
Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
I'm certainly happy to receive this kind of praise so early. As mentioned above, the game is just 2 months old, so that it has gathered this kind of momentum this fast is humbling.
FYI, I wish to patron you @ ~$5/month, but I am DONE with patreon and their new cash grab, and limits on NSFW creators. Do you have a Bitcoin wallet or alternate payment platform?


Developer of Supermodel & Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
FYI, I wish to patron you @ ~$5/month, but I am DONE with patreon and their new cash grab, and limits on NSFW creators. Do you have a Bitcoin wallet or alternate payment platform?
What cash grab? If you're talking about the new charging system coming this month, that's money that goes to the payment processors. Previously, I had to cover every patron's processing fees out of my own pocket (in practical terms). Last time that cost me nearly 50 dollars, and that sum would only have increased from here. That creators had to handle these processing fees before is highly unorthodox. When you purchase something on the Internet, whether it is a physical product or not, the customer pays those fees. Patreon's previous system was poorly thought out, and they are now course correcting. This is not a bad thing. Patreon doesn't earn any money on this change. The creators, me included, do. Every single creator I've talked to personally about this change has been positive to it, except for some worry that it may cause some patrons to leave in the short term. It's probably going to have some negative effects for creators who rely on $1 donations since those now increase to $1.5, but most adult games operate with larger values than that because of a smaller number of potential backers.

As for the second point about NSFW creators, that currently does not affect my game or my campaign.

I do not have any alternate means of donation as that just gets complicated. VAT becomes an issue for European backers, for example, and I aspire to keep this campaign legal. But, I will very likely look seriously at any Patreon competitor that may appear in the future with specific support for NSFW creators. There are a lot of obstacles in the way for that to happen, and despite a bunch of adult game developers discussing this at length in private channels, and some even claiming that they are trying to create an alternative, I have serious doubts that it's going to happen any time soon. Basically, don't hold your breath.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
What is your Bitcoin/Etherium wallet ID... Some kind mod might put that on the top of this thread and the transaction costs are ~ .25%, instead of Patreon's robbery.
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Developer of Supermodel & Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
What is your Bitcoin/Etherium wallet ID... Some kind mod might put that on the top of this thread and the transaction costs are ~ .25%, instead of Patreon's robbery.
I already answered that question.

Do you have the same "robbery" attitude towards every other site on the internet you spend money on? They charge you the same way, but they just hide it better. Patreon is playing with an open hand here because they do not intend to rob you or fool you. You're punching yourself in the face to prove a point here.


Nov 12, 2017
What cash grab? If you're talking about the new charging system coming this month, that's money that goes to the payment processors. Previously, I had to cover every patron's processing fees out of my own pocket (in practical terms). Last time that cost me nearly 50 dollars, and that sum would only have increased from here. That creators had to handle these processing fees before is highly unorthodox. When you purchase something on the Internet, whether it is a physical product or not, the customer pays those fees. Patreon's previous system was poorly thought out, and they are now course correcting. This is not a bad thing. Patreon doesn't earn any money on this change. The creators, me included, do. Every single creator I've talked to personally about this change has been positive to it, except for some worry that it may cause some patrons to leave in the short term. It's probably going to have some negative effects for creators who rely on $1 donations since those now increase to $1.5, but most adult games operate with larger values than that because of a smaller number of potential backers.
I have to admit, you help me to see through this change. I understood the issue in the other way. I thought Patron taxed the creator 2.9% + $0.35 per pledge and was quite furious about it. But it seems that the tax is ADDED to the pledge and charged to the customer. That seem fair, it lift the taxes off the creator's shoulders and makes the monthly incomes more predictable and clear. It will hurt the pledges though, as you said, it'll make the small pledge ( $1 ans $2) less interesting for the patrons, so many will cancel their pledge (Dark Cookie has around 2/3 of his patrons on a $1 pledge).


Developer of Supermodel & Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
I have to admit, you help me to see through this change. I understood the issue in the other way. I thought Patron taxed the creator 2.9% + $0.35 per pledge and was quite furious about it. But it seems that the tax is ADDED to the pledge and charged to the customer. That seem fair, it lift the taxes off the creator's shoulders and makes the monthly incomes more predictable and clear. It will hurt the pledges though, as you said, it'll make the small pledge ( $1 ans $2) less interesting for the patrons, so many will cancel their pledge (Dark Cookie has around 2/3 of his patrons on a $1 pledge).
It's going to be the most noticeable to those who pledge a little to a lot of campaigns, but this should be no surprise to anyone who's dealt with payment processors online before. The way credit card payments work means that individual micro-payments could end up costing Patreon money. This change means that the cost of these transactions is covered.

If you've ever looked at the sum listed at the top of my Patreon page and thought that this number represents how much Patreon pays me per month, then you'd be wrong. Remove about 5% from that sum, and you have the actual number I get to see. The rest goes to the payment processors and Patreon (they've always taken a flat 5% cut that is withdrawn from the total pledge amount before displaying it on my page. This has not changed). With the new changes, the sum you see on that page is actually the sum I get paid. That makes the whole thing more transparent and honest, in my opinion, and it means that when a patron pledges, say, $5 to a campaign, the creator they're pledging to actually receives the $5 (again, minus the flat Patreon fee that has always been there and which they deserve).


Nov 12, 2017
I understand and it seem fair. But it will scare off a lot more people who can't afford to pledge like me than before, and it's sad.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
The way credit card payments work means that individual micro-payments could end up costing Patreon money. This change means that the cost of these transactions is covered.
False. If 30 patrons pledge 5$ to 30 artists Patreon bills me 165$ pocketing $15 and credits the artists $150 each in a single transaction costing far less than the 15% vig they hit the Patrons with. I for one have closed my Patreon account as I had a TON $1-$5 patronages that were going to go up 40 cents each taking my $100 a month pledge to $130.

Bitcon/Etherium is FAR more efficient.

I already answered that question.
"It's too complicated?"

It's less hard than setting up a Patreon page.

Just sayin' I'd be in for $5/month, but not via Patreon. You say they are worth it, but I disagree.

Do you have the same "robbery" attitude towards every other site on the internet you spend money on?
When my monthly bill goes up 30% on no added service, other than the artist gets half of that... it's pretty sketchy.

Tell you what. I'll pledge you $4.50 on Patreon, so that I get hit for $5. You will be my ONLY pledge, just because I REALLY like your stuff.
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Developer of Supermodel & Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
Tell you what. I'll pledge you $4.50 on Patreon, so that I get hit for $5. You will be my ONLY pledge, just because I REALLY like your stuff.
Thank you very much. I truly do appreciate it, even if we don't necessarily agree on these latest events. Considering the situation, I'll message you the links on Patreon to the next version when it's released, even if you don't technically qualify according to Patreon itself. If I happen to forget (I tend to get pretty stressed out around a new release), just send me a message and I'll handle it.
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Developer of Supermodel & Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
about the new payment system on Patreon. They updated their blog post about it and explained why they are making these changes. It's kind of weird that they left out the most important bits earlier, but it is what it is.

Basically, Patreon is moving away from the current payment system where patrons are either charged per creation or at the start of the month, and moving towards a more subscription-like system where you are charged when you pledge, and then once per month after that at the same time of the month as your initial pledge. This avoids the "double pledges" that you see for charge up front Patreon campaigns these days, and it also moves every single campaign over to a more workable charge up front system. This is an extremely good thing for creators, and I'm incredibly excited to see that this is in the plans. People pledging, getting rewards, and then withdrawing their pledges happens almost every day, and moving over to charge up front would introduce the double pledges mentioned above. The current system is a problem for both creators and patrons.

The problem with moving over to the subscription model is that transaction fees will increase rather substantially since they are no longer handled in bulk like they used to. Patreon eventually, after lots of consideration, decided to add these fees to the pledges themselves the way we've already discussed. It has been correctly pointed out that the fees will increase as part of these changes. Now we know why, and there's nothing shady about it. It's just a necessary evil in order to improve Patreon's payment system for creators and patrons. It does cause issues to people who support a bunch of campaigns at once, but apart from that this whole thing is a good change, in my opinion. The added charges look weird right at this moment because the subscription model has yet to be introduced, and that has obviously influenced the discussion about the subject. Higher costs for the same service is hardly an appealing concept, but now it turns out that the higher costs are associated with an improved service.

I don't know when this new subscription system will be introduced, but I'm personally looking forward to it. It should make managing my Patreon campaign much less of a headache.
Aug 15, 2017
I posted an update on my Patreon yesterday where I revealed the names of the two new girls coming in version 0.4. Since their names were requested here, I might as well share them.

They are Samarra and Nell.
Congratulations on reaching the $1,000 goal. I saw the names in the post, but I figured I'd wait on posting my hopefully amusing (you know, from a distance, if you're squinting from the right angle) analysis of the names, but since you've posted them here, I'm free to torture--I mean amuse--amuse and delight, everyone. The analysis is hidden in the spoilers. Don't read if you're nursing, pregnant, might become pregnant, or have suicidal tendencies.

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Belle the Pixie and Callie are favorites, Belle because shes cute and insane, Callie is just stunning and has a classy beauty to her
Primrose is cute, she has a dark mysteriousness!
I have to echo the Callie love. She is currently my favorite. Not only is the model attractive, but I'm also a sucker for childhood friends romances. While I love Bell, I’m not really attracted to crazy chicks. I probably be more attracted to Evelyn, but I’m a little tired of the incest ubiquitous in these games. I do really like the quite, awkward type, but Primrose is almost too awkward for my tastes. Still, I do like all the characters, and this is just my impression right now. I’m looking forward to getting to know all the characters better and meeting the new ones.

This is where I would apologize to those who were subjected to the war crime that is my analysis (someone should check, I'm pretty sure it's in the Geneva Conventions somewhere), but if you've willingly subjected yourself to it a second time, you're probably a masochist in which case I can't help you. One final thought, though. I am not a $20 patron, so I haven't seen or read the preview @Belle posted of Samarra. If anything I wrote even remotely approaches the truth, all I can say is: WTF? How'd that happen? @Bell, I'm disappointed in you. I expected a lot better! :eek:penedeyewink:
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Developer of Supermodel & Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
As usual, you dig quite a bit deeper than I do into these things. However, this time you've managed to miss the obvious in your search for the hidden.

Let's just say that your guess about who the new girls are is... inaccurate. ;)
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Aug 15, 2017
How can I be wrong? I bought chickens. I sacrificed them. I read their entrails. The entrails DON'T LIE. I refuse to believe that players won't wonder if Samarra puts out. Well, given the genre of the game, it's pretty likely she does, but I know they'll wonder about HOW to get her to put out. :confounded:

Anyway, thanks for names. I look forward to your next update.

Edit: Might as well throw out another wild guess... I mean well thought out theory. Nell is a homophone of knell. Belle is a homophone of bell. Nell is connected to Belle. Nell is the girl Belle wants to use the sexual orientation altering spell on. Still no? Well, it was worth a shot.
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Aug 8, 2017

This is where I would apologize to those who were subjected to the war crime that is my analysis (someone should check, I'm pretty sure it's in the Geneva Conventions somewhere), but if you've willingly subjected yourself to it a second time, you're probably a masochist in which case I can't help you. <snip>
I couldn't find anything in the Geneva Conventions, though I suspect one of the Hague conventions may have something to say on the subject. Seriously, though, it was a very entertaining read.
Aug 15, 2017
I couldn't find anything in the Geneva Conventions, though I suspect one of the Hague conventions may have something to say on the subject. Seriously, though, it was a very entertaining read.
Thank you. I was a bit worried I went overboard. I try not to take myself too seriously, and there's usually a fair amount of tongue-in-cheek involved with my posts, but given the somber turn this thread took after the recent changes on Patreon, I figured it could use some levity, so I went a little over the top. For example (SERIOUS PLOT SPECULATION IN SPOILERS):

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Anyway, all of this talk of cuneiform (by me) has given me an idea. Cuneiform was usually written on clay tablets or cylinders, and if you aren't familiar with them, they can seem quite unremarkable. I imagine a scene were there is a spell the player needs, perhaps the orientation altering spell, perhaps another one, which is written on such a tablet, and the protagonist has been using it as a doorstop or paperweight for years. It would work better in a point-and-click adventure game, where you could put it out in the open in the background of a room with a tiny hit box and laugh maniacally when players can't find it and wonder if it's even actually in the game. People should probably be happy I don't develop games.
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Developer of Supermodel & Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
For anyone who decided to jump ship because of the proposed Patreon changes, Patreon has decided to not implement them after all, based on the negative feedback they received. This means that things will continue as they have been before, for the time being. They're promising that they'll involve patrons and creators in discussions about such changes in the future, and that they'll stay out of the business relationship between a creator and his/her patrons.
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