I fully admit to not yet having had a look at the files -and haven't really played the game for too long as of now-, and mostly just following the thread, but...(Actually some of the changes in that last file, relative to Japanese version 1.22, seem really fucking weird. It might be okay depending on what else they changed, but I'm looking into it now to try to make sure they didn't introduce any bugs of their own by doing things like changing "Bitch" to "Birch" and "Bloomer" to "Boomer". What was even the point of adding more 'engrish' to the game code??? It was already english, and it's not even visible in-game!
Could this...actually be some new, advanced, meta-level...code self-censoring?!
I mean, if it's a base (read: non-h, Steam original) file which the patch changes... Could it be that having "Bitch" and "Bloomer" (holy shit, ESPECIALLY BLOOMER BECAUSE, YOU KNOW...; also, cool, does this mean that there is now a hidden counter for how many "relationships" of the young protag's was with ~60-70 year old people?! so much better...
Please oh please tell me there is a 0 chance for that...