It's a lie. Veq never stop his patreon. Moreover, when his page was closed for some reason, he resolved this issue with the patreon (and it’s not so easy, many conscientious developers lose months on it) in record time to get his free income again. Just like ICSTOR, for two years, veq just as accurately received money from people for nothing. But over time, the number of his patrons decreased to about 100, so he decided to return. And at the same moment obedient dogs ran to him again, again increasing the number of his patrons to 400.cause lets be honest veqvil was the first one with a burnout etc and he stopped his patreon till he was right to continue
But mark my word. Veq exactly the same fraud, he just had less support. I am 100% sure that having returned his free money he will soon disappear again. This is exactly the same type of developer as ICSTOR. Just less popular