
New Member
Feb 16, 2023
Acho que não posso usar nenhum dos npcs no bordel ou para criação de monstros?
yes; in parts you can take them home and make finhas with them that have interesting buffs more like this at the end of the game and unnecessary
Sep 2, 2018
ComplexBreeding Mod (version:

DISCLAIMER: mod have only assets from base game so please do not expect that angels have wings etc.

- base game version: 2.0.9
- BepInEx 5 (latest)
- tutorial DISABLED (mod remove some mechanics required in tutorials)
- start new game

- this is overhaul mod (huge changes to base code) so you should only have this mod enabled or expect compatibillty problems with other mods (pixies mods should be fine but not tested)
- npc and special characters are not changed in this mod for now so they will probably give you wierd looking children (if you want to play with this characters for now is better to skip this mod)
- mod is in very early stage of development but some people ask me to give it anyway, expect bugs and UI inconsistency

Game is much slower in progression and a little harder, especially on beginning. (remember that slave can now sell milk so its good source of cash)
Species: 8 base and 17 evolutions

- put dll to plugins folder in BepInEx

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I want to describe mod Im working on. MBM is amazing game and it have great potencial but for me developers should focus more on sandbox features and not "story".
(by story I meant unique characters itp. if I can be honest I will sell all features from DLC for assets like wings for generic slaves)

Many mechanics are very messy for me like trait system or upgrades rooms or even upgrading stats by consumig hectoliters of milk.
Progression in not linear but very "snowbally", you buying cat slave on beginning and you basicly shooting monsters left and right and after 10 minuts you have god slaves and monsters.
I like more slow and calculated sandbox experience when after few hours of game I can still have something to achieve or created.
I also like when you can "customize" your solutions to problems and achieve goals in diffrent ways. (like in factorio you can use belts, trains or robots)

Changed mechanics:
- some species are very similar in young and adult stage so many of the small species just skip this stage, species have text "(young)" beside species name if she can be upgrade by milk to next stage
- all of species sprites are removed and replace with generic "shadow" type, only sprites for monster and npcs remains (sprites that where no even similar to actual look of slave were very confusing)
- unlock selling species to Amelia to every day so its no need to stockpile needed monsters. (it can be harder on first pay but you can always take loan for starting expences)
- Slaves cannot escape from brothel (I dont know who think it is a cool feature...)
- Fully depraved slaves are no longer supermens (they lose health like before)
- When "depraved face" is off, slave have originals eyes
- There is only one type of milk, milk not longer upgrades stats
- Most of room upgrades are disabled (I think only works health regeneration, cure disease, ending in and out)
- tentacle eggs are sold for 100 gold (5000... why not million)
- all triats and racial traits are removed and new system is implemented
- milk is for selling, slave generete milk in diff ratio and there is new attribute "milk quality" which is used when selling milk (milk is sold in automatic way in millking room)
- s with monster can give slaves and slave are more consistent in looks when in same species
- removed clone parent mechanics (monsters and slave can "mutated" simple visual stats (like eye shape and ball sack), there is ~10% chance per parameter, in case of tits size there is 5% for one size up and 5% for one size down)
- no slave species is restricted in tits size (some species like rabbits still have only for example flat on market but you can breed your way to huge if you want)
- you can have 5 childs in one pregnancy, big monsters only take 2 "slots" because getting this parameter up is much harder then in base game
- clients in brothel are changed for new trait system

I was thinking for days how implemented system which will be possible in current UI, it will include genetics (but in not overpower way like in base game) and will be fun.
I early drop the idea of many individual triats inheriting by children -> trait slot are very limited, UI is very small and hard to see stuff, and can be messy quickly

I created something I named "essences", essence can have tier value from 1 to 10 and describe how much concetration of specific group of genes slave/monster have.
For example slave can have demonic essence +1 which means that there is small group of genes originated from demons. More concetration more bonuses and sometimes weaknesses.
Tiers are inherited by gender and can be upgraded but every tier is harder to get then last one but having partner with high concetration of specific essence increase chances.
Tiers can be also lost by generations if you are not focus on selective breeding
For example feral essence:
View attachment 2369787

Racial triats:
Renamed to just traits, this can be anything like: immunity to diseases or tattoo/crest mechenics from elfs
Some traits are added just for beeing specific species, for example ghoul girl cannot be sick
Some traits are chance based and can be gained when essences levels are high, for example you have 10% chances to gain immunity for diseases when at least have eternal essence +4
When at least one parent have trait then of course you have bigger chance

Brothel changes:
Clients are now named after classes from dnd and can give you required essences to start your breeding program
View attachment 2369788

New species mechanics:
Species can now change, for example elf after taking to much demonic essence can give birth to drows (dark elfs) etc.
Species are divided to tiers Common -> Uncommon -> Rare -> Epic -> Legendary

Current human posibilities:
View attachment 2369790

Some starting species are recreated, for example dragonian is not more and you start with cute lizard and you must breed your way to powerful dragons:
View attachment 2369794

That all for now, everything I showed now is working in some way, Im currently playing to learn how number works and add at least minimum acceptable balance changes etc.

If someore read this I will be in shock.
Amazing mod so far, but it really needs it's own page at this point, just to make discussion a bit easier
also I should mention that the loyalty reward characters are still their original races and stats, and aren't modded like the other slaves.


New Member
Feb 16, 2023
Amazing mod so far, but it really needs it's own page at this point, just to make discussion a bit easier
also I should mention that the loyalty reward characters are still their original races and stats, and aren't modded like the other slaves.
I would love to test it, I feel that devs will live on dlc now


Aug 1, 2018
If you want to mod trait you can change InitializeTrait method in character class.
On screen below is example.
View attachment 2392441

I cannot be involved in any repo or official work, I was born in wrong country.
Dammmnn,kinda feel you..some country sucks
but honestly I think it should be ok.if you upgrade your anon skills more?(Because,youalreadypostedapicturewithsome_suscode_insuswebsite_Ithinkcreatingarepo_with_base64encoded_code_seemokto_them)

Also thanks!


Aug 1, 2018
random mod ideas(now has my personal priority noted in,1=highest,5=neutral,10=whatever,if possible.EG,P1):
-dynamic changable protagonist* pp size.(IF possible.cause why not?P5)
-modifiable protagonist status trait boost.(IF possible.cause why not?P3)
-(pending to update and make it into v? mod pack,P5?)
-remove the spawn tentacle button in the breed room(P2,its a peak dumb stuff that we SHOULD mod to remove,since there is already a FIXED BIG ui down there and can ctrl mass spawn.WHY extra button?and if misspress the monster inside goes to void.RIP)
-less limit when enhance room,so some options eg,cost reduction can be applied on normal room(aka free-rent possible.etc.)also make the max value higher like 50%,so it just breaks the game more but,not a problem,its a mod.just del the dll if too OP ^^)
-|mass select/map wide and edit pixy settings(we need a way to select like 1000 girl,cause why not?P3)
---change the market stock pixy setting(IMPLEMENTED BY OFFICIAL DLC 2.0.12+ i think,Thanks!)
-mod flora/minion to accept milk and extract DNA from it(As a mechanics to workaround the grind-body*,P4)
-allowing moving char while pausing game(P5,very hard,workaround,playspeedx0.01,
-edit play time duration(possibly in savedata,but idk where,P3)
-runtime edit inventory in game(P4),

-|Slightly irl mechanics sim mod(new probably shxt idea,P4)
---(mechanics mod)can only get preg at a certain* few days,other days conception rate 1%.(at least for all generic* human,maybe npc or other race can be different)
---(mechanics mod)somehow make force postpartum time much larger.
---(create new item)make vaccine item can prevent venereal diseases etc,cause why not.

-|add custom anim&sprite NON modpacks*(After getting some modding knowledge.Possible but,ehhhhh lets just say very hard may NEED RE-mod almost EVERY update,eg asset refer "eg extra base girl sprite by others')
---allow (milk/move) brainwashed npc at least in private mansion.(Very hard to implement and lack of img/assets.P2)
---|add new items(eg, reset milk?potion?lol.very useful for re-modding npc/special girls.IF we somehow get the stock values and reset to it.(Of course we can just make it pure function and run at a press,but more Satisfaction with drag and drop CUSTOM ITEM, TLDR.custom Item optional for this.P3)
---|add new race(as a standalone plugin,not monolith like complex breeding,P2.)
-----(not implemented,for monster girl/boy might even implement Futa*,Multipurpose*,EXTRA-ASSETS NEEDED for high quality mod)
-----(not implemented,extra idea)
---unlock preg cap to 5(as a standalone plugin,not monolith like complex breeding,P2.)
---edit the limit of a character final render,it seems to have a limit of the character texture,for eg modding the(amilia breast size at home is possible,BUT will have cutoff after a certain place,even after edit atlasdata.Maybe the skel has some limit.P3)
---increase max leftover semen state on body from 3 to(4/5).and insert our custom pic in.(P4)
---dynamic girls height.(maybe in the future or after we have moded most and somehow spine can support assets resizing oro rescaling with some dope math,or use ai.P4)
---mod other characters to have flora toggle accesories feature.(P3.possibly need bepin code edit.i guess)
--|make that size bigger*(P2),
----(Pending P.O.C.)
-(misll,P4)a extra layer of mod that can control the stuffs in mod pack.Using a ui or runtime changeable keybinding,10+ epic mod,dont know how to toggle 10+ functions with only numbers.

Section known to be possible but need manual effort,how to.
-|has a toggle/some way to edit brothel reputation(make the customer per second higher,cpm haha.>possible by edit resource.TESTED POSSIBLE,FULLY WORKS)
--(limiting factor),the customer time to decide to go where,kinda slow around 4s(lmao.can we change this)

-mod milk production rate,(cause why not?milk girl?ok.low milk roleplay?ok.possible by edit resource.asset.TESTED POSSIBLE,BUT per race.NOT GOOD.)
-get rid of the 666 tentacle egg cap?(TESTED POSSIBLE)
-mod required work for special npc functions,5 is kinda acceptable honestly,(ITS CALLED likeability in the *assets),
-|(EXMASTER mod*,for those that dont want to touchthemself,but want to grind)eg,
---other mods?

Shared Resources created by others(we do not have paid artist so every resource counts)
-eg extra base girl sprite by others,
-eg slime girl,



Aug 1, 2018
Amazing mod so far, but it really needs it's own page at this point, just to make discussion a bit easier
also I should mention that the loyalty reward characters are still their original races and stats, and aren't modded like the other slaves.
you can just ping guyverek the creator for this mod.


Dec 12, 2019
Greg has a lot of work to catch up ingregnating the american nation, ok?
Speaking of, how does greg transfer the non slave girls to the private estate for the smexual intercourse of the baby making variety?
Max likeability, 666 essences(can be racked up by giving tentacle eggs to Rune)


Aug 1, 2018
Is rune still not bangable?
No lol.You should have a maxed out save file for yout to quickly test new version.
At least that's what I do.
I have a 1.x save file 700days+.
load it in mod some values try click around.

Because either way if its actually bangable.>
You dont even need to waste time ask.JUST BANG IT. ^_^


Mar 20, 2021
No lol.You should have a maxed out save file for yout to quickly test new version.
At least that's what I do.
I have a 1.x save file 700days+.
load it in mod some values try click around.

Because either way if its actually bangable.>
You dont even need to waste time ask.JUST BANG IT. ^_^
Is that a no or a yes. If yes, show screenshot


Oct 12, 2017
I hope they do a little patch if the DLC sells they are going to add a new type of slave (Demon Girl) and Rune have her own CGs and house animation. The demon girl slave won't be too hard, they could recycle the dragon/sheep girl horns and only would need to draw wings and tails and the wings could be added to dragon girl. Their positive trait could be they have a chance to recover health at the expense of "eating" their partner semen (no chance of getting pregnant) and their bad trait is they have nympho tendencies, meaning they can restart sex and we or the pixies won't be able to move them, or another idea bould be a natural resistance to corruption.
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Active Member
Aug 21, 2018
I updated my mods Random Names and Chaotic Markets to Version of the game:

Random Names has a list of names for each race. So instead of "Elf" in the unit panel you get a name "Syvafarrel".
Also if you give a unit a last name that last name will be inherited to children. Inheritance priority "Female last name before Male" or the other way around can also be configured. You can also add new names to the name lists for each race.

Chaotic Markets changes the range of of trait values. So the MaxHealth Trait can be set to be randomly chosen from a range from -45 MaxHealth to +100 MaxHealth. This applies to the two tutorial units and new units available in the market. Born units still inherit from their parents as before.
The default Chaotic Market random trait generation is set to all traits are generated +3 or -3 step sizes. But these min and max values can be configured. As explained here:
I made this mod mostly as a challenge for myself to see how bad I can make the trait generation and still get to DNA generated units.
First, I find these mods pretty cool and thanks for making them.

I've been messing with the Chaotic Markets mod, and there is a bit of a bug. Once you get enough girls it has a hard time applying the traits to new ones in the shop and the more you get the less it works.

I'm at about 100 girls, and new ones don't get the stats applied to them most of the time. Instead they get their default stats. If I have the game paused and I click on the Refresh stock option it often then applies the new stats to them just before they fade away. If I buy any of them but leave others in the shop and hit the button the ones that still fade away get updated and not the ones I bought.

I also pause the game *a lot*, so maybe that has something to do with it, I'll mess with that.


Nov 28, 2019
anyone know where i can find the demo of their next game ProjectRPG?
As far as I'm aware no such demo exists. There's something like that in development apparently (per ) but nothing has been released yet
4.50 star(s) 124 Votes