I can see you have it open for Belle to possibly get different clothing!
This made a scene pop into my head. The player goes to Callie to make some tiny clothes for Belle. Callie laughs at the player because she thinks he's playing with dolls. The requirement that they are extremely quick to remove just reinforces her view that the player is a perv. When done, the clothes start flying around because nobody thought about enchanting them thus Callie can see the clothes but not the pixie wearing them which cause Callie to freak out.
Thanks! I might just do that at some point, but not for this update. The names are already pretty much set in stone. As for sharing the names, I'll do that sometime in December. I haven't been good enough at spoiling my $20 patrons (not that there's many of them. There could be a relation here), so I want to give them early previews (with renders) before I share anything with the rest. We've got a month until the next release, so there's no hurry.
I wasn't asking for any details, just a list of names. In my head, I thought you'd get a laugh out of our outrageous guesses. For example, you'd have a character named Kelly, and I'd guess that she's blonde singer, and then it'd turn out she's an Asian mechanic or something. Of course, things tend not to be as funny in the real world as they are in my head. Just look at the first part of this post for an example. :coldsweat: Fair's fair, though. The $20 patrons deserve their rewards, and I'll happily wait however long necessary for whatever details you chose to share.
Don't worry about it. This kind of feedback is more useful than you think. If you missed the money indicator, odds are other players did too. I'll have to think of some way to make it more obvious in the future.
I think the standard is to have money displayed in one of the top corners of the screen while playing. I did find it in the inventory screen, but it might be something worth considering.