoctrinated skills to THE most powerful/famous man in the world is merely second-nature.
Most of what he said was either already obvious in Ep. 7, or wrong with Ep. 8 (like he an I predicting that the two masked-robed "servants" were Alexander's sisters, but now we know that's not true).

If you're talking about Agent Olivia? Bullshit. Veronica and Yvette BOTH see through Olivia's Ep. 7 bluffs. My 4 siblings and I all have natural acting talent, but while that can be brought into a prepared scene very easily, it's not something you can live every moment of your life on, otherwise we wouldn't be such introverted unpopulars and people wouldn't be so stunned every time someone new discovers our acting abilities. Plus if Olivia knows about the Gambit before walking in the door, then she would have been laying the groundwork with Kane at least as much, if not more so, than what Elena has been doing. And why wait over a day (Olivia's parentage is public on Day 6, Olivia doesn't proposition Kane until Day 8), risking one of her competitors to sink their hooks into him and stealing her victory away? No, she's clearly neither motivated, nor vicious, enough to already know what's at stake, especially a Good Olivia who is always saying how unsure of herself she is. ... Either that or she does know but doesn't actually want to win.

Callista's curriculum for both Kane and Olivia is extensive, and Alexander Karlsson is Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Charles Schwab all wrapped up into one entity, so of course their studies would involve him. Furthermore, Olivia states that her training included analyzing those around her, and using them to her advantage, so her applying her indoctrinated skills to THE most powerful/famous man in the world is merely second-nature.

EDIT: Another thing just hit me: How many times does Olivia say TO HERSELF "Wow, this is so much more money than I could have imagined/this is so far removed from my motel" Meaning: She was NOT expecting all of this.

WHO says Dominique is brilliant? Cole likes her, but Alexander doesn't listen to him, and considering how he treats "good" people, Alexander would certainly overlook her, especially since everyone but Veronica ostracizes her, and calls her plant project foolish. Veronica, and Alessandra are known geniuses (Ep. 1, Kane's research, first thing we learn about them), and Astrid's genius is known within KG. Juliette is very easily hoodwinked and has no intuition of her own, so clearly she's your typical blonde bimbo.

EDIT: Another thing just hit me: How many times does Olivia say TO HERSELF "Wow, this is so much more money than I could have imagined/this is so far removed from my motel" Meaning: She was NOT expecting all of this.

WHO says Dominique is brilliant? Cole likes her, but Alexander doesn't listen to him, and considering how he treats "good" people, Alexander would certainly overlook her, especially since everyone but Veronica ostracizes her, and calls her plant project foolish. Veronica, and Alessandra are known geniuses (Ep. 1, Kane's research, first thing we learn about them), and Astrid's genius is known within KG. Juliette is very easily hoodwinked and has no intuition of her own, so clearly she's your typical blonde bimbo.
No offense, but your arguments sound unconvincing to me. So I'm still sticking to this theory about Agent Olivia until proven otherwise. (waiting for the final version of Ep8 pt1)
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Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
EDIT: Another thing just hit me: How many times does Olivia say TO HERSELF "Wow, this is so much more money than I could have imagined/this is so far removed from my motel" Meaning: She was NOT expecting all of this.
The problem there is how Tess has written this and you are not the first to bring it up (or be knocked down either....sorry). Yes she does, because we are seeing her internal riddle and ruse thoughts. Why Tess decided to do that...don't know.

That however does not diminish her internal thoughts where she shows and proves she knows more than she is letting on. Yet you still want to deny this very critical, very non fantastical and very factual information. Or are you now going to say Olivia is a paranoid schizophrenic, delusional and suffering a mental breakdown to justify it?

So therefore, I'm just going to ignore your rambling fantasy thoughts from now on because nearly eveything you have said today, just exists inside your own head (where I'm sure it makes perfect sense to you). The fact you have failed to actually answer, straight, without more wild unbased theories, any of my very telling to me.

I'll leave with you this extra lil idea why Veronica would think this..or why Tess wrote it...

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Aug 9, 2021
No offense, but your arguments sound unconvincing to me. So I'm still sticking to this theory about Agent Olivia until proven otherwise. (waiting for the final version of Ep8 pt1)
You only play one path that's your issue. All very obvious on the good path. However, even then, there are so many points that show/allude to Olivia knowing pretty much everything.

To reiterate another important part of that excellent post (which he did not mention surprisingly enough). deathbed:

Alexander: "Fooled even me, much more brilliant than even I, though you keep it hidden."

So look at this logically (not fuelled with halucinigens). Not Astrid (she will despise him, plus shortly after ashe went into cryo for her health, plus, she is brilliant). His words neither resonate with either Dominique...nor Veronica, who we all know (and Alexander certainly knew) are both brilliant. That leaves Olivia, Alessa and Jules. Jules hates him, with a passion. That leaves 2. Do we really think Alessa is that brilliant and if so, capable of disguising it? Smart undoubtedly...but more brilliant than even Alexander himself? I'd be surprised...

That leaves one person...who also has to have spent time with him....
Okay, so let me get this theory right:
1) Knowing nothing of Olivia's character or personality, Alexander forces Callista to raise her.
2) Either as a toddler, or later in her childhood, despite Alexander's explicit instructions to hid Olivia from Elena, and the rest of KG, he is having regular visits and training sessions with her, and absolutely no one knows of her existence.
3) Veronica starts surveilling the Jacobs family after her encounter with Kane in the park.
4) Meanwhile [Ep. 8 spoilers] Alexander trusts Veronica with his "most critical secrets".
5) Good perfect Astrid stands up to Alexander, is attacked, and then hunted, but Veronica finds her first and hides her, and then blackmails Alexander and the Board to forget about Astrid, else she will remove the shock controls from the KG slaves.

6) Despite having spent the least amount of time with Olivia, she becomes Alexander's favorite to inherit his empire, and despite having no way to test her intellect he realizes that she is more intelligent than he is.
7) Rather than just declare Olivia the heir, Alexander makes a sham Gambit for the 4 sisters to compete ( Veronica is dq'd because of her betrayal, so she is given the public reins to run the Gambit), even though only 1 can win due to where Callista is placed in the game.
8) Despite Callista's crucial part in the game, and the fact that Olivia knows Callista staged her death, Callista has to fool the world that she's dead. Why? From whom? She knows too much about the Gambit, and is effectively running it for her intended audience to be Alexander.
9) Alexander somehow sneaks Olivia into his room, in plain sight of Doctor Clarke, but again completely undetected by anyone else from KG.
10) Alexander then lies that Olivia's sisters have a chance at winning, as she's the only one who has actually been trained for the Gambit, the rest just learned about it recently, or will learn about it after Alexander's death.
11) Alexander also warns Olivia to "watch out for my remaining lovers" even though that includes both Olivia's birth and adopted mother, who both want her to win.
12) He orders Olivia to test Kane, even though she actually has little infuence over his program (unlike Veronica running everything, Dominique writing his training program, Juliette making the 3rd Sponsor/Manager training). As Warden, all of her actions are spoon-fed to her.
13) Despite Olivia and Callista preparing all of Olivia's life for the Gambit, and both having full control of Kane, they never test him earlier as a child or young adult to see if he is worthy.
14) With Alexander dead, Veronica takes charge of the "Gambit", following Callista's orders, and the pair set off to ensure Olivia's victory.
15) Olivia is such a good actress that she is able to fool her own mind into thinking that all of this is such a rapid shock as she "learns" about KG and her "new position". However this "great actress" can't fool Yvette or Veronica that Elena hasn't been telling her more than she's supposed to be.
16) With Alexander's will for Olivia to win, Callista and Veronica making it happen, Olivia receiving years of training and foreknowledge of the Gambit plan, including Operation Grandson, and naturally Elena joining the parade, alongside Yvette following Veronica, then the Gambit is finished before it began, as Juliette has also bowed out of the race, and Alessandra publically supports Olivia. Dominique remains the only Board member hoping to compete, but neither she, nor any of the Board members can win.
17) Somehow "Kane is the key" to winning the Gambit, but with a landslide Board majority any contribution of his is rendered moot.
18) Neither Callista nor Olivia ever indicate to Kane that Olivia is not his true sister.
19) Alexander's entire plan for Olivia to win the Gambit and complete Operation Grandson hinges on the SLIM chance that Kane doesn't scream "incest by adoption and social/psychological relation" and refuses Olivia.

Did I miss anything?
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Aug 9, 2021
I'll leave with you this extra lil idea why Veronica would think this..or why Tess wrote it...

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Show me proof that Olivia had information prior to her meeting Elena on the pier, or that she could not have learned from Elena, and that a Karlsson Group outsider could not have researched or deduced prior to her "abduction", and that she has not learned simply by being in the Karlsson Group.

Show me a screenshot that she knows about the Gambit before Ep. 8.
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