Speaking of, why are there so many incest porn games out there? Such a weird fetish to be popular.
Personally, I never cared about incest one way or another. It never did anything special for me, but it never repulsed me either. I almost took it as lazy writing. You have a guy who is living with five hot women. Why are they living together? Why don't they kick him out or have him arrested the first time they notice creepy, stalkerish tendencies? Because they're related; they're family. It always just felt like a lazy setup to me. That being said, given how ubiquitous incest has become in these games, I am starting to get sick of it. Take this game for example. Evelyn is one of the girls in the game I like the least. I would like her much more if she wasn't your sister. Of course, everyone is different, and people like what they like, but that's my opinion of that particular fetish.
The mc can't be fae can he? I thought belle sensed the other fae Hench-women that helped interrogate you? Or am I recalling that wrong?
This is a bit ambiguous. Belle did react strangely to Nell, but she later revealed it was because Nell looked directly at her even though Belle should have been invisible to all mortals. On the other hand, Belle has commented that neither Primrose nor the MRW feel fey to her. Given the limited information we have, I'd venture that Belle has a sense of feyness, but it isn't completely reliable. If she's looking at someone who's pure fey, Belle would know, but, as the fey blood becomes more diluted, the reliability of that sense diminishes. That's my current impression, anyway.
And don't forget when the Crone went into his mind she recognized his "uncle's" voice dispite not really knowing the MC.
The Crone recognized the voice of Thaddeus, the envoy from the capital. He is of no relation to the protagonist. His uncle is Aldred.
Didn't Belle go invisible to the MC when he was banging the hot fairy queen?
Supposedly all the fey were there invisible for that event. Dickon thought he heard Belle laughing, though. I don't know if that is significant or not.
The fairy queen looks stunning, the close up at her face while you fuck her is hot as fuck
I'm guessing that the blond crazy girl that erato tells you to ignore has a similar effect on man as that Asari girl from Mass Effect 2 that is the daughter of Samara, that if you kiss her (or fuck, can't remember), Shepard dies
I like the old girls a lot, but Belle is on fire with the new Fey ones
I have to agree. I'm liking all the recent fey characters much more than I thought I would.
I think it's because of the taboo element, but in the surface it's not that extreme since in the end it consists of two consenting adults horny with it other having sex, but with the related element in it, and it's not something extreme as other taboo fetishes like bestiality, rape, etc (mind control is another genre that is quite popular, which is basically rape)
Well, mind control is a pretty broad genre. On one extreme, you have games where you turn people into living dolls to fuck which, yeah, is basically rape, and I'm not a fan of those games. On the other hand, you have games where the effect of the mind control is more akin to lowering someone's inhibitions, which could also be accomplished with a glass of wine, and, while it may make me a hypocrite, I don't have any objections to that. Maybe I'm just strange.
Probably so, it's still weird though as I imagine those with actual sisters might find it awkward. Maybe? I know I'm a little turned off by mother-son incest at least. Anyway incest and, even more so futa, are the weird fetishes that I would have never said were mainstream material. Guess I was wrong.
I have to agree about futa. I just don't get it. I wouldn't go so far as to say it grosses me out, but I do find it a turn off. Then again, I don't really find girls with strapons very appealing in porn either. As much as I love the female form, I guess I feel that if I'm going to watch a hot chick get fucked, it should be a guy doing it. I find it especially boring when a girl gives a strapon a blowjob. I suppose she's lubing it, but, really, what's the point?
My reply doesn't change. I also like maledom, but even there dicks on girls means it's time to change content!
As far as domination goes, I'm not a big fan. I can't stand femdom. I can tolerate mild maledom, but, ultimately, I'm a bit of a romantic and pretty vanilla. I ultimately want a fairly equal relationship, but I prefer the protagonist to actually be a man, be able to take charge when necessary, and not let others walk all over him.
BTW, If I remember correctly, you must let her and Thaddeus to have sex twice before being able to bang her.
It's the opposite, in fact. Watching Thaddeus and Evelyn makes it harder to get the scene with her. Two times is the
maximum number of times you can let it happen and still get the scene. If it happens three or more times, it's impossible to trigger the scene. If you want it to happen less or not at all, that's your prerogative, but that way you get less money on Fridays.
Considering she's the least attractive model, I'm more than happy to let her get some non-incestuous dick.
I agree and disagree. I actually think the model is fairly attractive, and I do like the character, but, as I mentioned above, I'm pretty tired of incest which hurts her character a lot; hence, I'm fine with her getting some "non-incestuous dick," but for different reasons.
There are few things here and there that I want to do differently from the walkthrough. Such as on day 4th, I stopped the BJ action. Have anyone can include the consequences of such actions to the current walkthrough pls? Just critical consequences should be enough.
You'll get less money from Evelyn on Fridays, which means you'll have to do more activities to earn money in order to pay for all the training you need. In the most recent version of the walkthrough, I list the relevant variables so you can figure it out.
Someone discovered a bug that's not serious enough to fix for 0.9, but which I'll fix for 0.10. Evelyn is the one who tells you that Primrose is about to be arrested, but I forgot to take into account the possibility that Evelyn may have left by then. There will be an alternate opening to this quest in 0.10 for games in which Evelyn isn't there.
I kind of feel that if Evelyn has left at that point, Primrose should be arrested automatically. After all, you've lost your source of inside information, and it would be an fair consequence of your earlier decisions. Then again, I'm weird.
Yeah, it was the best I had available at this time. I'm not much of a 2D artist, so I have to rely on licensed material. I'll get a better map icon at some point in the future, I promise. It's a scroll case actually, but it's not like most of us have any personal experience with that kind of object to recognize it with.
If you want, I could try making you a scroll icon in GIMP once my new PC is fully functional and I have everything installed on it. It might be another week or two before then, but I imagine the actual making of the icon would only take a day (of my free time, not an actual 24 hours).
Thank you for taking the time to do this..
Don't mention it.
Thanks a lot for writing this thing. It must take a tremendous amount of time and effort. Judging by the number of requests for walkthroughs lately, I think people appreciate your work.
Says the person who wrote 15% of a novel for our enjoyment. Thanks for another enjoyable update.
Okay, this version made me think of quite a few things. I'll put my speculation in spoilers, but first I'm going to give my obligatory suggestion for a completely superfluous feature in the game. Right now, the player is able to ask girls to shave their pubes, and it warns that it will be permanent for the current playthrough. What about an option to have a girl let her pubes grow. Now, the game won't last long enough for there to be a noticeable effect, but, if there is some sort of time jump epilogue for various endings, maybe there can be alternate images for those who prefer their girls more hirsute. Okay, enough stupid, pointless ideas, on to the speculation.
Finally, Belle posted something on Patreon about Version 0.10. It's in the spoilers below.