1, It fits with the psychopath, because his intent is to continue forcing himself on her till he no longer enjoys it. The footage ensures she stays complacent while raping her.see that's the part that does not fit with a psychopath, he wouldn't bother with a video, after he was done, he'd just kill her. once the toy has been played with it loses its sparkle so throw it in the trash.
since you haven't figured it out, with the exception of bob, the entire family has been hot after each other for some time, now it's all being realized.. btw bob is in on it too haha and you thought he was blameless, a god etc... check the gallery, several scenes of his fucking his daughters. a true manipulator will do things that do not require him to give up anything he considers his own, he won't give up money cuz it's his money, if he becomes president he won't give that up either cuz he thinks it's his period. but real manipulators always fail cuz they are narcissitic basically. and a manipulative psychopath would be a serial killer. manipulates his target to get them where he/she can get at them without witnesses, then do whatever with them and kill them.
2, the "Secret Gallery" isn't something that is in the games lore. It is the $100 tier photos he adds to the game at each update.
3, At the start of the game he willingly and without hesitation gives MC money, till he says MC should just do work to earn money instead.
4, You describe the MC. He doesn't think he can fail raping his teacher, but does.
And not all psychopaths kills. It comes down to "what would cause a greater problem". The husband knowing that the kid was at the apartment could finger him as the killer and he would be sent to jail. A psychopath would know this and work around it. The blackmail and recording is a much better option since it is part of "his game". He is in control with it.