Aug 15, 2017
Considering how much of my time and energy I've used on this game for the past year, seeing posts like the one you just made is frustrating and certainly not appreciated.
I hope you don't let thoughtless comments discourage you. I think the majority of us appreciate the work you put into this game. While the spectacle of the updates may vary on occasion, the quality never wavers. As someone who does code diving, I am greatly impressed by your work. Having a non-linear, multiple path game with copious variables that actually do things in the code is quite impressive. Many games are linear, which just require the author to keep adding to the end of the work, and any branches quickly reunite. I've even seen games where their are traits, such as love and lust, that are prominently displayed on the screen but never actually do anything. All of that, and there is still a minimum of bugs after a significant overhaul of the code. You should take pride in your work, and I'm sorry not all of the players provide the praise you are due. Well, I can't apologize for others, but I'll apologize myself. I certainly don't say it as often as I should.

I was thinking about the thresholds currently in the game. My original thought was that love and perverted seemed good, but like and, especially, that negative pushy seemed too high, but then I realized what resulted in that stat. While I do first try to play each update blind and find everything on my own, I'll invariably go to the code and "optimize" my playthough. I thought it might be a good idea if players provided you with their save files, which I'll do below. Mine is a clean playthrough of version 0.12.0 following the walkthrough. If people with clean playthroughs of the latest version who didn't follow the walkthrough would be willing to share their saves, it might provide a good data set to see if any of those variables need tweaking. I'm also including my persistent file for those asking for a file with all scenes unlocked.
For me this a very refreshing game. Finally a game where the English is impeccable, almost 100%. I've seen posts that this is a grinder. Not even close. There will always be some grind and this game has very little. I have no idea how much new content there was in this update because this is my first play through so I had to start at the beginning. I found it to be challenging but not to difficult. The graphics are great and there is some animation which is also well done. I found the 4 UI's to be easy to learn although it took a little while to get the hang of them. I really like the clues but they were the hardest to get through. A lot of save/load to find the right order to use the clues but it was a real joy to play. It was interesting that I was able to find the large secret before I found the simple secret on at least 2 characters. One of those was Primrose and she was the last one I solved. For me she was the hardest one. Story really kept my interest with very little frustration. So keep up the great work belle.
One of the most unique and clever aspects of this game is that it's the "grinding" that provides much of the content and is itself its own reward. You aren't just raising agility so that you're better at molesting girls in their sleep, you're raising agility to experience scenes with Nell and Samarra. That's one reason I find it funny people keep asking for cheats to raise their stats. They're only depriving themselves by doing so.

Also, as per my above comment about saves, you sound like a great candidate. Would you be willing to share your save in the interests of data mining.
Well, that is possible, but why then Primrose is saying "Father taught [...]" instead of "Parents taught [...]" almost all the time?
During blowjob she said: "Father taught me better" instead of "I saw how my mom sucked dad's dick".
I do not think he used chalkboard, draw a dick with balls and said to her "Now, my little girl it is time for you to learn how to do a perfect blowjob. This is dick, you have to suck it. But do not forget about balls. Suck them too, from time to time. Now watch your mommy. She will show you how to do it.", but more like "Come're sweetheart. I will now teach you how to do a perfect blowjob. Now suck my dick."
And you as why I think that? Well, maybe because of game with "sexual content" in it. Or maybe my mind is just broken and coruptted... or maybe I am just fucked up.
Also, as you wrote, Belle do not plan on including others than Thaddeus and Evelyn. Ok, sure but plans can change. Just look at Samra... Sarama... Argh! THE DARK KNIGHT! At first she was like cavewoman.
On the other hand, the picture Primrose paints is not one of someone who's molested by her father. She absolutely adores her father, and her deceased mother. Yet, when he started looking at her with interest after her mother passed, she got him erotic literature precisely to divert his attention away from her, and she has no sexual interest in him. I suppose it's possible he is molesting her, but it just doesn't feel right given the game's structure and how it's presented. If it was the case, it feels like it would be a big reveal, but evidence points to Primrose's dark secret being connected to Merek and the Reading Room. That would leave a Primrose molestation revelation as just there, not really impacting the game too much. While more Primrose content is coming, her romance path is done. Unless there is a completely different path intended for her, I'm just not sure how it fits. I'm probably just overthinking it. While there are certainly something abnormal about the dynamic between Primrose and Ahab, I just don't think him molesting her is a certainty.

As for Samarra, that was more a case of something not coming across as intended than a reimagining of her character. Her accent was supposed to be just that: a foreign accent. It was supposed to convey that she came from a distant land. She was always intended to be adroit, clever, and intelligent. I and, judging from comments, many others enjoyed the accent, but many found it difficult to understand, and Belle found it tedious to write, so it was removed. While her speech patterns were altered, nothing about the character herself changed; however, the way players perceived her may have changed.

Edit: While it's allowing me to upload my save file, it won't allow me to upload my persistent file. Anyone know a way around this? Is it even necessary for the gallery unlock?
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Developer of Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
I'm sorry Belle, I didn't mean to upset you, I've never created a game and obviously don't know anything about it and what's involved or what's so ever, I guess I wasn't thinking properly, maybe over tired, not sleeping well lately, please accept my sincere apology. :(
Eh, it's okay. You merely pushed me over the edge where I felt I had to say something. I understand that it can be difficult to see game development from the developer's point of view, particularly for people who are mostly used to AAA games and teams of developers. I'm just one person (or pixie for the speciesists out there) with only so much time available to work on the game. Version 0.12.0 of represents the greatest number of new sex scenes added in a single update of this game, something I could only do by crunching like crazy for several weeks. It makes it all the more frustrating when I see people (not just you) comment that it's a small update. It might not take long to play through, but it took ages (as in, one month) to make.

0.13.0 is likely to be shorter from my perspective, but I suspect players will see it the other way around. I just have to maintain a thick skin and keep working.

Well, I can't apologize for others, but I'll apologize myself. I certainly don't say it as often as I should.
Of all the people in here, you must be the one with the least to apologize for. :)

I thought it might be a good idea if players provided you with their save files, which I'll do below.
Thanks for that! I could absolutely use save files from people who have fresh saves that were started in 0.12.0. I'm particularly interested in saves from the moment where Primrose asks you to meet her at night since it allows me to see both the relationship values players end up at and how long it has taken them to get to that point.

I do suspect the average values players end up with will be quite a bit lower in the final version of the game, both because there are more challenges coming up that could sour one's relationships with the girls, and because there will be a time limit. But until then, I need to make sure that there is a certain balance between any diverging paths I make. There's not much point in diverging between a Girlfriend path and a Friends With Benefits path if everyone ends up in just one of them anyway.

While there are certainly something abnormal about the dynamic between Primrose and Ahab, I just don't think him molesting her is a certainty.
While I don't want to spoil any details, I'll say this: The relationship between the two of them is purposefully designed to be confusing and unclear to players, ever since the first version of my design document.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2018
One of the most unique and clever aspects of this game is that it's the "grinding" that provides much of the content and is itself its own reward. You aren't just raising agility so that you're better at molesting girls in their sleep, you're raising agility to experience scenes with Nell and Samarra. That's one reason I find it funny people keep asking for cheats to raise their stats. They're only depriving themselves by doing so.
Since I don't code dive I'll take you word for the hidden stats. I also didn't find this game to be overly grindy but very efficient and necessary but easy to do. At least with this one it doesn't appear that it requires a restart of game and I think old saves will work. Too many games are not only grindy but also require a restart for every update.

It makes it all the more frustrating when I see people (not just you) comment that it's a small update. It might not take long to play through, but it took ages (as in, one month) to make.
Having done a little "programming", as they called it in the 90's, I understand how long it takes and how something as simple as missing a comma can cause an endless loop or a complete crash. Something that players can do is to load the trace file when they receive an exception. They include a lot of useful information for the coder.
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Engaged Member
Jun 18, 2017
Eh, it's okay. You merely pushed me over the edge where I felt I had to say something. I understand that it can be difficult to see game development from the developer's point of view, particularly for people who are mostly used to AAA games and teams of developers. I'm just one person (or pixie for the speciesists out there) with only so much time available to work on the game. Version 0.12.0 of represents the greatest number of new sex scenes added in a single update of this game, something I could only do by crunching like crazy for several weeks. It makes it all the more frustrating when I see people (not just you) comment that it's a small update. It might not take long to play through, but it took ages (as in, one month) to make.

0.13.0 is likely to be shorter from my perspective, but I suspect players will see it the other way around. I just have to maintain a thick skin and keep working.
Thanks for forgiven me, don't know what exactly came through me, yes it was short to play, but I never meant to upset or frustrate you, I should be grateful and not acting like a spoiled brat, I wasn't thinking, won't happen again
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May 6, 2017
Hi Belle !

Just discovered this marvelous gem of a game. I really liked the Phoenix Wright feel of the clue system. It made the game far less straightforward than the ren'py games. The music you chose (or composed, i don't know) for the breaking dialogs works really well. It almost give shivers when we find the right clue ! :)

You provided me all the fetishes i really dig (molest, sister, mind control, etc.) on a layer of nice and rich fantasy background. Your renders are nice, and i really like how you found a relevant story for each model (ie, the small asian as a part-fey).

I also took the liberty to have a quick look at your ren'py code, and i've rarely seen something that clean. No wonder i didn't encounter any bug on my three playthroughs.

You have my monthly $5.

Many thanks !


Developer of Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
I also took the liberty to have a quick look at your ren'py code, and i've rarely seen something that clean. No wonder i didn't encounter any bug on my three playthroughs.
Thanks for your kind comments. The quoted one is particularly interesting since so few people dig into the code to look at it. It's hard to be objective when it comes to one's own code.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2018
Eeeeep! (Yes, I literally make this noise every time there is an update for this game). :) An update!

Yay, Belle (both). I haven't played all the way through this one in its entirety yet (just got to the part where Primrose drops the bomb on you. I just hope I don't accidentally call out Belle's name, during naughty fun-time. Lol SHE is the one I truly want, but the whole scale thing makes it rather difficult...

Quick question about the Gallery, (someone may have already answered this, but I didn't see anything in the 4 pages that I went back through- so you can chalk this one up to laziness, if you must...) why are scenes that I've already done still locked? The first one with Nell in the dungeon, all of Samarra's scenes, all of Primrose's scenes, and all of the Fairy Queen scenes. I've already done all of them, so is there some reason that I cannot access them now? Also, is it imperative that it reverts back to the default MC's name in the Gallery? It doesn't use the that you input...

Are there console commands to restore the values for the things that you've already done? Anybody, somebody- please help. :)

Also, who is the Leanan Sidhe? She doesn't have any scenes locked/unlocked- she's, apparently, a place holder for a new character?
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Developer of Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
Quick question about the Gallery, (someone may have already answered this, but I didn't see anything in the 4 pages that I went back through- so you can chalk this one up to laziness, if you must...) why are scenes that I've already done still locked?
Because of the way in which the gallery works, some old scenes won't unlock automatically. You'll have to reach them in the game again while playing 0.12.0 or above.

Also, who is the Leanan Sidhe? She doesn't have any scenes locked/unlocked- she's, apparently, a place holder for a new character?
You meet her when you go to visit the Fairy Queen. She'll be back later.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2018
Because of the way in which the gallery works, some old scenes won't unlock automatically. You'll have to reach them in the game again while playing 0.12.0 or above.
  • First off, thanks for the quick response. :)
  • Um, there seems to be a slight problem with that- unless you can be re-arrested when Samarra first arrives in town, you don't get the "trouser-friendly hand-shake" from Nell...or is that scene not included in the Gallery? You don't get your "reward" from Samarra at the Training Grounds, because she'll no longer teach you... It seems like quite a few of these scenes you only get on your first go 'round...
  • Would it just be easier to re-start a new game so that all of these changes occur, organically? :)
  • Also, if you do a re-start will the name change happen in the Gallery or will it just stay the default one?
  • And...

You meet her when you go to visit the Fairy Queen. She'll be back
  • Aren't/weren't we forbade from visiting the Fairy Queen again after we put on our little "show" for her and her subjects (by her hubby). :) You can't go back an unlock her scene?
btw, the scenes with Primrose were n-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ce. :)


Developer of Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
Would it just be easier to re-start a new game so that all of these changes occur, organically?
You'll have to unless you have saves from before those scenes.

Also, if you do a re-start will the name change happen in the Gallery or will it just stay the default one?
The gallery is unrelated to your saves, so it has no idea what you've named your character. I might look into making some way for you to enter a custom name for gallery scenes, but it's not a high priority.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2018
I decided to grind out a decent bank roll and now have 1161 copper coins or equivalent to 1 gold 1 silver with 61 copper left over. It would be nice if you could convert all the copper coins to gold and silver coins. It would save having to calculate them. I did miss one sex scene with the fay when going to the fey court though and am sure I missed others due to the choices I have made so far. I want to explore what happens if I confess my feelings for Evelyn though but want to keep the position I am at now with no one removed from a relationship so will have to remember which save file to load for when new updates are released. Primrose is friends with benefits, Evelyn is still using her womanly wiles to negotiate, Belle is still Belle and the others are advanced as far as I can right now.

Edit: Forgot to mention that all of my abilities are advanced as far as possible for now.
Aug 15, 2017
Of all the people in here, you must be the one with the least to apologize for. :)
I don't know about that. I often forget to show my appreciate for your work in my haste to provide feedback. Instead of a "thank you" or even a "I really enjoyed this update," I immediately inundate you with "here's a bug," "I think you should have given us an option to do this," or "I have a fun idea for a scene that won't actually contribute anything meaningful to the game but would probably create a ton of extra work for you."
Thanks for that! I could absolutely use save files from people who have fresh saves that were started in 0.12.0. I'm particularly interested in saves from the moment where Primrose asks you to meet her at night since it allows me to see both the relationship values players end up at and how long it has taken them to get to that point.

I do suspect the average values players end up with will be quite a bit lower in the final version of the game, both because there are more challenges coming up that could sour one's relationships with the girls, and because there will be a time limit. But until then, I need to make sure that there is a certain balance between any diverging paths I make. There's not much point in diverging between a Girlfriend path and a Friends With Benefits path if everyone ends up in just one of them anyway.
I have uploaded a save, following the walkthrough, from right before Primrose asks Dickon to visit her that night. On the morning of day 23, it has like 17, love 8, perverted 2, and pushy -8. As I mentioned before, love and perverted look pretty good. Just 2 more perverted points would result in getting the FwB route instead of the girlfriend route, which could happen very easily early in the game. Also, simply allowing Primrose to be arrested instead would also result in the FwB route. Given that pushy is only ever factored if it's positive, it isn't close to doing anything. Like is also well above the threshold of 10 to trigger the scene, which means the deciding factor of its timing is clearing Primrose in the investigation, which has a set start date. Also, I noticed something else in the code. It looks like repeating the boobjob is intended to increase like and love, but I think it is only increasing like. While I can parse the code, I'm not an expert on it, but I think it might be because of the ## in front of the love increase.

Another thing to consider, though, is the New Game+. At this point, the relationship with Primrose is almost incidental from increasing Perversity. On subsequent playthroughs, were the player retains abilities, it will take a dedicated effort to cultivate relationships with the girls.

I have also included a zip version of my persistent file for those who still want a full gallery unlock.
Hi! Would someone be awesome enough to post a save before this latest update?
The one I included fits that bill.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2018
I don't know about that. I often forget to show my appreciate for your work in my haste to provide feedback. Instead of a "thank you" or even a "I really enjoyed this update," I immediately inundate you with "here's a bug," "I think you should have given us an option to do this," or "I have a fun idea for a scene that won't actually contribute anything meaningful to the game but would probably create a ton of extra work for you."

I have uploaded a save, following the walkthrough, from right before Primrose asks Dickon to visit her that night. On the morning of day 23, it has like 17, love 8, perverted 2, and pushy -8. As I mentioned before, love and perverted look pretty good. Just 2 more perverted points would result in getting the FwB route instead of the girlfriend route, which could happen very easily early in the game. Also, simply allowing Primrose to be arrested instead would also result in the FwB route. Given that pushy is only ever factored if it's positive, it isn't close to doing anything. Like is also well above the threshold of 10 to trigger the scene, which means the deciding factor of its timing is clearing Primrose in the investigation, which has a set start date. Also, I noticed something else in the code. It looks like repeating the boobjob is intended to increase like and love, but I think it is only increasing like. While I can parse the code, I'm not an expert on it, but I think it might be because of the ## in front of the love increase.

Another thing to consider, though, is the New Game+. At this point, the relationship with Primrose is almost incidental from increasing Perversity. On subsequent playthroughs, were the player retains abilities, it will take a dedicated effort to cultivate relationships with the girls.

I have also included a zip version of my persistent file for those who still want a full gallery unlock.

The one I included fits that bill.
So you would need to overwrite the persistent file in the game then.
Aug 15, 2017
The one in \Users\YourNameHere\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\LongLiveThePrincess-1502893155. I believe that will unlock all the gallery scenes. Don't forget to unzip it, first.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2018
The one in \Users\YourNameHere\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\LongLiveThePrincess-1502893155. I believe that will unlock all the gallery scenes. Don't forget to unzip it, first.
thx but I found the and .pyo in the renpy file in the game. Decided I only want the ones I unlock by playing but thanks for the offer.
May 8, 2018
@Augustus Commodus Thx for walktrough in first place, but I have one problem. I have followed first walktrough I blv it was till 10.2 ver. or something like that and after this new update yours till end of current version, but I have didn't got some scenes with molesting Sammara and Nell. I have been caught both times by Sammara. Is it maybe bcs of new update or something else? By the way, can you please share your last save to check some things with my save. Thx in advance.
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