Mod: Complex Breeding for Dummies
For newest version go here:
Version: 1.0.0
Description: A simple mod to make Complex Breeding (
CB) more focused on the early game (mostly by changing some mechanics back to be simpler/faster).
The idea is that Complex Breeding by
guyverek is about long playthroughs with plenty of things to do in the late game when you already past day 50.
The CB for Dummies mod is intended to be more for challenge runs, where the early game is harder, but once you stabilize its more about cruising into the finish. Currently, everything is hard coded, but the vision would be to allow for configuration (similar to ChaoticMarkets mod) so that the player can make the game as difficult as they want and try to still overcome their own challenge. So the mod focuses on shorter runs.
For that reason a lot of things are changed back to work similar to the unmodded game, while still keeping new features and species that CB added.
Requires ComplexBreedingMod Version: ( I assume any 0.5.x.y should work)
Here is a list of the things that changed to allow for short runs that are more difficult early on:
- Essence Progress that starts slow but things build up fairly quickly:
- Change the trait inheritance to simply be additive again (I think a bit of randomness would be nicer, but for this simple mod I did not try to find good values and just went with 100% additive inheritance chance.).
- Make the early game harder by starting with negative essences (e.g. -2 Demonic) (Kinda similar to Chaotic Markets mods but not configurable right now)
- On Max Deprivation the essence value upgrades (this is how you go from negative essences to positive [until you get the brothel])
- Getting new slaves is not free until you get the brothel.
- Birth of female offspring from monsters is much more rare (and the essence conditions: Demonic > 0 -> to get slaves from Goblin and Orc still apply). But the female offspring chance is applied for each born unit -> so as womb size increases chance of female offspring increases.
- Make the mansion cheaper only costs 100. (The UI tooltip still says it costs 50000. I dont know how to change the tooltip). This together with "Upgrading Essences on Max Deprivation" is how units can be improved in the early game.
- Easy end game once the early game has been overcome.
- Essences are strictly positive (no negative values), so the more you have the better, but conversely negative essences (e.g. Demonic -2) are strictly negative.
- Building big is encouraged even on harder difficulties (in CB there was an extra penalty on Hard and Master Difficulty when building big, this has been removed).
As of now the mod is kind of thrown together. So not necessarily well balanced nor configurable.
The old version is not available anymore.
For the newest version go here: