
Jan 1, 2018
You level cast ability with help from Crone, after you revealed little secrets of 3 girls. Leave town and use map in right-top corner.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
It seems to me that the available walk-through breaks down after day 10. I cant seem to get that second agility point. Samarra is missing from training grounds. Not that I like that NPC anyway out of all of them I like her least. I have played through a few times up to day 17 not using the available walk through and the tried the walk-through. Just to see different outcomes.
May 18, 2018
What would be the point? You'd be able to see and do next to nothing with it.
i agree,yesterday i began to play this game and im amazed by the storyline,over the past weeks i tend to play modern VN games.but this is absolutely different and exciting as well.i cant help but to laugh by the script,it is funny and erotic.the storyline is good,MC's sister is hot,i tend to molest her in sleep,seeing her ass everynight is erotic since i fond of ass/anal fetish.Youre game is very good mam/sir
(sorry im not sure if you are a guy or a woman lol) but keep it up and thank you,hoping MC can assfuck her sister on the next update.

pls more for ass/anal scenes on next update
Thanks for the game belle.
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Apr 13, 2018
Generally speaking, while I do have serious themes going on in this story, I try to avoid letting it get too dark for the most part. I particularly try to avoid outright killing characters (Merek excluded), so you don't really need to stay on your toes about that. It's probably going to be possible for a character or two (including the MC) to actually die in the end-game, but that's only as a result of a certain kind of failure on the player's part. Even that won't be all that dark, for reason we'll get to in time.
Thank for the information. The story leading to the dark history and past event. I will be waiting for the next update to come. Also about other question, New Game + feature is hint that this game to lead a multi-ending VN game scenario? It will be fun play again and again when it is. Also maybe later on in the update, add sound effect of characters those H-scene.


Apr 13, 2018
Well, she doesn't. Plus, when I try her large secret, I can not due to lack of power. And yet, there is no more Crow option in the city menu. How to level up cast ability?
You need to go back to Crone and she want 30 coin.

How do i get samara to admit after i speak to her about the clues i found about:

Truthsayer Merek was poisoned
Merek would end up bankrupting the library in a few months
Mereks tea was poisoned
Primos borrowed a book about poison and magic
the killer had a key

What i'm missing? any help thanks in advance!
You need to go back to Primrose.

It seems to me that the available walk-through breaks down after day 10. I cant seem to get that second agility point. Samarra is missing from training grounds. Not that I like that NPC anyway out of all of them I like her least. I have played through a few times up to day 17 not using the available walk through and the tried the walk-through. Just to see different outcomes.
Samarra training will be at morning.


Jun 23, 2017
Hey, I just have to clarify, this isn't gonna be a limited day thing is it? In this and previous updates, I have spent a lot of time just fooling around and only now do I realize that this is a game where the princess is arriving soon. I also haven't been very efficient doing stuff anyway so I probably lost a large chunk of time there.


Developer of Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
Hey, I just have to clarify, this isn't gonna be a limited day thing is it? In this and previous updates, I have spent a lot of time just fooling around and only now do I realize that this is a game where the princess is arriving soon. I also haven't been very efficient doing stuff anyway so I probably lost a large chunk of time there.
The final version will have a (generous) time limit, but you don't have to worry about that right now. I will invalidate old saves before we reach that point anyway, so your current game will never risk accidentally going past the limit.
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Jun 27, 2017
I have just played version 0.9, and just wondering if I have gotten to see all the available content in this version. I have seen Evelyn leave, had sex with the fey queen, proved Primrose innocent, leveled up my spellcasting, got the handjob from Nell and talked about Sammara's past.
Is there any other content I have missed?


Jan 1, 2018
*spoilers* So two negative issues with this game(but mostly one and ends mostly nice). First the sister says she detests incest, then the next day she fucks you....!? Second, while trying to prove primrose innocent I need to find what the chameleon scales are for and don't have a fucking clue as to find them, then a wasted hour later find that there's a user interface icon that you have to click at a very specific location in the game to find the fucking crone who I thought ditched the game until brought up by the developer but to find out that people who play any of these monthly pay to play indy games will forget about specifics like click this exact button at this exact location... you need to reiterate when a specific UI has to be focused on. This is a time to look at triple A titles who know how to guide the player to the right choice. I know hand holding in games can be over done but in a game that is updated once a month, this method is especially needed so that the player doesn't feel like their time is wasted trying to find what you said four months ago in an update long forgotten. After that rant, I really enjoy this game. The story and investigator method and how its implemented is unique and interesting compared to most other games in this genre. I look forward to seeing how the story arc proceeds but hope for a more user friendly approach to an other wise well put together game.
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Developer of Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
First the sister says she detests incest, then the next day she fucks you....!?
Explained by the story if you read what she actually says (and writes) to you.

Second, while trying to prove primrose innocent I need to find what the chameleon scales are for and don't have a fucking clue as to find them
Belle tells you almost outright what you need to do when you find them. That's about as big of a clue as you can get.

then a wasted hour later find that there's a user interface icon that you have to click at a very specific location in the game to find the fucking crone who I thought ditched the game until brought up by the developer but to find out that people who play any of these monthly pay to play indy games will forget about specifics like click this exact button at this exact location...
There's a tutorial that walks you through using the map to visit the Crone in the tutorial. You missed the tutorial for this because the map system was added after you started your first save.

Having said that, the current map system isn't intuitive enough. I have a couple of ideas on how to improve it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
the current map system isn't intuitive enough.
When the MC walks outside his house, to the middle of town, with all the Belgian chatter... the map should be accessible. That ONE thing would end all map grief. What is the design decision to NOT make it available at that location?

What would be the point? You'd be able to see and do next to nothing with it.
Ya know, that might be what some might consider an opportunity, to address the lack of replayable sexy-times. At the minimum a gallery to revisit the good stuff, without having to play through...


Developer of Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
When the MC walks outside his house, to the middle of town, with all the Belgian chatter... the map should be accessible. That ONE thing would end all map grief. What is the design decision to NOT make it available at that location?
Like I've explained before, there's going to be a town map accessible from that location. The wilderness map requires going into the wilderness first.


Developer of Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
OK. But why?
Because I need some control over when and where it is used. Because I don't want to clutter the UI with two maps. Because I want some way to control events that may happen before traveling somewhere. Because it's what fantasy games with both town maps and wilderness maps typically do. Because I can't think of any good reason why I shouldn't split it like this. Because... you know what, let's turn this around? Why the heck should I have the wilderness map available smack in the middle of town when having it there wouldn't reduce the amount of mouse clicks needed to travel anyway? You seem to have a very strong opinion about this, but you have failed to provide even a single reason why.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Why the heck should I have the wilderness map available smack in the middle of town
Because when a player WANTS to go, it always a good idea to let them, with a minimum of clicks. Good UI. vs. not. Many map complaints vs. not. Being a dick vs. not. Are there steps between town and wilderness? Sure, OK, does the player want to walk them every time? No, probably not, unless there is some tasty content along the way.

Hey look, map icon! :click: hmm... nothing, must be broken.

You seem to have a very strong opinion about this
Nah. I don't really care. This game jumped the shark, for me, a while ago. Just throwing a suggestion out there. Take it, or leave it. I won't mind.
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